
  • 网络The Name Of The Rose;The Name of Rose
  1. 他的第一部小说,1980年在欧洲首次出版的《玫瑰之名》便是这两个世界最成功的结合。

    In bridging these two worlds , he was never more successful than he was with " The Name of the Rose , " his first novel , which was originally published in Europe in 1980 .

  2. 但是为艾柯带来国际声誉的,还要算是《玫瑰之名》的出版。

    But it was the publication of " The Name of the Rose " that vaulted Mr. Eco to global renown .

  3. 意大利学者翁贝托·艾柯(UmbertoEco)原本从事晦涩的符号学研究,后来成了畅销小说作者,其轰动一时的中世纪神秘小说《玫瑰之名》(TheNameoftheRose)最为著名,他于周五在意大利逝世,享年84岁。

    Umberto Eco , an Italian scholar in the arcane field of semiotics who became the author of best-selling novels , notably the blockbuster medieval mystery " The Name of the Rose , " died on Friday in Italy . He was 84 .

  4. 举个例子来说,你可能已经看过“玫瑰之名”这部电影或是书了。

    You have seen the film ''The name of the Rose ''or read the book , for example .

  5. 小说中融汇了卡巴拉教、数学公式与迪士尼动画人物,但却成为世界范围内的畅销书,不过却没有像《玫瑰之名》那样,赢得评论界的一致好评。

    Despite mixing allusions to the Kabbalah , mathematical formulas and Disney characters , the novel also became a worldwide best seller - even though it did not receive the near unanimous acclaim that critics had accorded to " The Name of the Rose . "