
  1. 《甄嬛传》将通过iNDemand公司和时代华纳在康卡斯特(Comcast)电视台的付费频道首播,康卡斯特在北美拥有1.1亿观众。

    Empresses in the Palace will be first released in the pay-TV platforms in Comcast through In Demand and Time Warner , which cover 110 million users in North America .

  2. 郑晓龙仍是美版《甄嬛传》的总导演。前福克斯(Fox)电视台电视剧部门的主管,2012年获五项艾美奖的著名电视剧出品人丹妮尔·伍德罗也将加入制作团队。

    Well-known drama producer Danielle Woodrew , who formerly was in charge of Fox drama department and who received five Emmy awards in 2012 , are in the production team as well .

  3. 当然,无论在情节、细节以及情感方面,《FirstClass》都不可能像《甄嬛传》那样精密制作,但是这部总计不过10小时的电视剧却充满了正能量,刻画出每个角色与众不同的性格,折射出社会现实。

    Of course , First Class isn 't as elaborately produced as the long-running The Legend of Zhen Huan , in terms of its plot , details and emotions . But in only 10 hours , it delivers a story of passion , which draws out the fate of different characters and reflects the face of society .

  4. 新浪网报道,在法国戛纳举行的国际秋季电视节(Mipcom)影展上,《甄嬛传》电视剧和电视电影的英文版受到许多海外知名电视台的喜爱,得到许多媒体的关注,并且多家电视台表达其购买意愿。

    The English version of Empresses in the Palace , both drama and TV movie , was favored by many well-known overseas television stations in Mipcom in France , receiving strong attention from various media and achieving purchase intention with many television stations , Sina news reported on Monday .

  5. 电视电影版的《甄嬛传》是由美国一流制作团队制作编辑。

    The movie was edited and produced with American first-class production team .

  6. 但电视剧《甄嬛传》却令你去思考这些问题。

    But Legend of Zhen Huan , is a series that makes you think .

  7. 一些专家表示,《甄嬛传》之所以如此受到关注,是因为它是部从内到外制作精良的剧集。

    Some experts say it 's because it 's a well-made series from inside out .

  8. 电视剧《如懿传》被称作是之前宫廷剧《后宫甄嬛传》的后传。

    Ruyi 's Royal Love in the Palace is the sequel of Legend of Concubine Zhen Huan .

  9. 《后宫甄嬛传》人物对话中表达言外之意的例子比比皆是。

    Biography of Gong Zhen Huan expressed in the character dialog after the overtones of the examples abound .

  10. 从校园到写字楼,从购物中心到街头巷尾,到处都在谈论《甄嬛传》。

    From campuses to offices , from shopping malls to the streets , talk about Legend of Zhen Huan is everywhere .

  11. 在《甄嬛传》里,一些尖酸刻薄的对白成为亮点,一些台词更是成为该剧的标志。

    In Legend of Zhen Huan , the biting dialogue is a highlight , with some lines having become catchy symbols of the show .

  12. 这样一来,就不难理解为何人们甚至将《甄嬛传》视为职场新人生存指南了。

    Then it 's not hard to understand why the story of Zhen Huan is even seen as a survival guide for newcomers in the workplace .

  13. 本文就从语用的角度具体分析《后宫甄嬛传》人物对话中的言外之意。

    This paper , from a pragmatic point of view after the concrete analysis of the overtones in the biography of Gong Zhen Huan behind the dialog .

  14. 不同于其他的长篇剧集,这部76集的清代古装剧《甄嬛传》自播出以来一路火爆,不断有新观众加入追剧阵营。。

    Unlike other long TV series , Legend of Zhen Huan , the 76-episode Qing dynasty drama series , has kept attracting new audiences along the way .

  15. 继清朝古装剧《后宫甄嬛传》爆红之后,另一部国内热播电视剧集宣告剧终。

    After the sensation of Qing dynasty drama series Legend of Zhen Huan , another TV series that 's widely aired in China has come to an end .

  16. 第三章主要研究《后宫甄嬛传》人物对话中的言外之意是通过词汇、句子和修辞格等语言手段表现出来的。

    Biography of Gong Zhen Huan characters after chapter studies the unspoken message in the dialogue by means of language such as words , sentences , and rhetorical .

  17. 《甄嬛传》中这样的例子还有许多,尤其是遇到不同等级的称谓这一问题时。

    There are many such examples in Legend of Zhen Huan , especially when it comes to the stories that involve so many different titles in a hierarchical society .

  18. 在外国剧迷扎堆的专业亚洲影视综合论坛asianfanatics上,几乎找不到关于《甄嬛传》的讨论小组以及下载链接。

    On the website asianfanatics - a professional and comprehensive forum on Asian television shows where foreign audiences gather - discussions and downloads about Legend of Zhen Huan are few .

  19. 第四章着重分析影响《后宫甄嬛传》中言外之意实现的因素,主要有语境、语用推理和非语言特征。

    The fourth chapter focuses on factors that affect overtones in the charge of the Gong Zhen Huan after realization , there are contextual , pragmatic inference and non-linguistic features .

  20. 同时,许多播放过中文版《甄嬛传》的亚洲主流电视台也对英文版《甄嬛传》的电视剧和电视电影非常期待。

    At the same time , many Asian main stream TV stations which have shown the Chinese version before look forward to the English drama and TV movie as well .

  21. 该剧制片人曹平称,其实早在去年,《甄嬛传》就已登陆美国,但只是在当地几家华语电视台播出。

    Legend of Zhen Huan was actually already broadcast in the US last year , but was limited to some local Chinese language television stations , according to Cao Ping , producer of the opera .

  22. 《甄嬛传》由郑晓龙导演,孙俪、陈建斌等主演,播出之后被誉为近年来中国大陆最好的古装剧之一。

    Directed by Zheng Xiaolong and starring Sun Li and Chen Jianbin , " Legend of Zhen Huan " has been praised as one of the best historical dramas in the Chinese mainland in recent years .

  23. 经过超过一年的等待,中国热播历史剧《后宫甄嬛传》的英语版已经进入了最后的制作阶段。

    After more than a year , the hit Chinese period drama The Legend of Zhen Huan ( also known as Empresses in the Palace ) is in the final stage of its English version production .

  24. 2012年国内最火的电视剧毋庸置疑当属《甄嬛传》,该剧虚构了清朝年间妃嫔之间的权利斗争。

    The most popular Chinese TV opera series of 2012 would undoubtedly be Legend of Zhen Huan , which depicts a fictional power struggle between the concubines of an emperor during the Qing Dynasty ( 1644-1911 ) .

  25. 《甄嬛传》是一部根据描写雍正皇帝后宫中的女人的网络小说而改编的电视剧,该剧的英文版如今有望在国际播放。

    The English version of the palace drama , an adaptation of an Internet novel which tells the story of the women in Emperor Yong Zheng 's Harem , is expected to be released internationally this year .

  26. 而作为改编影视剧的成功范例《后宫甄嬛传》,它的成功也并非是偶然事件,除了该剧在宣传上采用多种营销手段外,更得益于它背后的产业化经营。

    As a successful example of adaptation TV drama " the biography of Zhen Huan ", its success is not accidental , in addition to the play by various means of marketing in the propaganda , industrialization behind it .

  27. 第二章首先从语用意义的角度来对《后宫甄嬛传》人物对话所表达的言外之意进行分类整理,具体阐述该剧中言外之意的类型。

    First of all from the point of view of pragmatic meaning in chapter II to the biography of Gong Zhen Huan behind the dialog after the express classification of overtones , specifically addressed the type of overtones in the film .

  28. 本文通过对古代礼仪礼俗文化的概述,结合电视剧《甄嬛传》中对礼的演绎,将礼文化分为礼仪、礼俗、礼乐、礼制。

    In this paper , through an overview of ancient etiquette etiquette and custom culture , combined with the TV series " enrollment biography " of " ritual " deduction ," Li " culture , custom , etiquette is etiquette , etiquette .

  29. 据新浪网报道,76集电视连续剧《甄嬛传》在过去的几个月里风靡整个中国大陆,其火爆程度可用“热播期间万人空巷争睹”来形容。

    The 76-episode drama series " Legend of Zhen Huan " has had sweeping popularity in the Chinese mainland over the past months , that " a whole town tunes in to watch when it airs on TV , " Sina.com reported .

  30. 76集的中文版《甄嬛传》将被改编成6集的迷你电视电影和13集的美版电视剧,重新制作电视配乐,中国电视明星孙俪补拍甄嬛晚年生活的镜头。

    Based on the 76-episode drama in the original Chinese version , the six-episode TV movie and 13-episode American drama reproduced the TV music and retook the shots of the life in old age of the main character Zhen Huan , presented by Chinese popular TV star Sun Li .