
  • 网络rational knowledge;conceptual knowledge
  1. EDA软件的仿真功能可产生可视化的图形,比文字更直观、生动,易将理性知识感性化。

    Visual graphics can be gotten with the stimulation function of EDA software , which is more direct and vivid than words and can transform rational knowledge into the perceptual one .

  2. 引入数学模型对累积投票制做精确的数量分析,使得感性知识进一步上升为理性知识;

    The thesis makes an accurate quantity analysis with mathematic mold , which makes the perceptual knowledge ascend to rational knowledge .

  3. 这种对理性知识政治建构的文化实践设想,丰富和发展了西方文化哲学的内涵。

    These conceptions developed the meaning of western cultural philosophy .

  4. 启示于柏拉图主义,近代文化通过逻辑审美特征来为数学和理性知识辩护。

    Inspired by platonism , the modern culture justifies the mathematics and rational knowledge with the aesthetic character of the logic .

  5. 在这个意义上,理性知识既有以偏概全的逻辑上的问题,同时又作为一个抽象物而毫无意义。

    In this sense , the rational knowledge that is sweeping logic , at the same time as an abstraction and meaningless .

  6. 伦理学与物理学一样,都是一种科学:关于实际存在的事物的必然性、普遍性的理性知识体系。

    Ethics , like physics , is a science about the logos knowledge system of the necessity & catholicity of the actual existence .

  7. 此外,理性知识之所以会给人一种确定的印象,是因为它是一个抽象的概念体系。

    In addition , the reason why rational knowledge to give people a certain impression , because it is an abstract concept system .

  8. 陶器则更注重艺术与科学之间的关系,人类艺术情感在此注入了更多的科学的理性知识。

    Pottery attaches more attention to art and its relation to science , and mankind artistic emotion is poured into more scientific rational knowledge .

  9. 教师的重要教学任务之一就是要用理性知识来改变个体经验世界中根深蒂固的偏见。

    One of teachers ' important teaching duties is to use the rational knowledge to change the ingrained prejudice in the individual experience world .

  10. 地理学科知识中对理性知识的考查多于感性知识,说明地理高考试题对学生能力的要求较高。

    In geography knowledge , rational knowledge is more than sensibility knowledge . That means geography College Entrance Examination requires higher students ' ability .

  11. 自然法发源于古希腊,脱胎于从神话的没落到理性知识诞生的演进过程。

    Natural law emanates from ancient Greece and takes shape in the evolutional process from the decline of mythology to the naissance of rational knowledge .

  12. 理性知识需要生活经验的对照而被求证,生活经验需要理性知识的解释而被深化。

    The rational knowledge needs comparing with the experience of life to try to prove and the experience of life needs interpreting with the rational knowledge to deepen .

  13. 当你从书本或课堂获得了理性知识,这和你把钱投入某件事物,然后看着全部的钱都消失不是一回事。

    When you get intellectual knowledge from a book or a lecture , it 's not the same as investing money in something and then seeing all that money disappear .

  14. 在传统的教学中,教师更注重对学生理性知识的传递,忽略了在教学过程中的情感的互动与对学生的情感教育。

    During the traditional teaching method , teachers paid more attention to transfer conceptual knowledge to students , and ignored the interaction of emotion and the emotional education in the teaching process .

  15. 如何从浩如烟海的生物序列数据中挖掘出有价值的生物信息,以获取基因、蛋白质结构、功能和进化等理性知识是生物信息学研究的主要目的。

    It is the main goal of bioinformatics how to mine valuable biology information from the vast biology sequence data , to understanding the structure , function and evolution of genes and protein .

  16. 要学会使用工具书,要熟悉、熟读文选,以积累词汇、扩大知识面、增强文言文语感、增加理性知识,从而达到事半功倍的自学效果。

    They should learn to use reference books , be familiar with the selections , accumulate vocabulary , broaden their knowledge and increase rational knowledge to get twice the result with half the effort .

  17. 音色是演奏者在演奏作品过程中,对声音有意识的控制,是演奏者为诠释作品内涵而在实践操作中感性知识和理性知识相结合的艺术体现。

    Timbre is the conscious control over sound in playing musical works , as well as the artistic embodiment of the combination between perceptual and rational knowledge in playing musical works to convey their connotations .

  18. 德国启蒙运动的重要代表莱辛力图在理性知识与宗教信仰之间寻求一种妥协,他通过展示上帝对人类实施教育的历史过程,将理性与信仰辩证地统一起来。

    Lessing , one of the leading proponents of the German Enlightenment , tried to make a dialectic compromise between reason and faith by demonstrating the historical process of God 's education to his people .

  19. 一切比较完全的知识都是由两个阶段构成的:第一阶段是感性知识,第二阶段是理性知识,理性知识是感性知识的高级发展阶段。

    All relatively complete knowledge is formed in two stages : the first stage is perceptual knowledge , the second is rational knowledge , the latter being the development of the former to a higher stage .

  20. 另一方面,理性知识一种原则或者是潜在的秩序,我们确实可以在此基础上存在于我们心中,没有种种变化,或任何压力。

    Reason , on the other hand , is a mere principle or potential order , on which indeed we may cometo reflect but which exists in us ideally only , without variation or stress of any kind .

  21. 因此,语文知识观从科学理性知识观向人文主义知识观转变才会从根本上扭转语文教学的方向。其次,准确定位语文知识在语文教学中的地位和角色。

    Therefore , the transformation of Chinese knowledge view from scientific and rational to the humanistic will be fundamentally reverse the direction of Chinese teaching . Secondly , we should position the status and roles of language knowledge in Chinese teaching accurate .

  22. 由于个体生活经验的局限性,使许多理性知识无法还原到他们的生活经验中去,因此许多理性知识可以先行获得,而生活经验可以后续获得。

    Due to the limitations of individual experience of life , much rational knowledge can not reduced into its original experience of life , and , as a result , much of it can be obtained before the experience of life is obtained .

  23. 人的丰富多彩、流动多姿的存在方式决定了知识形式的多样化,我们在重视理性知识教学的同时应当关注感性知识、个体经验、本土知识的教学价值。

    Since the existence of human beings ' rich and colorful lifestyle determines the variety of knowledge forms , we should , in fact , highly appreciate the educational values of the sense knowledge , the individual experiences and the indigenous knowledge as well .

  24. 在教学中,教师应善于分辨哪些知识应该以个体的生活经验为出发点进行教学,哪些应该以理性知识为出发点进行教学。

    In the process of teaching , the teacher should be good at distinguishing what knowledge is to be taught with the individual experience of life as the starting point , what knowledge is to be taught with the rational knowledge as the starting point .

  25. 根据积淀特征可分为品德情境知识结构、品德理性知识结构和品德行为方式结构,相应地我们可以把德育内容分为情境性德育内容、理论性德育内容和实践性德育内容。

    We also can divide the moral education contents into situation moral contents , the theoretical moral contents and the practical moral contents according to the moral situational knowledge structure , moral qualities reasonable knowledge structure and moral qualities behavioral method structure from the side of accumulated character .

  26. 化学概念是从大量的化学实验、化学事实中抽象出来的概括性理性知识,是反映化学共同特征和化学本质属性的高级思维形式,可谓是化学学科知识结构网络的骨架。

    Chemical concept is the generality rational knowledge of a large number of chemical phenomenon and chemical facts , it is a higher thinking which reflects the common chemical characteristics and the chemical nature of property . It can be described as the skeleton of the chemistry knowledge structure network .

  27. 相反,信仰必须以理性、知识为前提。

    In contrast , belief must be as the prerequisite rational and knowledge .

  28. 印刷艺术防止我们的理性和知识退化。

    The art of printing secures us against the retrogradation of reason and information .

  29. 这个参照系统决定于理性人知识的限制。

    This frame of reference will be determined by the limitations on the rational man 's knowledge .

  30. 在现代语境中,道德理性与知识理性是处于相互分野的格局之中。

    In contemporary Chinese philosophical context , there exists a distinction between virtue rationality and knowledge rationality .