
  • 网络Wagon;volkswagen;Varinggen;Gudvangen;Band Wagon
  1. 这个例子,是彼得·范·,因瓦根提出的。

    This is an example that is due to Peter van Inwagen .

  2. 尽管瓦根霍夫在影片结尾提到西班牙房地产泡沫,但他总结出的最可叹的问题是各国的过度专业化。

    Although Mr Wagenhofer treats the Spanish housing bubble towards the end of his film , the most grievous problem he identifies is over-specialisation by country .

  3. 还有些人认为,范·,因瓦根说的没错,手表那个例子中,他说的没错

    For those people who say " Yeah , van Inwagen was right about the tower and the same thing will be true about the watch . "

  4. 当我想到塔积木塔这个案例时,我确实发现自己,赞同范·,因瓦根的观点,那座塔不是我儿子原先搭的那个

    When I think about the tower case , I do find myself inclined to say with " van Inwagen , that 's not the tower my son built . "

  5. 尽管瓦根霍夫所鄙视的全球资本主义确实误入歧途,尽管他肯定期待这一局面,但这并不意味着他明白全球资本主义为何误入歧途。

    Although the global capitalism Mr Wagenhofer despises went wrong , and although he certainly expected it to go wrong , that is not the same as saying he had any idea why it would go wrong .

  6. 所以范·,因瓦根总结道,如果你将拥有的物体拆开,再把所有的零件重组,你手上的并非,原来的那个物体。

    So van Inwagen concludes , if you have an object , and you take it apart , and then put them all back together again , you don 't have the very same object that you started out with .