
  • 网络glass laser
  1. 被动Q开关的铒玻璃激光器特性研究

    Characteristics of Passive Q switch Er ∶ glass Laser

  2. 1.54μm铒玻璃激光器被动调Q技术发展现状

    Recent Advance in Passive Q-switch of 1.54 μ m Er : glass Laser

  3. Nd~(3+)玻璃激光器选模调Q技术的实验研究

    Experimental research on mode-selection and Q-switching for Nd : glass lasers

  4. LiF:F2~-晶体调Q钕玻璃激光器

    A LiF : F_2 crystal Q-switched Nd glass laser

  5. 重复率高功率Nd玻璃激光器的热透镜效应的消除

    Elimination of Thermal Lens for Repeat Rate High Power Nd : Glass Laser

  6. 已用于Nd∶YAG和Nd玻璃激光器的泵浦。

    They have been used for pumping Nd : YAG and Nd-glass lasers .

  7. 利用SBS进行调Q的铒玻璃激光器工作特性研究

    Studies on operation characteristics of Q modulated Er glass lasers by SBS

  8. 对钕玻璃激光器(非调Q、调Q)进行了理论分析。

    The neodymium ;: glass laser and Q switching laser are analysed in terms of theory .

  9. 发展中的LD抽运调Q铒玻璃激光器

    Developing diode - pumped Q-switched erbium glass laser

  10. 利用SBS调Q的铒玻璃激光器模型

    Theoretical model of Q-modulated Er-glass lasers by SBS

  11. 用高能量钕玻璃激光器(0~25J)烧蚀Al靶产生等离子体。

    Aluminum plasma was induced with a high energy neodymium glass laser ( 0 ~ 25J ) beam ablating Al target .

  12. 叙述磷酸盐铒玻璃激光器的偿试性实验研究及其静态和转镜调Q特性。

    An experimental research on phosphate erbium glass laser and its free-lasing and rotating mirror Q-switching properties are described .

  13. LD侧面抽运的铒玻璃激光器

    LD side - pump Er ∶ glass lasers

  14. 但其调Q方式大多采用主动Q开关,原因在于难以找到合适的被动调Q晶体,这极大的限制了铒玻璃激光器的工程应用与推广。

    Usually , it is actively Q-switched because of difficulty in finding a suitable passive Q-switch crystal , and thus is limited in its engineering application .

  15. 本文报道了在钕玻璃激光器上采用预激光Q调制技术并辅以法珀标准具选择纵模的实验研究结果。

    In this paper we report the experimental results of longitudinal mode selection on Nd : glass lase by prelaser Q switching and F & P etalon .

  16. 用LiF:F2~-饱和吸收晶体做调Q开关,在环行不稳定腔钕玻璃激光器中得到了高功率单模输出。

    Stable high-power single-mode operation of a Nd3 + : glass oscillator with an unstable ring resonator has been achieved by using a LiF : F2 - crystal passive Q-switch .

  17. LiF:F2~-饱和吸收晶体用于钕玻璃激光器调Q,同样具有简便、效率高,长期使用稳定的特点。特别是大大地压缩了输出谱线宽度。

    LiF : F2 - crystals have the advantages of high efficiency , convenience and stability when they are used for Q-switching of Nd glass lasers and the linewidth narrowing can be achieved in particular .

  18. 脉宽6PS的被动锁模钕玻璃激光器

    A mode-locked Nd ~ ( + 3 ): glass laser with 6PS pulsed width

  19. 设计了一台LaMgAl11O19∶Co2+被动调Q铒玻璃激光器,实验验证了数值模拟分析结果。

    The relation between the output pulse energy and input pumping energy is numerically simulated . An Er ∶ glass laser with LaMgAl11O19 ∶ Co2 + passive Q-switch was built to verify the numerical results .

  20. 由于激光核聚变研究工作的需要,促进了高功率钕玻璃激光器系统的发展。

    Laser fusion research has promoted the development of high power lasers .

  21. 钛宝石泵浦掺钕碲酸盐玻璃激光器

    A Ti : Sapphire Laser Pumped Neodymium-Doped Tellurite Glass Laser

  22. 磷酸盐玻璃激光器中的自锁模现象

    Self - mode - locking in phosphate glass laser

  23. 钕玻璃激光器的设计及参数选择

    The design and parameter selection of neodymium glass laser

  24. 高精度大能量开关型钕玻璃激光器电源

    High Precision and Powerful Switch-Type Nd-Glass Laser Supply

  25. 六束高功率钕玻璃激光器

    A six-beam high power neodymium glass laser

  26. 灯泵钕玻璃激光器热容与常规方式运行对比研究

    Contrastive Study of Lamp Pumped Nd ∶ glass Laser in Heat Capacity and General Operation

  27. 使用不同染料的锁模磷酸盐钕玻璃激光器的输出性能

    Output properties of mode-locked Nd ~ ( 3 + ) phosphate glass laser with various dyes

  28. 钕玻璃激光器热容方式运行的热负透镜效应实验研究

    Experimental Study of the Thermal Lens Effect of Nd ∶ glass Laser in Heat Capacity Operation

  29. 主动锁模钕玻璃激光器

    Actively mode-locked Nd glass laser

  30. 用于金属热处理的脉冲钕玻璃激光器特性的研究

    Study of Characteristics of Pulsed Nd ~ ( + 3 ) - glass Laser for metal heat treatment