
  • 网络environmental labeling;Environmental Label;eco-labeling;environment label
  1. 论环境标志在WTO规则下的运用

    Application of Environmental Labeling under WTO Regulations

  2. 将强制性环境标志纳入WTO框架应该遵循WTO的基本原则,并且可通过成员间统一协调和相互承认的方式来实现。

    WTO embraces mandatory environmental labeling scheme should follow the basic rules of WTO by the way of mutual recognition and harmonization .

  3. 环境标志;国际贸易;WTO;贸易壁垒;法律保护。

    Environmental label ; International trade ; WTO ; Trade barriers ; Legal Protection .

  4. 从WTO规则角度探讨我国环境标志制度的完善

    On the Improvement of Environment Label in China from the Standpoint of WTO Rules

  5. WTO与中国环境标志法律对策

    WTO and Legal Countermeasures of Chinese Environmental Label

  6. WTO下构建我国环境标志法律制度之分析

    Analysis on Founding of the Legal System of Environment Label of Our Country under WTO

  7. 中国环境标志如何应对WTO

    How Chinese Environment Sign Reply to WTO

  8. 第三部分就绿色壁垒问题中的非WTO内容进行了梳理,分析了有关绿色包装、环境标志、环境标准与认证以及国际环境法规等方面的内容;

    The third part coordinated the non-WTO contents of GTB , including green package , environment symbols , environment standards and authentication , international environment laws ;

  9. LCA法在韩国环境标志产品评价中的应用研究

    Application of LCA Method in Assessment of Environmental Label Product in Korea

  10. 环境标志的实施有利于环境友好产品的销售,也有成为发达国家新的贸易壁垒的趋势,加入WTO后,我国环境标志面临新的机遇与挑战。

    The enforcement of environment sign is helpful for sales of environmental friendly product , but also has the tendency that becomes new trade rampart of developed countries .

  11. 生命周期评价(LCA)在环境标志中的应用

    The application of LCA in environmental labeling

  12. 我们应大力发展和完善我国的环境标志制度,充分利用WTO的现行规则,在WTO的法律框架内寻求相应的法律对策。

    Responding to it , great efforts should be made to develop and improve our country 's environmental label system , and the existing norms of the WTO should be made full use of , so that the relative legal countermeasures are raised from the legal framework of the WTO .

  13. 生命周期矩阵在评价环境标志产品中的应用

    Application of Life Cycle Matrix in Assessment of Environmental Symbol Product

  14. 中国首批环境标志产品的研究

    The Study of the first Group Environmental labelling products in China

  15. 石英砂表面的微结构&一种沉积环境标志

    Surface microtextures of quartz sand grains & a guide to sedimentary environments

  16. 环境标志是一种证明商标,保护环境标志的手段是证明商标登记。

    The environment label is a kind of certificate trademark .

  17. 环境标志产品技术要求无汞镉铅充电电池

    Technical Requirements for Environmental Labelling Hg Cd Pb Free-Rechargeable Battery

  18. Ⅲ型环境标志的方法基础和实施指南

    The Methodology and Implementing Guide of Type ⅲ Enviromental Declaration

  19. 中国环境标志制度若干法律问题初探

    On the Legal Issues about Environmental Labeling System in China

  20. 环境标志计划与中国循环经济探讨

    Discussion on Environmental Mark Plan and Circular Economy in China

  21. 台湾环境标志的发展及实施效应分析

    Development of Environmental Markers and Its Effect Analysis in Taiwan

  22. 无汞干电池环境标志产品技术要求

    The Technical Request for Environmental Labelling Products Hg-free Dry Cells and Batteries

  23. 环境标志进入实施阶段。

    The development of environmental labels has entered the stage of implementation .

  24. 推行环境标志促进环境保护和经济发展

    Implement environmental label promoting environmental protection and economic development

  25. 实施绿色产品战略,推行环境标志认证;

    Fifth , to implement the green product strategy .

  26. 论文的第一部分是对环境标志的一般分析。

    The first part of this paper is an introduction to environmental labeling .

  27. 环境标志产品评价方法标准化研究

    Study on Standardized Method of Environmental Labeling Product Assessment

  28. 通往国际市场的绿色通行证&环境标志

    A Green Passport of International Market & Environment Tag

  29. 冰川槽谷横剖面形态特征的古环境标志再探讨

    The Morphological Character and Paleo climate Indication of the Cross Section of Glacial Valleys

  30. 浅议环境标志产品

    Brief Talk on the Products with Environmental Symbol