
cí yáo
  • kiln;a chinaware kiln
瓷窑 [cí yáo]
  • [a chinaware kiln] 烧瓷器的窑

瓷窑[cí yáo]
  1. 居然有这么长的瓷窑啊!

    What a long kiln it was then !

  2. 今天的景德镇瓷窑就曾经是当时的皇家瓷窑。

    The currently famous Jindezhen kiln was once the imperial kiln in that period .

  3. 瓷窑粉煤灰制备活性炭的研究

    Activated carbon made from coal fly ash in a ceramic workshop

  4. 瓷窑烟尘利用途径的调研报告

    Investigation and Study Report on Ways Available to Dust from Porcelain Kilns

  5. 耀州窑是我国古代著名瓷窑。

    Yaozhou kiln is one of the famous ancient kilns .

  6. 其中主要的珍品是宋代五大瓷窑生产的文物。

    Among the major treasures are the artifacts produced by the top five porcelain kilns of the Song Dynasty .

  7. 定窑是唐宋时期的著名瓷窑,以烧造精美的白釉瓷器闻名于世。

    The Ding kiln was a renowned porcelain kiln of the Tang-Song period , famous for its fine white-glaze wares .

  8. 河南境内发现的北朝瓷器有青瓷、白瓷、黑瓷等,其窑口和产地主要有巩县铁匠炉瓷窑、洛阳“洛京窑”、安阳相州窑等。

    The porcelain of Bei dynasty discovered in Henan province consists of the celadon , the white and the black porcelain etc.

  9. 吉州窑是我国宋元时期江南地区一座举世闻名的综合性民营瓷窑。

    Jizhou kiln was a world-famous folk-run porcelain kiln in the south area of the Yangzi River in the Song and Yuan Dynasties .

  10. 其经改善的工艺和作为宫廷官窑的特殊地位,使汝瓷比其他4种瓷窑的瓷更稀有。

    Refined production methods and its special position as an imperial kiln made its wares rarer than those of the other four Song kilns .

  11. 社会经济的发展程度以及对于海外贸易所制定的政策,对外销瓷窑的发展来说相当于两个特定的有利历史条件。

    The degree of socio-economic development and the formulated overseas trade policy are two specific advantaged historical conditions for the development of Export Porcelain Kiln .

  12. 此外在中国东部的浙江省和西南部的云南省,也有烧制青花瓷器的瓷窑。

    Besides , there were kilns for the blue and white porcelain production in Zhejiang Province , east of China and Yunnan Province , southwest of China .

  13. 唐朝是中国陶瓷发展史上一个空前兴盛的时期,出现各种著名瓷窑.生产出各具特色的高质量陶瓷制品。

    The Tang dynasty marked a period in Chinese porcelain , when many famous kilns were set up and high-quality ceramics with distinctive features began to be produced .

  14. 第五部分,探讨临汝窑与周边主要窑口的关系,梳理了临汝窑青瓷的源流及其对周边瓷窑的影响。

    The fifth part studied relations of the Lin Ru between the major kilns and the neighboring , carding a temporary Ru kilns around the origin and its impact .

  15. 由于定窑的风靡与流行,其造型、装饰、烧造方法为各地瓷窑所仿效,北宋年间各地纷纷仿制定窑。

    Ding 's popular and popular because of their shape , decoration , Shaozao method to follow around the kilns , the Northern Song Dynasty Ding years of imitation everywhere .

  16. 17世纪瓷器进入欧洲,掀起了制瓷热潮,1709年德国麦森瓷窑揭开了硬质瓷器的秘密,为欧洲瓷器发展掀开了新的篇章。

    The porcelains had come into Europe in17th century and set off an upsurge . In1709 , Meissen kilns unlocked the secret of hard porcelain and opened a new world in the field of china .

  17. 摘要内容:建窑是宋代南方瓷窑之一,以烧造黑釉器著称,其烧造地点在今福建省建阳水吉镇。

    Constructs the kiln is south Song Dynasty one of porcelain kilns , burns makes the black enamel organ to be famous , its fever makes the place in now Fujian Province Jianyang water Ji Town .

  18. 福州地区瓷土、水和燃料等自然资源丰富,福州港的水运、政治和经济中心等社会条件优越,吸引着附近先进瓷窑技术的传入和制瓷业的发展。

    Fuzhou had a superior condition to attract the advanced technology and promote the ceramics industry which including rich natural resources such as China clay , water fuel , and dominance social conditions such as water transport , the political and economic center .

  19. 到宋代时,瓷器工艺步入了其成熟发展阶段,此时期,各地名窑林立,瓷苑百花争艳,出现了五大名窑,八大窑系,其中又以景德镇为中心的青白瓷窑系最为著名。

    In Song Dynasty , the porcelain craft got into its mature stage . During this period of time , five famous kilns and eight kilns series were created and formed . Among them , the plainer and kilns in Jingdezhen are the most famous .