• 语素in mǎnǎo 玛瑙
  • 〔~瑙〕矿物,成分主要是二氧化硅,有多种颜色,质地坚硬,耐磨,可做研磨用具、仪表轴承或装饰品,亦可入药。

  • (瑪)

  1. 他从学校小吃店偷了一条玛氏巧克力棒。

    He stole a Mars bar from the school tuck shop .

  2. 据说诺尔玛不喜欢被人过多关注。

    Norma is said to dislike the glare of publicity

  3. 诺尔玛拿起扫帚开始扫了起来。

    Norma picked up the broom and began sweeping .

  4. 大岩壁术语,祝玛式上升器或其它种类的上升器。

    Jugs-Big wall lingo for Jumars or any other type of ascenders .

  5. 紧跟着出版的《玛地》,却是另一回事。《玛地》开始时平铺直叙

    Mardi , which followed hard on its heels , was another matter . Mardi begins straightforwardly .

  6. 吉玛PET工艺真空系统常见问题分析及处理方法

    Vaccum system commom problems analysis and treatment of Zimmer PET process

  7. 著名的斯沃琪手表的联合创始人艾尔玛o默克说,AppleWatch可能将导致瑞士钟表制造商遭受重创。

    The co-founder of the famous Swatch watch says the Apple Watch could result in big losses for Swiss watchmakers .

  8. 在这本书中,作者马建忠首次将西洋语法葛郎玛(Grammar)引进汉语语文学研究。

    In this book , the author Ma Jianzhong has for the first time introduced the Western grammar into Chinese philological studies .

  9. 玛氏公司(Mars)的彩色糖衣巧克力美名在外。公司员工对它的独特文化体会更深。

    Known by the masses for its color-coated chocolates , Mars employees know it more for its special culture .

  10. 密尔沃基玛丽山大学(MountMaryUniversity)企业管理学助理教授、MBA课程主任克里斯汀o罗克表示,证据显示这并非一种个别现象。

    The evidence suggests not , according to Kristen Roche , an assistant professor of business administration and director of the MBA program at Mount Mary University in Milwaukee .

  11. 美国宠物食品和糖果集团玛氏(Mars)表示,俄罗斯不久就会成为该公司第三大巧克力市场,仅次于美国和英国。

    Mars , the US pet food and confectionery group , says Russia will soon be its third-biggest chocolate market after the US and UK .

  12. 本文对二维DPCM图象编玛系统的稳定性进行了讨论。

    This paper discusses the stability of two-dimensional DPCM systems for picture coding .

  13. 在鸽肝脏RNA中编玛原α1(1)胶原和弹性硬蛋白mRNA的稳定状态水平之间未见差异。

    No differences in steady state levels of mRNA coding for pro α 1 ( 1 ) collagen and elastin were observed in RNA extracted from liver of WCP and SRP .

  14. 详细介绍了吉玛公司PTT民用长丝的纺丝工艺&冷态工艺加上改性剂。

    It is introduced that Zimmer AG developed a modified PTT POY spinning and cold modifier process using small amounts of a special polymer additive .

  15. 目的探讨一种添加了西洋参总皂苷的玛咖保健品对小鼠细胞免疫功能、体液免疫功能、巨噬细胞吞噬功能以及NK细胞活性的影响。

    Objective To evaluate the effects of a Maca healthy product compounded with ginsenosides on cell-mediated immune function , humoral immune function , macrophage phago-function and NKC activity of mice .

  16. 结合吉玛聚酯装置的特点,用数学方法建立了各反应釜在转产非稳态过程中熔体TiO2含量变化的数学模型,并进行了应用。

    Combining with the characters of Zimmer polyester equipment and using mathematical method , the TiO 2 content in PET melt simplified model of different reactor was built and the model has been applied .

  17. 该基金会促使包括好时及其竞争对手玛氏(Mars)、雀巢(Nestlé)和卡夫(Kraft)在内的大型巧克力公司与可可生产国的政府和农户携起手来。

    The WCF joined big chocolate companies including Hershey and its competitors Mars , Nestl é , and Kraft ( KFT ) with governments and farmers in cocoa-producing nations .

  18. 治疗组采用微波治疗,对照组采用格鲁玛脱敏剂(Gluma)治疗。

    The treatment group were treated by microwave therapy . The control group were treated by Gluma .

  19. 士力架制造商玛氏(Mars)近年来已经引入了独立外部审计人员来检查它的制造厂房。该公司未被要求召回任何与美国花生恐慌相关的产品。

    Snickers bars maker Mars , which was not asked to recall any products linked to the US peanut scare , has brought in independent external auditors to review its manufacturing plants in recent years .

  20. 本文采用小鼠碳粒廓清、植物血凝素(PHA)诱导淋巴细胞转化,以及血清溶血素和抗体生成细胞测定等实验,研究南美植物玛咖的乙醇提取物对正常小鼠免疫功能的影响。

    Oral administration of ethanol extract of Maca significantly increased the rate of transformation of lymphocyte induced by PHA and it also promoted production of hemolysin in serum and an .

  21. 玛氏大使计划是一个全球性活动,允许来自不同部门和地区的玛氏集团(Mars)员工申请用四到六周时间,与主要国家的非盈利合作伙伴共事。

    The Mars Ambassador Program is a global initiative that allows Mars associates across all segments and regions to apply to spend four to six weeks working with non-profit partner organizations in key countries around the world .

  22. 在基本培养基NN69或WPM上附加BA和低浓度的NAA,IAA,IBA作培养基,诱导甜樱桃品种吉列玛试管苗的叶片产生了不定梢。

    Shoot regenerated from leaves of sweet cherry variety Dilemma in vitro on the media WPM or NN69 supplemented with cytokinin BA and auxin IAA , NAA or IBA .

  23. 三天后,马拓玛和科恩交谈了20分钟,并建议卖出elan和惠氏的股票。

    Three days later , Mr martoma spoke for 20 minutes with Mr Cohen and recommended selling the shares in ELAN and Wyeth .

  24. 就在sac资本上周收到通知的同一天,该公司前投资组合经理马修马拓玛(mathewmartoma)因内幕交易指控遭到逮捕。

    Sac received the notice on the same day that Mathew martoma , a former sac portfolio manager , was arrested on insider trading charges last week .

  25. 不过,随着figo、polo和玛驰等新款小型车的销量上升,马鲁蒂的市场份额将慢慢下降。

    However , as the new small cars come in greater numbers like the FIGO , the polo and the Micra , all of these will slowly take share away from Maruti .

  26. 最近几周,FBI对希拉里的高级助理进行了问讯,包括长期顾问胡玛•阿贝丁(HumaAbedin),但尚未对希拉里本人进行问讯。

    In recent weeks , the FBI has interviewed top Clinton aides , including longtime adviser Huma Abedin , but has yet to interview Mrs Clinton .

  27. 马修马拓玛(mathewmartoma)是sac旗下一家基金的交易员,周二他在自己位于佛罗里达的家中被捕。

    Mathew martoma , a trader at an sac-owned fund , was arrested at his Florida home on Tuesday and charged with an insider-trading scheme that allegedly generated $ 276m in profits .

  28. Jerome认为,大博尔山也是其中的一座「山」,耶稣在那里发表了他的就职演说,即所谓的「山中圣训」(玛五1)。

    Jerome , a resident in Palestine , thought that Tabor was also the " mountain " where Jesus proclaimed His inaugural discourse , sometimes called the " discourse on the mountain "( Mt5,1ff ) .

  29. 本文研究了一种全数字化HDTV传输系统图像信源编码方案。将运动补偿帧间预测,离散余弦变换编码和二维熵编码技术结合起来,通过对码率的自适应调节,实现HDTV图像信号的压缩编玛。

    A video source coding scheme for all-digital HDTV transmission system is described in this paper , which is based on motion-compensated interframe prediction , DCT and two-dimensional entropy coding , applying adaptive rate control , implementing bit-rate reduction of HDTV video signals .

  30. 她曾去一户人家发放针头,这家的主人是一个年纪稍大的女性,名叫莫玛(Momma);莫玛坐在门廊上,有人不停地来到这里,到里面进行注射。

    She has passed out needles at a house where the owner , an older woman known as Momma , sits on the porch while a steady stream of visitors comes to shoot up inside .