
  • 网络environmental policy;environment policy
  1. ISO14000基于“环境方针”应体现生命周期思想的思路。

    ISO14000 based on " environmental policy " should embody the thought of life cycle .

  2. 环境方针为组织确定了总的指导方向和行动原则。

    An environmental policy establishes an overall sense of direction and sets the principles of action for an organization .

  3. 标准包含环境方针、策划、运行与控制、检查与纠正措施、和管理评审等方面的17个要素,其运行符合PDCA循环的螺旋式上升规律。

    There are 17 elements describing the environment policy , planning , implement and operation , monitoring and check , and management review in the system . It is running in the Planning-Do-Check-Action cycle and continuing improving .

  4. 环境方针是否能指导环境目标和指标的建立?

    Does the policy guide the setting of environmental objectives and targets ?

  5. 在部门内部落实公司相关环境方针及环境目标。

    Implement environment policy and goals in the department .

  6. 执行公司的环境方针和体系文件;

    Implement the environment policy and related instruction ;

  7. 环境方针:遵守法规,减少污染,循环利用,节约资源。

    Environment Policy : Abid by law , reduce pollution , recycle and save resources .

  8. 目标和指标应符合环境方针,并包括对预防污染的承诺。

    The objectives and targets shall be consistent with the environmental policy , including the commitment to prevention of pollution .

  9. 环境方针应考虑:该组织的任务、前景、价值观和信念;

    An environmental policy should consider the following : the organization ′ s mission , vision , core values and beliefs ;

  10. 为便于使用,组织可考虑编制并保持一份文档概要,用于:辑录环境方针;

    For ease of use , the organization can consider organizing and maintaining a summary of the documentation to collate the environmental policy ;

  11. 对于缺乏程序指导可能导致偏离环境方针和目标与指标的运行,应建立并保持一套以文件支持的程序;

    Establishing and maintaining documented procedures to cover situations where their absence could lead to deviations from the environmental policy and the objectives and targets ;

  12. 环境方针是否经过最高管理者批准?是否已授权专人监督与实施这一方针?

    Has the environmental policy been approved by top management and has someone been identified and given the authority to oversee and implement the policy ?

  13. 通过建立并保持运行程序和控制,确保实现组织的环境方针,从而达到实施的目的。

    Implementation is accomplished through the establishment and maintenance of operational procedures and controls to ensure that the organization ′ s environmental policy can be met .

  14. 副总经理确保环境方针在全公司的推行,并提供所需的人、财、物。

    The deputy general manager should ensure the policies to be carried out throughout the company and to provide the needed personnel , financing and properties .

  15. 环境方针应文件化,经副总经理批准后签发,在公司范围内宣传并实施,保证传达到每位员工。

    The environmental policies should in written and be implemented within the company , also should be issued to every employee after the approval and signing of the vice CEO .

  16. 本文阐述了运行控制的正确实施是保证环境方针、目标、指标顺利实现的前提,同时也是促进环境管理体系持续改进和发展的重要因素。

    Correct implementation of operation control is the premise to ensure successful implementation of environmental policy , goal and target , and is also an important factor to facilitate the improvement and advance of environmental management system .

  17. 贵公司是否有环境保护方针?如有,是如何传递有关讯息?

    Does your company have an environmental policy ? If " yes ", how is it communicated ?

  18. 关于国家管辖范围内近海开采和钻探保护环境的指导方针管辖教会权力的范围

    Guidelines concerning the Environment Related to Offshore Mining and Drilling within the Limits of National Jurisdiction

  19. 公司的质量、环境、安全方针必须全员执行。

    All members of staff must follow the company 's policies on quality , environmental protection and safety .

  20. 住区规划与管理的环境方面指导方针武汉市城区水环境污染防治规划研究

    Environmental Guidelines for Settlements Planning and Management Studies on the Pollution Prevention and Control Program of Water Environment in Urban Area of Wuhan City

  21. 裂变堆特别是商用轻水反应堆使用较成熟的技术,也满足当前安全和环境设计指导方针。

    The fissile reactors , especially commercial light water reactor , use comparatively mature technology and are designed to meet current safety and environmental guidelines .

  22. 下世纪中国要实现可持续的食物安全保障有赖于正确的农业资源开发利用和生态环境治理建设方针,离不开坚实的科学发现及理论的支撑。

    China s sustainable food security over next century depends upon correct guidelines of agro-resources tapping conservation , as well as agro-environment harnessing construction , requiring the support from firm scientific discoveries and theories .

  23. 经济报道源于经济,并受报业运作环境和运作方针的影响,而其背景的独一无二,决定了广东报业经济报道表现形态的独一无二。

    The uniqueness of its background determines the uniqueness of the form of economical report in Guangdong newspaper industry . Economical report derives from economy and is influenced by newspaper operating system and policy .

  24. 从环境监测工作的方针和职能论述了环境监测在实行污染物排放总量控制中的支持和保障作用;

    The work of environmental monitoring should serve for total pollutant discharge control .

  25. 环境影响评价指导方针

    Guidelines on Environmental Impact Assessment

  26. 京都议定书作为第一个被广泛采纳为环境保护的指导方针,在20世纪90年代出现,在2005年起到了作用。

    Witness the Kyoto Protocol , the first widely adopted set of environmental protection guidelines , which emerged during the1990s and took effect in2005 .

  27. 实践表明,中国实行的经济、社会和环境协调发展的方针是有成效的。

    Practice has proved that the principle adopted by China of effecting coordinated development between the economy , the society and the environment has been effective .

  28. 污染源监测是污染物排放总量控制工作的基础,企业环境监测的工作方针、职能决定了在总量控制工作中的技术支持作用。

    The monitoring of pollution source is the base of the controlling work of total expulsion quantity of pollutant , and the working principle and duty of environment monitoring of enterprise determine technical support action in total quantity control work .

  29. 第五部分是结论,指出发展文化产业要坚持以科学发展观为指导,贯彻发展文化产业促进经济、社会与人口、资源、环境协调发展的方针。

    The fifth part is a conclusion , points out that the development of cultural industry should adhere to the scientific outlook on development as guidance , carry out the development of cultural industries to promote the coordinated development of economy , society and population , resources , environmental policy .

  30. 环境管理方案是如何反映环境方针和总体规划(策划)活动的?

    How are the environmental management programmes responsive to the environmental policy and general planning activities ?