
  • 网络cash register
  1. 劫匪从现金出纳机里抢走了100元。

    The raiders snatched $ 100 from the cash register .

  2. 现金出纳机旁边有张部分的进货单。

    There 's a partial list over by the cash register .

  3. 她将各项款额都输入了现金出纳机。

    She rang up all the items on the till .

  4. 后来她因从现金出纳机里偷钱而被判了6个月的监禁。

    She has since been jailed for six months for stealing from the tills .

  5. 出纳人员从现金出纳机中取出零钱找给我。

    The cashier took my change out of the cash register .

  6. 他一直在偷现金出纳机中的钱。

    He 'd been helping himself to the money in the cash register .

  7. 各项经费收支及现金出纳处理情形之稽核。

    2 it is responsible to audit all departmental accounts receivable and accounts payable .

  8. 当货物从柜台和桌子装入购物袋时,现金出纳机响个不停,商店经理则笑开了怀。

    Cash registers ring and store managers smile broadly as merchandise moves from counters and tables into shopping bags .

  9. 建立健全现金出纳各种帐目,严格审核现金收付凭证。

    Set up and perfect every account about cash , audit strictly the voucher of cash income and cash expense .

  10. 商店的售货员不再需要花时间核对商品的价格再把它们打进现金出纳机了。

    The store clerk does not need to spend time checking the price on the item and punching it into the cash register .

  11. 同时,现金出纳部必须为到帐现金和邮寄款项建立数据库,而且要确保顾客的信息准确无误。

    Meanwhile , the accounts payable department must track of incoming payments , post accounts in the database , and ensure that customer data are current .

  12. 他把现金出纳机里的钱全拿光,甚至走回他屋里去找出那不足的钱数,但最后总算凑齐了。

    He had to empty the cash register and even go back into his house to find the rest of the money , but he made it .

  13. 例如,假设在现金出纳机上记录的某天现金销售总额是6美元,但是在抽屉中的现金只有2美元。

    For example , assume that the total cash sales for the day amount to $ 6 as recorded by the cash register , but that the cash in the drawer is only $ 2 .