
  • 网络Environmental Strategy;Environment Strategy
  1. 经济学人智库(EconomistIntelligenceUnit)完成的这份调查发现,受调查企业中,仅有十分之一充分监控其总体碳排放影响,大多数企业未将环境战略视为改善其市场地位的一种途径。

    The survey , by the Economist Intelligence Unit , found that only one in 10 of the businesses surveyed was fully monitoring its overall carbon impact , and most of the companies did not see environmental strategy as a way to improve their market position .

  2. 吉林生态省建设中土地利用规划的环境战略评价

    Environmental Strategy Assessment on Land-use Planning in Ecological Construction of Jilin Province

  3. 首先,根据环境战略理论,详细剖析了IBM战略转型的背景和实施过程,并进一步论述了战略管理在打造企业竞争优势中的重要作用。

    Firstly , based on the environment stratagem theory , the author explains in great detail the background and the implementation process of IBM 's strategy transformation , and furthermore , discusses the important role of strategy management in the establishment of corporate competitive advantage .

  4. 秦皇岛市宏观环境战略及协调因子分析

    Analysis of Macroscopic Environmental Strategies and Coordination Factors of Qinhuangdao City

  5. 清洁而安全的水体:美国水环境战略规划

    Clean and Safe Waters : The Water Strategy Planning of U.S.A

  6. 论21世纪湖南可持续发展的生态环境战略

    Discussion of Eco-environmental Sustainable Development Strategy of Hunan in the 21 Century

  7. 新世纪企业环境战略研究

    Study on Environmental Strategy of Enterprises in New Century

  8. 人口、资源和经济制约下的城市环境战略目标&以沈阳市为例

    Urban environmental strategic objectives under the constraint of population , resources and economy

  9. 论资源环境战略研究

    On Strategic Study of natural resources and environment

  10. 成都市环境战略研究

    Strategic Study on environment in Chengdu City

  11. 欧美国家的环境战略计划及其对我国的启示

    Introduction on Environmental Strategic Plans of America and European Countries and the Edification to Our Country

  12. 生态技术与企业环境战略

    Eco-technology and Enterprise Environmental Strategy

  13. 环境战略的新发展

    New Progress in Environmental Strategy

  14. 论持续发展的环境战略

    Environmental Strategy for Sustained Development

  15. 贵州省环境战略研究

    Strategy Study of Guizhou environment

  16. 本文依循现状与环境战略模式的思路进行。

    The article has a foundation of the thinking of present situation and environment to strategy to model .

  17. 实施环境战略和低碳经济的要求,推动了环境管理会计和环境成本核算的发展。

    Environmental strategies and low-carbon economy have promoted the development of environmental management accounting and environmental cost accounting .

  18. 长江上游护防林与流域生态环境战略建设

    The strategical reconstruction of the ecological environment and protection forest system on the upper reaches of the Yangtze River

  19. 绿色环境战略日益成为世界各国学术界、企业界、政府部门和公众共同关注的问题。

    Green environment strategy is gradually becoming an important issue paid attention by academy , enterprise , government and public .

  20. 持续性生态系统的研究是重要的,要结合人类生存和发展考虑生态环境战略;

    The eco-environment strategy should be considered on the basis of integrated harmonization of environment , human existence and development .

  21. 并不令人吃惊的是,不丹的1998国家环境战略的一个中心就是保护,该战略着眼于平衡经济发展和环境保护。

    Unsurprisingly , conservation is central to Bhutan's1998 National Environment Strategy , which aims to balance economic development and environmental conservation .

  22. 食品安全的法律建设,既是保证食品安全,搞好放心菜篮子的需要,也是在国际贸易中实施本国环境战略的需要。

    The law demands for the food safety play a very important role in guaranteeing the national people health and implementing environmental strategy on the world trade .

  23. 石化等传统化石能源价格的不断高涨,事关经济持续发展,也是能源资源、能源安全和能源环境战略的需要。

    Petrochemical and other traditional fossil energy prices rising , sustainable economic development concerns , but also energy resources , energy security and energy needs of environmental strategies .

  24. 另一方面进一步地利用企业的资源基础理论和补充资产的概念,阐释企业有效实施这些环境战略所需具备的内部条件&资源和能力。

    It makes use of resource-based view and the concept of complementary assets to analyze what resources and capabilities are required that a firm can effectively implement environmental strategy .

  25. 第一章明确研究企业环境战略管理及业绩评价体系的背景及其理论和现实意义,并提出本文研究的主要内容。

    Chapter one mainly specified the background and its theoretical and practical significance of studying enterprise environmental performance evaluation system , as well as the main content of the paper .

  26. 以环境战略关系理论为基础,探讨人力资源管理政策与实践如何与大庆地区石油高校的运行环境、管理战略相适应;

    From the perspective of environmental strategy , the research focuses on the adaptation of administrative policies and practice to the environment and administration strategy of higher petroleum institutions in Daqing .

  27. 清洁生产意味着对生产过程、产品和服务持续运用整体预防的环境战略,以增加生态效率并减降人类和环境的风险。

    Cleaner production means that the production processes , products and services to prevent the continued use of the overall environmental strategy to increase eco-efficiency and cut down the risk of humans and the environment .

  28. 清洁生产将全过程管理的环境战略持续的理念应用于生产过程、产品和服务中,以增加生态效益,减少对人类及环境的风险。

    It adopts the strategic concept of whole process of management into the production process , product and service in order to increases the ecological benefit and reduces the risk of human beings and the environment .

  29. 与传统的环境战略绩效研究模型相比,更注重对创业环境变化对创业绩效的影响,这更加符合我国经济转型期间,创业环境不确定性强的特点。

    Comparing with the traditional ' environment-strategy-performance ' model , the thesis attaches more importance to the influence of Entrepreneurial environment on Entrepreneurial performance , which is more compatible with our volatile environment during transition economy period .

  30. 为此需要从区域生态环境战略考虑,调整水资源配置和优化利用,实施天然绿洲与人工绿洲相应的保护和并重发展,逐步恢复天然绿洲的水分生态平衡。

    Therefore , it is necessary to adjust the allocation and optimize the utilization of water resources , to pay equal attention to the protection and the development of natural and artificial oases , and then to gradually restore the balance between water and ecology of natural oasis .