
  • 网络Castanopsis eyrei;Castanopsis eyeri
  1. 甜槠林是古田山自然保护区常绿阔叶林主要类型之一。

    Castanopsis eyrei forest was one of the main forest types in Gutianshan Nature reserve .

  2. 结果表明,甜槠林主要植物种群的空间分布均呈聚集分布。

    The result shows that the space distributions of main plant communities in Castanopsis eyrei forest all appear the aggregating distribution .

  3. 海拔800~1300m山地以温性针叶林、甜槠木荷林等为主;

    Castanopsis fargesii , at the altitude of 800 ~ 1300 m temperature-coniferous forest and Form .

  4. 而影响甜槠优势度的首要土壤营养元素为有机质、全氮、碱解氮、全磷。

    That influencing that of Castanopsis eyre were organic matter , total nitrogen , available nitrogen , total phosphorus .

  5. 采用定量分析方法,计测天然甜槠林主要乔木树种的生态位宽度、生态位相似比例和生态位重叠值。

    Quantitative analysis method was used to determine the niche breadth , the proportion of niche similarity and the niche overlap value of main arbor species of C.

  6. 结果表明,甜槠及其伴生树种的相对优势度分别为59.79%和40.21%,说明未来甜槠林仍由甜槠及其伴生树种共优组成,甜槠将支配整个群落。

    The result shows that when reaching balance , the relative dominance of the Castanopsis eyrei ( Champ . ) Tutch . and its associated species are 59.79 % and 40.21 % respectively .