
  1. 大同煤田王村井田14-3煤层厚度变化原因分析

    Analysis on Thickness Change of 14-3 Coal Bed of Datong Coalfield

  2. 大同煤矿集团公司王村矿竖井施工技术

    Construction Technology for Wang Cun Mine Shaft in Datong Coal Mine Group

  3. 浅谈历史文化名镇王村控制性详细规划的特点

    Characteristics of controlled detailed planning of Wang village the famous historical and cultural town

  4. 镶嵌式博弈与公共品提供结构以王村为例

    Embedded Games and the Supply Structure of Public Goods : A Case of Village

  5. 农民集中居住的策略分析&基于王村的经验研究

    Strategic Analysis of the Farmers ' Concentration of Living & Wang village-based empirical research

  6. 报道湖南西部王村剖面中寒武世灰岩中产出的海绵骨针化石组合。

    The newly recovered assemblages of disarticulated sponge spicules are reported , occurring in Middle Cambrian carbonates from Wangcun section , western Hunan , South China .

  7. 氡测量在油气勘探中的应用测氡法-磁法在祁县王村地热勘测中的应用

    APPLICATION OF Rn SURVEY METHOD TO PROSPECTION OF OIL AND GAS RESERVOIR The Application of Rn Measurement and Magnetic Prospecting to Reconnaissance of Geothermy in Wang Village Qi County

  8. 本文试以乌江下游小王村为田野调查点,探究农民工群体的出现对农民土地意识带来的巨大变迁。

    This paper , exemplified by a case of Xiaowang village in the lower reaches of Wujiang river , deals with the great changes about their attitude towards the field .

  9. 结合王村高架桥空心薄壁高墩的施工,重点介绍空心薄壁墩施工方案的选择及翻模施工的主要施工工艺和关键工序的主要技术措施。

    The paper is focused on the main construction techniques of turnover forms and working procedures of them used in the construction of thin-walled hollow piers of the Wang Village Viaduct Bridge .

  10. 王村,依山傍水而建,山水秀丽,是沈从文笔下“白河(酉水)流域上最清奇美丽的码头”。

    Wangcun , being situated at the foot of hills and beside waters with beautiful scenery , is described as " the most beautiful Wharf of Baihe ( Youshui ) Valley " in Shen Congener 's works .

  11. 本文围绕王村土地配置方式来回应土地权属的建构并非国家制度单方面的安排,更与地方经济、文化和习俗结合在一起。

    This paper focuses on land allocation of Wang Cun in response to that land ownership construction strategy is not unilateral arrangement of the state system , but conbined with the local economy , culture and customs together .