
  • 网络Ideal personality
  1. 从刘勰的梓材说看理想人格的建构

    On Liu xie 's view of the construction of the ideal personality

  2. 同时,指出塑造大学生理想人格面临的机遇与挑战以及塑造的重要意义。

    Meanwhile , this part proposes the opportunities and challenges moulding college student 's ideal personality will confront and their important meanings for discussion .

  3. 悲怆中的崇高&浅析乔峰的儒家理想人格

    Nobility in Sadness & Analysis of Qiao Feng 's Confucian Personality

  4. 儒家理想人格与当代人的全面发展

    Ideal Personality in Confucianism and the All-Round Development of Contemporary People

  5. 人文教育的目的是培养理想人格。

    The objective of liberal education is to foster ideal personality .

  6. 略论老子圣人之德的理想人格

    Ideal Personality of " Wise Man 's Morality " by Laozi

  7. 高职学生的精神困境与理想人格的构建

    Higher Vocational Students ' Mental Predicament and Construction of Ideal Personality

  8. 王阳明致良知与理想人格的实现

    Wang Yangming 's Inducing by Conscience and Implementation of Ideal Personality

  9. 编辑主体的人格维度及理想人格特征

    The Personality Dimension of Editing Subject and Their Ideal Personality Traits

  10. 以传统文化精华,塑大学生理想人格之掘微

    Develop Chinese Excellent Traditional Culture , and College Students Ideal Personality

  11. 美术教育应造就中国式的理想人格

    On Aesthetic Education Should Bring Up Chinese Style Ideal Characters

  12. 儒学形成时期是理想人格;

    The Confucianism formation period has the " ideal personality ";

  13. 先秦儒家理想人格思想与当代大学生健全人格的塑造

    Pre-qin Confucianist Ideal Personality Thought and Contemporary University Students Sound Personality Molding

  14. 时代不同,对理想人格的期待也必然不同。

    In different periods man holds different ideal personality expectations .

  15. 孟子的理想人格及修养

    On Mencius ' Ideal Character and Self - cultivation The Culture Character

  16. 论金庸武侠小说中的理想人格

    On the Ideal Personality in Jin Yong 's Swordsman Fictions

  17. 试析荀子的理想人格理论

    An Analysis on The Theory of Perfect Personality of XUN - zi

  18. 孟子与马斯洛思想中理想人格的比较

    The Comparative Research on Ideal Personality of Maslow and Mencius

  19. 马斯洛理想人格的完成则有赖于基本需要的满足,以及在此基础上的存在性价值的驱动。

    Self-actualization needs Being-values that are based on satisfaction of basic needs .

  20. 酒神特有的气质非常符合尼采思想中的理想人格。

    Dionysus fited the characteristics of the ideal personality thought of Nietzsche .

  21. 杜甫是儒家理想人格的忠实实践者。

    Du Fu is a loyal practician of Confucian morality .

  22. 孔子与亚里士多德的理想人格学说比较

    A Compare Study on Confucius and Aristoteles ' Theory of Ideal Personality

  23. 论高校德育的理想人格向度

    On the Goal of Ideal Personality in College Moral Education

  24. 五是君子的理想人格教育。

    Fifthly , the ideal personality education is for a noble man .

  25. 儒家理想人格理论及其现代诠释

    The Confucianists ' Ideal Morality Theory and Its Modern Explanation

  26. 现代广告推动传统理想人格的现代转换

    Modern Advertisement Promotes the Transfer of Traditional Ideal Personality to Modern One

  27. 中国传统理想人格特征及其现代意义

    The Chinese Traditional Ideal Moral Quality and Its Modern Value

  28. 高校辅导员理想人格模型构建及塑造问题研究

    A Research of Construction and Shaping Ideal Personality Model of College Instructors

  29. 儒家的理想人格是圣人,而道家提倡真人。

    Confucian ideal personality are saints , Taoism to promote a real person .

  30. 道家理想人格思想的发展演变探析

    On the Development and Change of Taoism Ideal Personality