
  1. 道路客运班线规划与管理系统研究

    The Research on Systematic Programming and Management about Route of Road Passenger Transport

  2. 城市公交与班线客运关系的理性思考

    Rational considerations on city transit and regular passenger transportation

  3. 农村客运客流特征及班线组织方式分析

    Analysises on the Characteristic of the Village Passenger Transportation Flow and the Organization Mode

  4. 辽东抚顺、本溪两市雪量较大,除发往大连的线路外其他班线基本停运。

    The bus lines to Fushun , Benxi and other areas in east Liaoning , except Dalian nearly stopped .

  5. 问:没有班线经营权,车辆的道路运输证怎么处理?

    Ask : have no class line management power , does the road of vehicle transport how the certificate handle ?

  6. 道路客运班线缺乏系统地规划,导致了许多线路长度过短或过长,局部地区线路覆盖率不均,给群众出行造成不便。

    Lack of route system planning has caused too short or too long lines and some uneven lines coverage in some areas , which are inconvenient to the passengers .

  7. 同时,随着城市化的发展,城市公交也逐步向近郊区域延伸,中长途班线对客流的吸引力进一步下降。

    Meanwhile , with the development of urbanization , urban public transport is gradually extended to the suburban area , the attractiveness of long-distance passenger class lines further down .

  8. 宜春汽车运输总公司具有客运班线资源集中度较高,市场占有比重大,三类以下客运班线竞争程度低等特点。

    Motor Transport Corporation Yichun class passenger line with high concentration of resources , market share than the major three types of classes the following line of passenger and low level of competition .

  9. 然后综述了国内道路客运班线的发展以及管理现状,在列举其存在的主要问题后,论文将研究重点放在道路客运班线网络布局规划、准入管理及市场监督管理。

    The main study focuses on route management in planning , market access and supervision after reviewed the domestic passenger transport routes ' development and the management of the status and cited the main issues .

  10. 但由于理论研究和措施实施的局限,政府部门对于道路客运班线的管理存在着一些不足,主要表现在客运班线规划、准入以及监管这三个方面。

    However , because of the limitations of the theoretical research and implementation measures , the government has made some mistakes and shortcomings in the management of passenger transport route in three aspects , such as route planning , access and supervision .

  11. 传统的城市公交、乡村班线的城乡客运方式竞争激烈,管理分散,实载率低,准点性差,服务质量不高等问题,影响了城乡一体化的健康发展。

    The healthy development of urban and countryside integration is held back because of the shortcomings existing in the traditional operation way of the city and countryside public transport , such as the fierce competition , decentralized management , low-rate load , poor punctuality and service .

  12. 在此基础上预测道路旅客交通需求,建立道路班线设置优化模型及发车时刻表优化模型,为道路旅客运输企业合理规划组织运输提供参考。

    Then , on the basis of the prediction of road passenger transport demand , the paper established a road class line optimization model and departure schedule optimization model to provide a reference for the rational planning and organizing of transportation of the road passenger transport enterprises .

  13. 通过对客运企业需求管理的几个分支的研究,即客运站设计与管理、客运班线管理、高峰期客运企业需求管理,在此基础上给出了客运企业需求管理的对策和建议。

    Through the research for several branches of passenger transportation enterprise demand management , namely the passenger depot design and management , the passenger transportation line management , the passenger transportation enterprise demand management at rush hour , it gives the countermeasures and suggestions for passenger transportation enterprise demand management .