
huán jìnɡ pò huài
  • environmental disruption
  1. 山区环境破坏的现状和保护的对策

    On Situation of Environmental Disruption and Protection Countermeasure in Mountain Area

  2. 我国山区的环境破坏情况令人触目惊心,却是一个差不多让环境保护遗忘的角落。

    The environmental disruption situation in the mountain area of our country makes people shocking .

  3. 几乎未对自然环境破坏程度作出评估。

    There is little assessment of the damage to the natural environment

  4. 这暴露了以长久的环境破坏为代价换取短期工业利益的错误。

    It exposes the fallacy of short-term industrial gain at long-term environmental expense .

  5. 雨水冲走表层土壤会造成环境破坏。

    This causes environmental damage when the topsoil is washed away by the rains .

  6. 该地区的环境破坏大都是由于规划不善造成的。

    Much of the region 's environmental depredation is a result of poor planning .

  7. 地方政府片面追求GDP增长和粗放的发展模式,经济增长付出了结构恶化、经济波动、资源浪费、效益低下、环境破坏的沉重代价;

    Local governments ' unilateral pursue of GDP increase and extensive developmental mode , heavy cost paid by economic growth for worsen structure , economic fluctuation , resource waste , low benefit and destructive environment ;

  8. 燃煤产生的SO2已成为生态环境破坏的最大污染源,SO2污染控制已是急待研究解决的世界性重大课题。

    SO2 generated from coal-burning has become the greatest source of ecological damage to the environment , so SO2 pollution control has been the worldwide major issue which is the urgent task to be studied and resolved .

  9. 地表塌陷环境破坏评价的专家系统

    The Expert System of Evaluating the Environment Damaged in Mining Subsidence

  10. 由于采矿引起的土地和生态环境破坏十分严重。

    The land and the environment is very severe damage because mining .

  11. 苏联的环境破坏和环境主义运动

    A View of Soviet Destruction of Environment and Environmentalist Movement

  12. 许多现代化的农业技术对农田造成严重的环境破坏。

    Many modern agricultural practices result in tremendous environmental damage to farm land .

  13. 新世纪气候变化与环境破坏

    New Century Climate Changes and Circumstance Destroy

  14. 尤其是部分工业企业由于早期规划需求,属于工业&生活一体化的用地布局结构,对生态环境破坏大。

    In earlier , layout of the industry and life integration damage to ecological environment .

  15. 海南省松涛水库目前也同样面临水源污染、生态环境破坏等一系列问题。

    Songtao Reservoir has also confronted a series of problems that need to be solved urgently .

  16. 山西生态环境破坏对可持续发展的影响及对策研究

    The Effects of Environmental Destruction on Sustainable Development and Control Strategies in Shanxi Province , China

  17. 到了20世纪中期,随着环境破坏日益严重,生态问题日渐突出。

    By the mid-20th century , with growing environmental damage , ecological problems have become increasingly prominent .

  18. 政府必须引入激励机制,鼓励个人和团体直面环境破坏的真正成本。

    Governments must introduce incentives for individuals and organisations to face the true cost of environmental damage .

  19. 究其原因,主要是公园定位模糊、布局凌乱、解说系统不完善、旅游环境破坏严重。

    The main reasons were indefinite positioning , disordered arrangement , unaccomplished exploitation system and serious environmental damage .

  20. 野生甘草分布区内的生态环境破坏严重,荒漠化现象十分普遍。

    The ecological environments are severely destroyed in wild licorice distributed areas , many of them become desert .

  21. 当环境破坏作为文明危机日益展现在人类面前时,柏拉图的这一整体论见解尤其显得具有实践意义。

    This view of holism is important in practice when the present ecological crisis faces increasingly the human being .

  22. 这组作者们写道,如果环境破坏继续下去,千年发展目标中有关人类健康的目标将无法实现。

    The authors argue that the Millennium Development Goals on health will not be met if environmental destruction continues .

  23. 南海渔业资源衰退的主要原因是捕捞过度和海洋生态环境破坏。

    The depletion of fishery resources in South China Sea is due to over-fishing and devastation on marine ecology .

  24. 长江流域自然生态环境破坏与水沙灾害的关系

    They always connected water with their attitude . Destruction of Ecological Environment and Flood and Sediment Disaster in Yangtze River Basin

  25. 我国矿业发展正处于一种既承担社会经济发展重任又面临资源短缺环境破坏的两难境地。

    Our country mining industry development is in a responsibility for social and economic development and environmental resources shortage facing the dilemma .

  26. 此外,工业也造成了更为广泛的环境破坏,其中,化工企业难辞其咎。

    On top of that , there is the broader environmental damage from industry to which chemicals companies have been a contributor .

  27. 资源紧张、环境破坏、建筑的高能耗等威胁人类生存的环境。

    The shortage of resources , environmental destruction , building energy consumption and so on threat to the survival of the human environment .

  28. 由于环境破坏和污染的日益加剧,加强环保、合理利用自然资源已成为人类的共识。

    With the increasingly serious environmental deterioration and pollution , strengthening environmental protection and rational utilizing natural resources has become a human consensus .

  29. 然而随着人口增长和经济发展,水资源短缺和水环境破坏成了全球问题之一。

    With the population increase and the rapid development of economics , the crisis of water resource shortage and contamination is becoming the global problem .

  30. 大量工程实践表明,隧洞洞口段边坡的变形破坏均与洞口边坡的环境破坏和不合理的进洞方法所致。

    A large number practices shows that the deformation or damage on the tunnel entrance is related to environment damage and unreasonable method of excavating .