
  • 网络Jade Dragonfly;Murder of Murders
  1. 《玉蜻蜓》中金贵升与青年女尼志贞就是在山塘的法华庵里结识的;

    " Jade Dragonfly " Jingui up with the young nuns in Shan Tong Chi Ching of France and China to get to know the Anli ;

  2. 山塘街还被写进不少民间传说和文艺作品之中,苏州弹词《玉蜻蜓》、《三笑》、《白蛇传》就都写到它。

    Shan Tong Street , was also included in a lot of folklore and literary and artistic works , Suzhou storytelling ," Jade Dragonfly " and " three laugh ," and " White Snake " is written on it .