
  • 网络Understanding Sentences
  1. 如果学生不能理解句子的含义,可以用汉语补充说明。

    If they can 't understand , tell them in Chinese .

  2. 正确理解句子的词语分隔

    To Correctly Understand Word Partitionment

  3. 没有机器能认出一张脸或象两岁的小孩那样理解句子。

    There is no machine yet that can recognize faces or understand sentences at the level of a two-year-old human .

  4. 文本语境简单的说就是文本的上下文,理解句子必须结合局部上下文和全局上下文两个方面。

    Simply , textual context is just co-text , and the comprehension of sentences must depend on two aspects : local-context and whole-context .

  5. 路易斯·荷尔曼在夏维夷大学设计了一系列一些动物学习理解句子新试验。

    Louis Herman , at the University of Hawaii , has devised a series of news experiments in which some animals have learned to understand sentences .

  6. 希望通过逻辑化的分析方法,更准确地理解句子意思,科学系统地解释句义,以避免歧义和误解。

    It is hoped that by this logic analyzation a more accurate and scientific way of understanding commentary sentences can be found to avoid ambiguity and misperception .

  7. 年级因素既影响阅读句子的时间,也影响理解句子的正确率,这表明了知识经验对英语句子的阅读理解有重要的作用;

    The factor of grade affects the reading time and the correctness percentage of complex sentence comprehension . It shows that the language experience has important influence on complex sentence comprehension .

  8. 通过对这些词语分离现象的分析,认为理解句子中的词语分离是一个认知模式,学习者在学习过程中应采取认知策略达到对这类句子的理解。

    The English sentence structure is well-knit and regular , but in its use , the students usually come cross the phenomenon of English words separation that causes the difficulties in understanding .

  9. 建立音义结合的反射机制,扩充单词的词义,学会分析人脑理解句子的过程,掌握句法知识,对提高听力理解力具有重大的意义。

    The establishment of reflex system containing the combination of sound and meaning , learning the analytical process of human brain 's comprehension and mastering syntactic knowledge all are important to listening comprehension .

  10. 工作记忆广度影响阅读理解句子的正确率,而不影响阅读时间;

    We get the following results : ( 1 ) Working memory span affects the correctness percentage of complex sentence comprehension , but has no influence on the reading time of complex sentence comprehension .

  11. 真正的阅读能够扩大学生词汇量,学习词语的使用,在不同的语境中掌握词组、习语的意义,理解句子结构,并扩大学生的知识面。

    Indeed reading can help enlarge readers ' vocabulary , learn the usage of words , master the meanings of words , expressions and idioms in different contexts and can also help understand the structure of sentences and enlarge their knowledge area .

  12. 其次,归纳概括阅读方法与技巧:控制发音动作、猜词悟义、利用结构信息和关键词、注意理解句子或段落、养成集中注意力阅读的习惯。

    Secondly , we should have the reading skills and methods in hand & controlling the action of pronunciation , guessing the meaning of words according to the structure and key words , as well as cultivating the habit of concentrating on it .

  13. 听力理解中句子处理的心理语言特性研究

    A Psycholinguistic Study on Sentence Processing in Listening Comprehension

  14. 这篇文章里有一些我们难以理解的句子。

    This text contains some sentence which are difficult for us to understand .

  15. 理解这个句子,花了我整整一个小时。

    It took me a whole hour to make sense of the sentence .

  16. 他摇了摇头,然后喃喃低语着某些我无法理解的句子。

    He shook his head and muttered something unintelligible .

  17. 你必须得做出归纳,这样你才能制造、理解新句子。

    You 've got to extract generalizations so you can produce and understand new sentences .

  18. 外国留学生在短时记忆中理解汉语句子的实验报告

    A Report on an Experiment on Foreign Students ' Comprehension of Chinese Sentences in Short-term Memory

  19. 花园幽径句理解因为句子局部歧义的特点,一直是语言学和心理语言学研究的热点之一。

    Garden path sentence comprehension has long been studied by linguists and psycholinguists due to its special local ambiguity of the sentence .

  20. 英语阅读是一个复杂的认知过程,涉及到字母的认识,词的认知与理解以及句子的分析等。

    English tor Heading is a complicated cognitive process , which involves in learning English letters , knowing about its vocabulary , analyzing sentences and so on .

  21. 阅读教学中教师经常发现,学生理解了句子中所有的词却不明白句子的意思。

    More often than not the teacher is confronted with a difficult situation where students fail to understand a sentence that contains no new words at all .

  22. 「は」的主要作用是提示主题和表示限定及强调,如何正确地区别它们的作用,对于理解日语句子至关重要。

    The key role of 「は」 is to prompt the subject and denote determination and emphasis . The understanding of the Japanese sentences greatly depends on the understanding of their functions .

  23. 他说,说汉语其实并不是那么难,他们只是很难理解不同的句子中的同一个词,也很难读懂中国古诗词,但是,写汉字才是汉语学习中最难的部分。

    He said that Speaking Chinese is not so difficult , it was difficult for them to understand the same word in different sentences and read Chinese poets , but writing Chinese charactersis the most difficult part of learning the language .

  24. 范畴是理解力与句子共有的形式。

    A category is a form shared by understanding and sentences .

  25. 阅读理解测试中句子翻译内容效度的定量分析

    The Quantitative Analysis on the Content Validity of Sentence Translation in Reading Comprehension Tests

  26. 本系统主要研究了领域知识库的构建,问题理解,计算句子相似度算法等方面的内容。

    The system focuses on building domain knowledge base , problem understanding , computing sentence similarity algorithm and other aspects .

  27. 本研究对受试进行了句子理解测试和句子偏好测试。

    In this study , a sentence interpretation test and a sentence preference test are conducted to fulfill the research purpose .

  28. 短句划分,乐句划分短句解释或处理的方式我不能理解这句句子的意思。

    The manner in which a phrase is rendered or interpreted . I cannot get at the meaning of this sentence .

  29. 课文中一些造成学生理解困难的句子在教材后附录中的注释部分作了进一步的解释。

    Some sentences in the texts which cause students'comprehension difficulties are further explained in the notes of the appendix at the end of the textbook .

  30. 但由于隐喻的意义取决于词汇的创造性运用,且有赖于一定的想象力和具体的语境,这给准确理解英语隐喻句子造成了一定的困难。

    As its meaning depends on the creative use of the words , and the word usage depends on certain imagination and concrete language situations , it brings some difficulties to learners'understanding .