
  • 网络Production team;produce cell
  1. 今天,这个生产小组超额完成了定额。

    The production group has overfulfilled the quota today .

  2. 一般来说施工图纸比设计图纸更详细,它用于向制造商生产小组人员解释部件的制作。

    It is drawn to explain the fabrication of the items to the manufacturer 's production crew .

  3. 与生产小组和其他部门协调生产活动,确保生产计划的实现。

    Coordinates the production activities within production teams and other departments to ensure the fulfilment of production plan .

  4. 生产核算专家小组会议计算机校核分组〔贸易署〕

    Production Accounts Expert Group Meeting Computer Verification Unit [ Trade Department ]

  5. 生产核算专家小组会议

    Production Accounts Expert Group Meeting

  6. 和机械工程师、生产与服务小组紧密的合作,为生产开发、测试和改进提供支持。

    Work closely with the mechanical engineers and manufacturing and service teams , and provide support to product development , test and continuous improvement .

  7. 一种新型生产组织方式&小组作业法

    Doing Homework DISCUSSION Cell Manufacturing-A New Method of Organizing Production

  8. 该模型将生产任务按照生产周期和交货时间分别分类,以生产周期和交货时间为二维约束条件,将生产任务分成小组,同一个小组的任务进行相似的生产计划编排。

    This model Categories production tasks according to the production cycle time and delivery time . When production tasks are divided into groups , the production cycle and the time of delivery are as two-dimensional constraint conditions . The production tasks in one group use the same production schedule .