
  1. 天津作为东亚(环黄海)城市市长会议的成员,具备了支撑区域经济合作发展的现代物流基础。

    As a member of Mayor Conference in East Asia ( Around-Yellow-Sea ) Cities , Tianjin has the modern logistics foundation that can support the development of regional economic coop - eration .

  2. 物流中心是现代物流的基础组织。

    Logistics Center is the elementary organization of modern logistics .

  3. 工业港现有的物流模式属于传统物流模式,但具有发展现代物流的基础;

    Although the distribution mode of the industrial port is traditional , it has the foundation to develop logistics .

  4. 交通运输业是发展现代物流的基础,但是各自为政的信息系统给物流信息的交流制造了障碍。

    Transportation carrying trade industry is the base of the development of modern logistics , but information system that each does things in his own way makes obstacles for communication of logistics information .

  5. 在正确理解现代物流的基础上,通过比较物流装卸搬运与铁路装卸的异同,对铁路装卸发展现代物流的必要性进行了分析论证。

    With the use of the modern logistics theory , this paper analyzed and proved the necessity of developing modern logistics in railway handling through comparing the similarities and differences between logistics handling and railway handling .

  6. 交通物流作为现代物流的基础和物流供应链的重要环节,而政府的系统规划和指导又是促进其发展的关键。

    Transport , as the basis for modern logistics and important element in the logistics supply chain , the systematic program and guidance , while , is the key to promote the development of this sector .

  7. 港口物流园区的建设,是发展现代物流的重要基础。

    The construction of logistics parks is the fundament of developing modern logistics .

  8. 物流技术支撑体系是现代物流信息化的基础。

    The logistics technology support system is the foundation to develop the modern logistics informatization .

  9. 在分析国内外现代物流发展的基础上,讨论了网络协同商务链的物流策略。

    The paper analyzes the development of modern logistics and discusses the resource allocation strategy in network cooperative commerce chain .

  10. 物流管理信息系统是现代物流管理的基础,也是现代物流管理运作的根本保障。

    Logistics management information system is the foundation of modern logistics management , logistics management and operation is the fundamental guarantee .

  11. 物流园区作为现代物流发展的基础设施和发展模式之一,在现代物流系统中有着极其重要的地位,许多城市正在规划建设若干物流园区。

    Logistics park is very important station in modem logistics system , as it is the infrastructure of modem logistics and is one of developing modes .

  12. 本文用五个章节对一汽-大众汽车备件物流进行了描述,以现代物流理论为基础创建物流模式。

    The automobile spare parts logistics of Faw-volkswagen is described in five chapter of thesis . Creating a special model of logistics based on the theory of modern logistics .

  13. 最后,在诊断了连云港港口发展现代物流问题的基础上,提出了连云港协同发展对策建议。

    Finally , we make the Countermeasures of the collaborative Development of Lianyungang City on the base of diagnose of the problem of the development of the modern logistics .

  14. 信息平台是现代物流发展的基础与重要环节,是物流管理运营的神经中枢。

    Information platform is not only the basis and the essential foundations of the development of modern logistics , but also the " nerve center " of the logistics operations .

  15. 本文在分析了电子商务与现代物流特点的基础上,着重论述电子商务环境下的现代物流模式。

    In this paper , the characteristics of both EC and modern logistics are analyzed , based on which the strategy for modern logistic in EC environment is especially discussed .

  16. 文章通过对重庆建设西部现代物流中心的基础和条件的分析,提出重庆建设西部现代物流中心的目标和思路,指出发展重点及对策。

    The basic meaning of modern logistics center is introduced , some main reasons of influencing modern logistics center are discussed , and at last the function of modern logistics center is expounded .

  17. 基于这样的背景,从杭州市发展现代物流的现实基础和比较优势出发,有必要对杭州今后现代物流业的发展走向、目标定位和对策措施作深入的研究。

    From the point of the practical conditions and relative advantages of developing the logistics in Hangzhou , it is necessary to research deeply the future development trend , targets location and strategies and measures of the logistics in Hangzhou .

  18. 物流基础设施建设是发展现代物流业的基础条件,交通物流站场是重要的物流基础设施,随着现代物流的发展,交通物流站场物流功能不断扩展,逐渐与物流中心、物流园区相融合。

    Logistics infrastructure is the basis for the development of modern logistics industry , transportation and logistics station is an important logistics infrastructure , with the development of modern logistics , transportation logistics station logistics functions have expanded gradually and logistics center , the integration of the logistics park .

  19. 区域性物流中心是现代物流业起飞的基础。

    Regional logistical center is the foundation of modern logistics .

  20. 国际多式联运是构建现代物流网络系统的基础。

    The multimodal transport is a foundation of setting up the modern logistics network system .

  21. 但是至今从理论上仍没有统一的、有说服力的现代区域物流规划的基础理论。

    But from theoretically there are still not uniform , persuasive foundation theories of modern district logistics programming .

  22. 物流园区布局规划是现代物流业发展的基础性工作,也是构筑物流基础设施平台的重要内容。

    Logistics park location planning is the fundament of the current logistics development and the importance of the logistics infrastructure construction .

  23. 本文在洞悉延边地区现代物流发展现状的基础上,进行了延边地区发展现代物流的因素分析,并提出延边地区发展现代物流业的政策建议。

    The article analyzes our Yanbian logistics industry , and analyzing the factors of modern logistics and it bring forward suggestions .

  24. 交通运输作为传统流通渠道一个必不可少的行业部门,其长期的发展已经形成一定的设施、设备条件,是发展现代物流的重要物质基础。

    The transportation is as a necessary department of the traditional circulation channel and its long development has had a certain condition of the facilities and equipment , which is an important material base to develop the modern logistics .

  25. 本文应用现代物流管理等相关基础理论,针对铁路运输企业的实际情况与组织模式,围绕铁路运输企业如何拓展转型,建设现代化的物流企业进行论述。

    Based on the conditions of organization and development in railway enterprise , this paper applies theories of logistics management to solve the problem that railway enterprise changes the management mode from current transportation service to modern logistics service .

  26. 张家港具有良好的发展物流的政策及经济环境,其地理位置佳,自然条件好,经济腹地大,泊位、库场及口岸配套服务设施齐全等,这些都是发展现代物流业不可缺少的基础条件。

    Zhang Jia Gang Port has good policies and economical environment , good geographical position , big inland economical zone , integrated berths , warehouses and open yards and other port service facilities , these are all necessary basic qualifications for developing modern logistics .

  27. 而现代物流经济是指在现代物流产业的基础上的综合的经济概念,不但具有系统性、整体性和网络性,而且具有可分性、服务及时性、标准化和信息化。

    But the modern logistics economy is the comprehensive , economic concept under the foundation of the modern logistics industry . It not only has systematization , quality of whole and network , but also has qualities of dividing , serving on time , standardizing and information .

  28. 现代物流网络优化是烟草商业企业现代物流建设的基础与核心。

    Modern logistics network optimization is the foundation and core for building modern logistics .

  29. 然后系统的阐述船舶代理和现代物流相关的概念,为下文分析船舶代理业向现代物流发展做基础。

    Then the related concepts of ship agencies and modern logistics are explained systematically , which lay a foundation for the following analysis of the development of shipping agencies to the modern logistics .