
  • 网络benjamin
  1. 不过他不让最小的儿子班杰明一起去。

    But he did not let his youngest son Benjamin go with them .

  2. 他随即搂着班杰明,喜极而泣。

    He threw his arms round Benjamin and wept .

  3. 我安姬拉,愿嫁班杰明为妻。

    I , angela , take you , benjamin .

  4. 班杰明一七九○年去世,几乎一点财产都没有遗赠威廉。

    When Benjamin died in1790 , he left William virtually none of his wealth .

  5. 现在你们又要带走班杰明。

    And now you 're taking benjamin .

  6. 一七七六年,班杰明.富兰克林第一次访巴黎,有一天出席晚宴。

    One day in1776 , on his first visit to Paris , Benjamin Franklin attended a dinner party .

  7. 此外,班杰明还观察到,造成蛀牙的细菌在高亚硝酸盐的环境下会自我摧毁,意味著高硝酸盐饮食或许能做为预防龋齿的新实验方向。

    Benjamin has also observed that cavity-causing bacteria self-destruct in a high-nitrite environment , suggesting an experiment to see if a high-nitrate diet prevents cavities .

  8. 班杰明的研究团队随即证实,胃酸本身以及胃酸搭配亚硝酸盐,对感染胃部的细菌具有抗菌的效果。

    Benjamin 's group confirmed the antimicrobial effect right away by exposing bacteria responsible for stomach infections to stomach acid both alone and mixed with nitrite .