
  • 网络Wang Shi;king stone
  1. 俱乐部的其他成员包括大型地产开发商万科(ChinaVankeCo.)的董事长王石,还有浙江吉利控股集团(ZhejiangGeelyHoldingGroupCo.)的董事长李书福。吉利拥有沃尔沃(Volvo)。

    Other members include Wang Shi , chairman of China Vanke Co. , a major property developer , and Li Shufu , chairman of Zhejiang Geely Holding Group Co. , which owns Volvo .

  2. 王石和马云都是我非常了解的朋友。

    Wang Shi and equestrian cloud are the friend that I know very much .

  3. 不过,正如王石所说,万科跟大多数开发商有很大不同。

    But , as Mr Wang argues , Vanke has long differed from most developers .

  4. 王石和他的接班人

    Wang Shi and his successor

  5. 王石则称,不行贿就是要“假定他人善意”。

    Not to bribe means to " assume others to be well-meaning " . Wang Shi said .

  6. 作为一个热切的登山者,王石对攀登超凡高度并不陌生,不管是从字面上还是从隐喻意义上来说,都是如此。

    An avid mountaineer , Mr Wang is no stranger to scaling great heights , literally or metaphorically .

  7. 王石驳斥了那种认为万科缺少现金、或受高地价制约的说法。

    Mr Wang rejects the idea that Vanke is starved for cash or crippled by high land prices .

  8. 万科董事长王石抨击了宝能的做法,认为这可能“毁掉”他的公司的品牌。

    Wang Shi , Vanke 's chairman , has attacked the stakebuilding as something that could " ruin " his company 's brand .

  9. 尽管王石赶往四川亲自指挥公司的赈灾行动,他的个人博客还是被批评所淹没。

    Even though Wang went to Sichuan to personally direct disaster relief efforts paid for by his company , his personal blog was inundated by critical comments .

  10. 香港房地产大亨李嘉诚最受尊重,其次是比尔盖茨,大陆房地产大亨王石和篮球巨星姚明。

    Hong Kong property tycoon Li Ka-shing was most highly regarded , followed by bill gates , mainland property tycoon Wang Shi and basketball player Yao ming .

  11. 万科董事长王石此前称,宝能的私人所有者为“野蛮人”,警告被其收购将毁掉万科的企业文化。

    Vanke chairman Wang Shi had previously branded the private owners of Baoneng " barbarians , " warning that a takeover by them would wreck Vanke 's corporate culture .

  12. 当然也有一些房产大亨,如中国最大的房地产开发商万科公司的总裁王石认为房地产的发展正面临拐点。

    There are property tycoons like Wang Shi , chairman of China 's largest developer , Vanke , who said the real estate sector was experiencing a " turning point " .

  13. 然而,万科的大部分成功,都归功于王石。1993年,他决定摆脱其它业务,专攻住宅市场。

    The majority of Vanke 's success , however , has to be attributed to Mr Wang , who decided in 1993 to shed other businesses and focus exclusively on the residential market .

  14. 中国最大房地产开发商万科企业股份有限公司58岁的董事长王石表示,1998年喜欢上登山运动后,他开始对全球变暖产生担忧。

    Wang Shi , the58-year-old chairman of China Vanke Co. , the country 's largest housing developer , said he became concerned about global warming through mountain climbing , a hobby he took up in1998 .

  15. 作为登山运动的爱好者,王石2003年成功登顶珠穆朗玛峰,至今保持着国内登顶珠峰的最年长记录。

    As a mountaineer , Wang Shi successfully climbed onto the peak of the Everest in2003 and is still keeping the record of being the eldest mountaineer in the PRC reaching the peak of the mount .