
  1. 政治录用功能是现代政党最为重要的功能之一。

    Political recruitment is one of the basic functions of modern parties .

  2. 中国现代政党制度的发生学考察

    The Analysis of Chinese Modern Political Party 's System 's Generation Doctrine

  3. 论现代政党在社会中的角色

    The Rotes of Modern Parties in Society

  4. 两个基本前提是:一、现代政党执政的一般规律。

    Two basic prerequisites are : First , universal law in power of modern political party .

  5. 执政方式是与现代政党相联系的现象。

    The Party 's style of governance is a phenomenon that has close relation to modern party .

  6. 正确使用和合理管理大众传媒是现代政党执政能力的重要标示。

    Using the mass media properly and managing it reasonably is a sign of a modern political party 's governing capacity .

  7. 现代政党整体功能的发挥与精英作用的结合&社区党组织先进性建设的思考

    Combination of the Overall Function of Modern Political Parties and Elites Function & Construction of Advancement of the Party Branch in the Community

  8. 左中右三派政党并存的格局形成,奠定了智利现代政党体制基础。

    The coexistence of the three factions of the left-middle-right political party pattern formed , which laid the foundation of modern party system of Chile .

  9. 政治合法性是现代政党存在和发展的最主要的执政资源,它是有效统治和政治稳定的基础。

    As the foundation of valid government and political stability , political legitimacy is an important resource for existence and development of modern political parties .

  10. 在现代政党的领导模式中,应当体现出权力因素与非权力因素的有机结合,正确地发挥各自的功能。

    Modern political parties should organically integrate power factor with non-power factor in their leadership models and correctly carry out the functions of the two factors respectively .

  11. 政党与民间组织的关系,是现代政党与社会关系的重要研究课题。

    The relationship between the Communist Party of China ( CPC ) and the Non-governmental Organizations ( NGOs ) is the important research topic of the relation of modern party and society .

  12. 本文从国大党的兴衰与印度政党政治发展的关系出发,主要研究国大党的兴衰成败的经验教训及其对印度政党政治发展进程的影响,探索印度政党政治发展趋势,总结现代政党执政规律。

    This paper mainly studies the relation between the INC rise and fall and India party politics development and explores the development trend of India party politics and summarizes the ruling regulation in modern political party .

  13. 现代政党的执政之路永远是在其政治纲领与社会现状之间寻求平衡,英国工党的竞选历程为此提供了最佳范例。

    The governance of the modern political parties equals to the pursuit of balance between their ideologies and the social evolution . The British Labour Party provided an excellent example to this thesis with the changing process of the general elections .

  14. 至杰克逊时期,随着疆域的扩展,一系列政治变革如普选取、现代政党制度等的出现和发展,大众在美国政坛开始登堂入室,继而发挥重要的作用,直至取代传统政治精英,成为政坛主流。

    Till the Jackson era , with the expansion of territory , a series of reforms in politics such as universal suffrage , the establishment of modern party system in America , masses began to show overwhelming influence on and become the main stream of American politics .

  15. 依法执政是现代国家政党政治发展的一条普遍规律。

    Rule of law is a general orderliness of modern country 's political party .

  16. 现代世界政党关系文明的主要表征是:以广泛的政党理念认同为基础,以强大的政党力量主导为支撑,以规范的政党体制运作为动力。

    The main features of the relationship of the political parties of the world are the extensive identification of the political party theory ; the powerful political parties in office and the normative system of the political parties .

  17. 现代意义的政党产生于资本主义社会。

    The party of modern meaning was born in capitalist society .

  18. 现代社会是政党政治社会,而合法性则是政党政治判断的价值标准。

    Modern society is the society of party politics , in which legitimacy is the value standard when the party politics make judgment accordingly .

  19. 现代政治是以政党为核心展开的。

    The modern political affaires are carried out relying on the core – the party .

  20. 现代公共政策是政党和国家管理社会的工具,其本质是对社会公共利益的权威性分配。

    Modern public policy is a tool by which the party and government manage society , its essence is authoritative distribution of social goods .

  21. 英国工党与工会之间的关系问题是英国近现代社会特别是政党政治的重要内容。

    The question of the relationship between the British Labor Party and the Trade Union constitutes an important content of the modern British society , especially an important content of party politics .

  22. 战后澳大利亚工党进行的三次政党现代化改革表明:在现代国家中,政党发展与国家发展密不可分。

    In the postwar period , Australian Labor Party has reformed three times for modernization of the party , which indicates that the development of the party is closely related to that of the country in a modern country .

  23. 1905年,孙中山在日本东京成立中国同盟会,并颁布有政纲和入会条件、手续等内容,初步具备了现代意义上的政党特征。

    In 1905 , Sun Yat-sen set up Chinese Alliance in Tokyo , Japan , and promulgate of a political platform and membership conditions , procedures and other content , it preliminary with a modern sense of the characteristics of political parties .