
  1. 王统照,中国现代著名作家。

    Wang Tong zhao , a famous modern Chinese writer .

  2. 王统照对青岛早期的文艺建设有着筚路蓝缕之功。

    Wang Tong zhao art of the early construction of Qingdao has a whip of power .

  3. 王统照的感伤情怀&读短篇小说集《春雨之夜》

    Wang Tong-zhao s sentimental feelings & On collection of short stories Night of Spring Shower ;

  4. 王统照在旅欧期间对教育进行了专门考察,美育是王统照最重要的教育主张。

    Wang Tongzhao investigated the education when traveling in Europe and aesthetic education was his most important educational view .

  5. 王统照与闻一多都是中国现代著名诗人,他们虽然所属的文学流派不同,却是知音和挚友,共同追求诗歌创作的绘画美。

    Although belonging to the different schools of literature , they are bosom friends , who pursue the painting beauty of poem creation together .

  6. 作者从王统照的文艺观、文学创作和比较理论,挖掘出“爱”与“美”是王统照的灵魂,而这种爱与美的研究是与比较文学结缘的。

    The author research Wang Tongzhao s view of arts , literature composition and comparative theory , and thinks that love and beauty are his spirit .

  7. 王统照的早期小说,无不贯穿“爱”与“美”的思想,并以此来暗示生活理想,揭露人生的苦难和烦恼。

    Through Wang 's early novels , the concept of " Love " and " Beauty " were highlighted to imply the ideality of life , and to expose the tribulation and worry of human life .

  8. 本文从王统照在青岛期间的文学创作入手,研究青岛时期,他作品中展现出的思想内容与艺术价值的不同风格与青岛之间的联系。

    In this paper , Wang Tong zhao in the literature during the start of Qingdao , Qingdao study period , his works show the ideological content and artistic value of the different styles and the link between Qingdao .