
  • Wang Wei;Wei Wang;David Wang;WONG WAI
  1. 海通证券(HaitongSecurities)的王伟(音)和他的同事们上周五向4000多名客户发出了主题为“如何利用中国的钱荒赚钱”的短信。

    Wang Wei and his colleagues at Haitong Securities sent out text messages on Friday to more than 4000 customers . The subject : How to cash in on China 's cash squeeze .

  2. 昨天,我看见王伟为李伯伯挑水。

    I saw Wang Wei carry water for Uncle Li yesterday .

  3. 我没让王伟将消息告诉他的同学。

    I stopped Wang Wei from telling the news to his classmates .

  4. 王伟说,小投资者手头有闲置资金。

    ' Small investors have idle cash , ' Mr. Wang said .

  5. 王伟说,首先基础设施包括运动场所和娱乐场所已经建设好。

    Firstly , the infrastructure including sports venues and media venues are ready .

  6. 王伟被授予“革命烈士”称号。

    Eg : Wang Wei was dubbed revolutionary martyr .

  7. 《白夜追凶》由王伟导演,潘粤明饰演双生兄弟。

    Directed by Wei Wang , the series stars Yueming Pan as both brothers .

  8. 以道德为支撑构建中国食品安全信用体系&访中国食品工业协会王伟副秘书长

    Food Safety Credit System Supported on Morals

  9. 我们为我们的英雄,中国飞行员:王伟感到自豪!

    We feel proud of our lovable hero , the Chinese flier , Wang Wei .

  10. 王伟作品

    Works of Wang Wei

  11. 没有人知道。当你们一家团圆,坐着吃饭的时候,是否想过,王伟的家人此时在做的是什么?

    While you are gathering with your families , have u ever thought of what his family is feeling now ?

  12. 王伟表示,他主要推荐一天期和28天期逆回购产品,收益率在7%。

    Mr. Wang said he is mainly recommending one-day as well as 28-day repos , which offer a return of 7 % .

  13. 谢谢。现在让我请出我们申奥委员会的王伟先生进行陈述。

    Now , I would like to invite Mr. Wang Wei , the Secretary General of our Bid Committee to take the floor .

  14. 北京奥委会的副主席,王伟说把录好的片段给转播方是“为了追求视觉的效果”。

    The footage was provided to broadcasters " for convenience and theatrical effects ," said Wang Wei , vice president of the Beijing Olympic organizing committee .

  15. 大约一小时后,挖掘机在王伟父母所住的六层公寓楼倒塌后形成的瓦砾堆里工作。

    An hour or so later , the excavator was at work on the rubble that was the six story building where Wang Wei 's parents lived .

  16. 跨考教育高级讲师王伟(音译)认为,考研人数的下降主要源自于研究生就业前景的暗淡。

    Wang Wei , senior lecturer of Kuakao Education , a training agency , thinks that a major reason for the decline is the dim career prospects for postgraduates .

  17. 我们在都江堰遇到付关玉(音译)和她丈夫王伟(音译)时,他们正疯狂地拽着一台隆隆驶过的日立挖掘机的长臂。

    We found Fu Guanyu and her husband Wang Wei as they clung frantically to the long arm of a Hitachi excavator as it rumbled through the city of Dujiangyan .

  18. 北京奥林匹克组委会成员王伟说脚印画面和电脑制作被使用是因为开幕式晚上较低的能见度。

    Wang Wei , a member of the Beijing Olympic organizing committee , said the footage and computer images were used because of poor visibility on the night of the opening ceremony .

  19. 奇瑞高管王伟表示:“我们没有探讨收购克莱斯勒的想法,也没有与克莱斯勒进行过此类谈判。”

    Wang Wei , a Chery executive , said : " we are not working on the idea of acquiring Chrysler , nor are we conducting these kinds of negotiations with Chrysler . "

  20. “自从1993年第一次提出申请,北京已经做了很多工作,”王伟(音译)谈到2001年北京的申办时这样说,他是北京奥组委的高级官员。

    " Beijing has come a long way since its last bid in1993 ," said Wang Wei , a senior Beijing Olympics official , speaking at the city 's final Olympic presentation in Moscow in2001 .

  21. 驻上海的投资顾问王伟表示,自上个月以来他们一直在密切关注逆回购市场。他指的是中国银行间市场上交易的工具。

    ' We have been looking closely at the reverse repo market since last month , ' said Mr. Wang , the Shanghai-based investment consultant , referring to the instruments traded on China 's interbank market .

  22. 这就是我们刚看到王伟和付关玉时的情景,他们正在求挖掘机驾驶员去他们家救他们的儿子和祖父母。

    This was the moment we first saw Wang Wei and Fu Guanyu , as they were begging the driver of an excavator to go to their house to try to rescue their son and his parents .

  23. 由于电影在描述职场斗争上的苍白,因此只能依赖原著中杜拉拉和王伟的爱情作为主题来加以渲染,更把情节剧中常见的三角恋模式作为推动剧情的重要方式。

    As the film describes a pale career competition , it can only rely on the theme of love in the original . It even uses the love triangle , the common model of melodrama , as an important way to promote the story .

  24. 一位批评日本的人士王伟(音)在新浪微博上写道,建议做法:别搞错,坚决不买日货,甚至是日本设计的产品。王伟在新浪微博上有4.1万粉丝。

    Recommended actions : Make no missteps , absolutely do not buy Japanese products , not even those that were designed in Japan , ' wrote one Japan critic , Wang Wei , who has 41000 followers on China 's Sina Weibo Twitter-like microblogging service .

  25. 海通证券的王伟表示,他在本月早些时候开始关注逆回购市场,他尤其关注中国两个股票交易所上追踪中国银行间市场的证券。中国银行间市场不对个人直接投资开放。

    Mr. Wang , the Haitong broker , said he began looking at the reverse repo market earlier this month . Specifically he looked at securities traded over China 's two stock exchanges that track values on China 's interbank market , which is closed to direct investment by individuals .