
  • 【建】ambient air quality
  1. 结果3个地区空气中的CO和SO2的日平均浓度均低于GB/T3095-1996《环境空气质量标准》二级标准限值。

    Results The daily averages of CO and SO2 were lower than level 2 standard limitation for 5 days ' measurement in 3 regions .

  2. 研究了兰州市SO2,TSP等几种大气污染物的空间分布特征与污染源的内在关系,并且结合国家环境空气质量标准中各项污染物的浓度限值,分别对上述污染物的污染强度进行了区域划分。

    Then we studied relation between resource and distribution of SO_2 and TSP in Lanzhou . Referring to the state air quality standard , distribution of pollution intensity of the above pollutants was regionalized .

  3. 修订环境空气质量标准,增加细颗粒物PM2.5等监测指标。

    Total sulfur dioxide emissions fell by 17.5 % . Environmental air quality standards were revised . The air quality index for monitoring fine particulate matter ( PM2 s ) was added .

  4. GB3095-1996环境空气质量标准

    Ambient air quality standard

  5. 《环境空气质量标准》(GB3095-1996)和《大气污染物综合排放标准》(GB16297-1996)实施后,结合在大气环境影响评价工作中遇到的有关问题,进行了粗浅的探讨。

    After Ambient air quality standard ( GB3095-1996 ) and integrated emission standard of air pollutants ( GB16297-1996 ) were released , considering practice in Atmospheric Environment Impact Assessment work , some questions were brought forward and simply analysed .

  6. 中美两国环境空气质量标准比较

    Comparison of Ambient Air Quality Standard Between China and America

  7. 执行《环境空气质量标准》应注意的问题

    Noticeable Matter from Executing Ambient Air Quality Standard

  8. 全国符合《全国环境空气质量标准》的各个地区,都被划分为三类。

    Each region in the country which complies with the NAAQSs is put into one of three classes .

  9. 据新华社报道,国家环保部周三开始就新的《环境空气质量标准》征求公众意见。

    The Ministry of Environmental Protection began gauging public opinion on revised air quality standards on Wednesday , Xinhua reported .

  10. 在建立《国家环境空气质量标准》时,环境保护局的局长不允许考虑达到标准的可行性。

    In establishing national ambient air quality standards , the EPA Administrator is not permitted to consider the feasibility of attaining them .

  11. 但是如果一个州不能及时达到《全国环境空气质量标准》,并且是在州属空气质量控制区域,那该怎么办呢?

    But what if a state is unable to achieve timely attainment of an NAAQS in one of its air quality control regions ?

  12. 地级市监测站在执行环境空气质量标准中遇到的问题及解决思路

    There are some problems in a lot of municipality environmental monitoring stations when implementing the ambient air quality standard , some ideas for solve problems

  13. 通过分析欧盟环境空气质量标准的制订过程,为我国环境质量标准的制订提供参考与借鉴。

    The reference for formulating Chinese environmental quality standards is provided by analyzing the formulating procedure and process on ambient air quality standard in EC .

  14. 这一环境空气质量标准的确定取决于现阶段空气监测技术和实施空气净化技术可以达到的指标。

    The levels of pollutant gases specified in this appendix are based on the lowest concentrations that can readily be measured and achieved with current air filtration technology .

  15. 在《全国环境空气质量标准》颁布后的9个月时间内,要求各州报送环境保护局一份计划,说明在本州实施与维持该标准的措施。

    Within nine months after promulgation of an naaqs , each state was required to submit to EPA a plan designed to implement and maintain that standard within its boundaries .

  16. 考虑满足环境空气质量标准和保证路段的通行能力,本文主要考虑降低机动车污染物排放因子,并得出了相应的计算模型。

    In order to meet definite environmental quality criterion and achieve the highway capacity , reducing vehicle pollutant emission factor is took into account mainly , and its calculation model is concluded .

  17. 比较了中美两国环境空气质量标准的制定依据、功能区划分、标准级别、污染物项目、取值时间和污染物质量浓度限值等内容。指出美国环境空气质量标准的修订频次高于我国;

    Ambient air quality standard between China and America was compared in the fields of function determination , standard 's level , pollutant 's item , sample time and mass concentration limit etc.

  18. 确定烟囱高度,既要满足大气污染的扩散稀释要求,又要考虑节省投资,最终保证地面浓度不超过《环境空气质量标准》规定的浓度限值。

    Both the requirements of the air pollutant that spreads to dilute and the investment saving must be satisfied while determining the height of stacks . It shall be guaranteed that the ground concentration does not exceed the assigned confines of the standards for air environmental quality as well .

  19. 将该方法应用于工业SO2污染控制研究。案例研究表明,某镇建筑陶瓷业造成的SO2污染压力分布与承载力分布状况非常不均衡,导致该镇SO2年均浓度超过国家环境空气质量二级标准。

    The method was applied to analyze industrial sulfur dioxide pollution control methods in a town in southern China where the local annual average concentration of SO__2 exceeds the second level of the national ambient air quality standard .

  20. 上海卷烟厂从德国引进生物处理装置,使排放气体达到GB3095-96环境空气质量二级标准。

    Air emission of Shanghai cigarette plant reaches secondary standard of environment air quality ( GB3095-96 ) by using odor biological treatment facility imported from Germany .

  21. 2001年,341个城市空气中二氧化氮浓度年均值均达到国家环境空气质量二级标准。

    In 2001 , the annual average of NO2 concentration in the air of 341 cities attained the Grade II national standards for air quality .

  22. 蔬菜设施内环境空气质量评价指标及标准值的探讨

    Ambient air quality indexes and standards for vegetable growing in greenhouses

  23. 根据2004年莱芜市环境质量报告书的结果,莱芜市总体环境质量达到《环境空气质量标准》(GB3095-1996)规定的二级标准。

    According to the Environmental Quality Report of Laiwu City in 2004 , the overall environmental quality of Laiwu City has been up to the Grade II Standard specified in the Environmental Air Quality Standard ( GB3095-1996 ) .

  24. 经过修正聚类模型计算,确定2004年杭州市环境空气综合质量等级为二级,已达到该地区规定的环境空气质量标准。

    By using the modified model , comprehensive grade of Hangzhou atmospheric quality in 2004 is grade II , which attains this city 's atmospheric quality standard .

  25. 对本溪市的环境空气质量进行了监测分析,结果表明:本溪市环境空气中TSP超过国家环境空气质量二级标准,SO2、NOX、CO、降尘均符合二级标准。

    Monitoring and analyzing results of ambient air quality in urban Benxi showed that the level of air pollutant TSP is higher than National Ambient Air Quality Standard Class II , and those of SO2 , NOX , CO and dusts meet Class II standard .