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  • 网络Wang Fengying;Fung-Ing Wang;Feng-Ing Wang
  1. 现年40岁的王凤英是中国首家将获准在欧盟(eu)全境销售汽车的汽车公司的首席执行官。

    Ms Wang , 40 , is the chief executive of the first Chinese car company to win approval to sell its cars throughout the European Union .

  2. 王凤英表示,中国汽车品牌可能需要20年时间,才能真正具备全球竞争力。

    Ms Wang says it could take 20 years before the country 's brands can reach true global competitiveness .

  3. 王凤英提倡这样的理念:在销售汽车之前,你必须证明自己的汽车值得购买。

    Ms Wang advocates the notion that before you sell cars , you have to prove they are worth buying .

  4. 不过,王凤英并不幻想能够在欧洲轻而易举地树立品牌。

    However , Ms Wang has no illusions that it will be quick or easy to establish her brand in Europe .

  5. 王凤英当时说长城汽车正从全球各地挖人才,并寻求和更多的跨国零部件供应商合作。

    Wang said it was looking to bring engineering talent in from around the world , and to work with global suppliers .

  6. 王凤英说,艾滋病感染者如果发现得早,通过治疗能够延迟发病,也能采取措施避免传染给他人,尤其是家里人。

    Wang Fengying said that if AIDS was found early , treatment can delay the onset , but also to take measures to prevent transmission to others , especially his family .

  7. 王凤英朝架好摄像机等着她的房间瞥了一眼,然后穿过走廊,跟在公关人员身后,找地方换衣服。

    Wang Fengying peeks into the room where the video cameras are waiting for her and then runs down the hall , trailing public relations people , in search of a place to change her dress .

  8. 新希望六和股份有限公司联席董事长兼首席执行官陈春花名列第2位,长城汽车公司总裁王凤英排名第3位。

    Other prominent businesswomen on the list include Chen Chunhua ( 2nd ) , co-chair and CEO of agri-business firm New Hope Liuhe Co , and Wang Fengying ( 3rd ) , president of Great Wall Motor Co.