
  • 网络Wang Yu;jimmy wang;Jimmy WANG Yu;hugh wang
  1. 课程总收入扣除20%的在线平台分成后,王羽平均一小时的实际收入高达18842元。

    With an online portal hosting the course charging 20 % of Wang 's income , the teacher made an average of RMB18842 per hour .

  2. 很多学生报名参加了王羽的高中物理在线辅导课程,购买单价每人9元。

    Many students signed up for Wang Yu 's tutoring course on high school physics , which is carried out online at a cost of RMB9 for each audience member .

  3. 王羽(音译)在淘宝网上经营着一家化妆品网店。王羽表示,自打高温伊始,销售额已上涨了50%,防晒霜成为热销产品。

    Online retailer Wang Yu , who runs a toiletries store on Taobao . com , said sales have increased by about 50 percent since the hot weather started , adding that sunscreen has become the biggest seller .