
hánɡ mó
  • hone
珩磨 [háng mó]
  • [hone] 用磨石从圆柱表面上去除少量材料以达到所要求的光洁度或非常精确的尺寸公差

  • 在一些圆柱体上钻孔,然后把它们珩磨达到镜面光洁度

  1. 汽车缸套珩磨用金刚石油石的研制与应用

    Development and Application of Diamond Hone Used for Honing Cylinder Liner

  2. 珩磨:对磨加工过的表面进一步进行抛光、磨光处理。

    HONE : To smooth or finish ; to polish . A process used to smooth a ground surface .

  3. 东风康明斯B系列缸体压板珩磨工艺研究

    Studies on pressing plate honing process for cylinder block of DongFeng-Cummins B series

  4. 深孔珩磨刀具CAD的研究

    Searching on cutting tool CAD for the deep hole honing

  5. 蜗杆形珩磨轮CAD及其制造工艺研究

    Research on Manufacture Technics and CAD of Worm-type Honing Wheel

  6. 珩磨用超声振动变幅杆的CAD

    An Amplitude Varying Pole CAD System for Ultrasonic Vibrating Honing

  7. ADS编程技术及其在超声珩磨CAD系统中的应用

    The Application of ADS Program Technique in Ultrasonic Honing CAD System

  8. 珩磨参数对Al2O3工程陶瓷材料去除率的影响

    Influence of Honing Parameters on Material Removal Rate of Aluming Engineering Ceramics

  9. 专用超声珩磨试验的CAT系统研制

    Development of Special CAT System for Ultrasonic Honing Experiment

  10. 基于MFC和AutoCAD的齿轮珩磨轮的设计研究

    Study on the design of gear honer based on MFC and AutoCAD

  11. 加工摩托车发动机连杆用CBN珩磨油石的研制

    CBN Honing Stone for Working Motor Link of Motor cycle Engines

  12. 根据珩磨机床加工工艺原理和控制要求,基于可编程控制(PLC)技术,进行珩磨机床控制系统设计;

    According to the process principle and the control requirements for honing machine , the honing machine control system is designed based on PLC technology .

  13. 淬火钢用CBN珩磨条的研制

    Research on the CBN Honing Stones for Quenching Steel Pieces

  14. 直纹回转双曲面&电镀CBN珩磨轮的一种新设计

    Ruled revolving hyperboloid surface & a new design method of electroplated CBN honing-tool

  15. 粗磨粒金刚石油石超声珩磨ZrO2陶瓷的延性特征

    Ductile Cutting Characteristics in Ultrasonic Honing on ZrO_2 Ceramics with Coarse Diamond Grits

  16. 细磨粒超声珩磨ZrO2表面特征研究

    Research on the surface characteristics in ultrasonic honing of zro_2 using fine abrasive grits

  17. 借助于SEM对表面粗糙度、表面形貌进行了分析,得出超声珩磨明显优于普通珩磨。

    On the analysis of roughness , topography of workpieces by means of SEM , ultrasonic vibration honing being better than non - vibration honing is derived .

  18. 上海SN公司是一家美国独资企业的子公司,其主营业务为珩磨机床的制造和销售。

    The company of Shanghai SN is an American owned company subsidiary . The main business is honing machine tool manufacture and sale .

  19. 珩磨轮悬&埋法电镀CBN工艺自动控制系统的研究与开发

    Research & Development of Automatic Control System on the Process of Electroplating CBN Honer with " Suspension-burying " Method

  20. 通过分析硬质合金螺纹刀片的形状特点,提出采用振动珩磨法对螺纹刀片进行ESC工艺处理。

    By analyzing the form characteristic of cemented carbide threading insert , the vibration honing method for treating the insert is presented .

  21. 设计了基于不完全微分PID算法的可控电解珩磨电流闭环控制方法,研制了电解电流获得、放大以及计算机采集通道,并编制相应的控制程序。

    Design the specific machining way of EC current closed-loop control technology on inexact differential PID algorithm , develop the EC current acquirement , amplification and the computer real time collecting passageway , and design relevant controlling program .

  22. 另外,研究了珩磨工艺参数(油缸的进给压力Pc、切削速度旋转速度Vr和切削往复速度Vo)对切削性能的影响。

    Honing parameters are consist of feed pressure ( Pc ), cutting rotary velocity ( Vr ) and cutting reciprocate velocity . How the honing parameters influence the cutting ability was researched in the article .

  23. 珩齿加工过程中,普通电镀CBN珩磨轮的齿面与被加工齿轮齿面是点接触啮合,因而加工效率低且造成CBN磨粒的浪费。

    The general electroplating CBN honer surface is point contact engagement with the gear surface in the process of cutting , thus the cutting efficiency is low and the CBN abrasive is wasted .

  24. 对于钛合金材料,选用GC(70%)和SA(30%)的混合珩磨油石,磨削效率较高,油石粘附较少,并不易破碎,具有较好的磨削效果;

    For titanium alloys , the mixture-abrasive honing stone with GC ( 70 % ) and SA ( 10 % ) is not ease to break down , and has higher grinding efficiency , little tendency of loading better grinding effect .

  25. 通过实验比较了国产和进口氧化铝珩磨油石在粗珩阶段的珩磨加工效率。结果表明,在相同的加工条件下,进口Al2O3油石比国产Al2O3油石能够将珩磨效率提高两至三倍。

    Domestic Al_2O_3 honing stone and imported Al_2O_3 honing stone are selected to conduct honing experiment to compare their honing efficiency . It was found that the honing efficiency of imported honing stone is two or three times higher than that of domestic honing stone .

  26. 针对长径比大于5,直径4-20mm圆柱孔零件大批量生产的精加工要求,电镀CBN珩具相比精密镗孔、研磨和珩磨具有优势。

    According to the finishing requirement of length-diameter ratio greater than5and4 ~ 20mm in diameter cylindrical hole parts with the mass production of the type , compared with fine boring , lapping , honing , electroplating CBN honing tools was overriding .

  27. 对硼-铜-稀土耐磨铸铁耐磨性试验结论是:试验累计时间60h,在试验时间内未出现咬缸现象,试验后缸壁珩磨网纹存在,与同类缸体相比具有较好的抗咬合性、耐磨性。

    The conclusion drawing from the the test o the wear resistant boron - copper-rare-earth cast iron is as follows : During the 60-hour testing arne , no cylinder snapping occures while the honing texture exists .

  28. 通过粗磨粒金刚石油石普通和超声珩磨ZrO2工程陶瓷的表面特征试验,分析了所产生不同结果的原因,给出了普通和超声珩磨速度对表面破碎率的影响。

    S : By experiment of common honing and ultrasonic honing on ZrO 2 engineering ceramics , in this paper , we analyze the different ground surfaces and bring forward the influence rule of ultrasonic honing speed on breaking rate of the machined surface .

  29. 珩磨液压换向系统的键合图模拟与仿真

    Dynamic Simulation of Honing Hydraulic Reversing Systems Using Bond Graph Techniques

  30. 功率超声珩磨缸套加工中谐振系统的试验研究

    Study on the Vibration System of the Efficiency Ultrasonic Cylinder Honing
