
  1. 中国女足在半场落后两球的情况下反击,名将王霜贡献了一记进球和一次助攻,最终以4:3的总比分拿下东京奥运会女足亚洲区的入场券。双方首回合较量,中国女足客场2:1获胜,掌握出线主动权。

    Chinese star player Wang Shuang contributed one goal and one assist as the Steel Roses came from 2-0 behind to beat South Korea 4-3 on aggregate in the Olympic Qualification playoffs .

  2. 凭借这个进球,中国队在90分钟内追成1:2。双方总比分打成3:3,重回同一起跑线。加时赛第13分钟,王霜在禁区外拿球一脚远射破门,中国队总分领先,韩国队无缘奥运赛场。

    In the 103rd minute , Wang fired a long-distance shot into the bottom right corner , gifting China a lead on aggregate , which denied South Korean 's dream to qualify for the Olympics .

  3. 下半场,中国队主教练贾秀全改变策略,换上身高1米86的中锋杨曼,成为整场比赛的转折点。第69分钟,中国队获得前场任意球,王霜主罚,杨曼将球攻入。

    Chinese head coach Jia Xiuquan changed his tactics in the second half as Yang Man came off the bench and became the turning point of the match . The 1.86-meter center forward headed home a free kick from Wang in the 69th minute .