
  1. 2013年,海滨城市青岛因石油管道原油泄漏引起爆炸,造成62人丧生,王天普也是受处分的人员之一。

    Mr Wang was also among those reprimanded for the explosion of crude leaking from an oil pipeline that killed 62 people in the coastal city of Qingdao in 2013 .

  2. 王天普之前在中石化经历过反腐整肃,但都平安渡过,其中包括2007年的一个丑闻:时任中国石化总裁的王天普与当时的青岛市长受到指控,称二人共享的情妇涉嫌不正当土地交易。

    Mr Wang had survived previous corruption purges at Sinopec , including the 2007 scandal that claimed the then-head of Sinopec and the then-mayor of Qingdao amid allegations of improper land deals by the two mens ' shared mistress .