
  • 网络productive investment
  1. 北京市农户生产性投资行为研究

    Study on Beijing 's Rural Households ' Productive Investment Behavior

  2. 采矿业和制造业的生产性投资多年来萎靡不振。

    Productive investment in mining and manufacturing has been hobbled for years .

  3. 追加资本后,EIB反倒可以可以利用更多资本去借贷,然后投资,以支持结构改革,从而向西班牙人和意大利人表明,他们的牺牲将吸引生产性投资。

    Instead , the EIB could use more capital to borrow and then invest to support structural reforms , showing Spaniards and Italians that their sacrifices will draw productive investments .

  4. 这些都是生产性投资。这点毋庸置疑。

    These are productive investments . There is no question .

  5. 但我们会进行我们的生产性投资。”

    but we 'll do our productive investments elsewhere . '

  6. 这将排挤生产性投资,并带来通胀恶兆。

    That will crowd out productive investment and bodes ill for inflation .

  7. 这可能影响欧元区所需的生产性投资。

    This is likely to militate against the productive investment the eurozone needs .

  8. 山西农户生产性投资行为的影响因素分析

    Analysis of the Influence Elements of Rural Household Productive Investment Behavior in Shanxi

  9. 但这些“存款”却因此被锁定在非生产性投资中,而且无法自由流通。

    But these savings are locked in unproductive investments and cannot circulate freely .

  10. 论我国企业对西欧生产性投资的路径选择

    On the Path Choice of Foreign Direct Investment by Chinese Firms to Western Europe

  11. 办大学是生产性投资;

    Running university is productive investment ;

  12. 他表示:我们需要一种将这种闲钱输送至生产性投资的机制。

    We need a mechanism to channel this idle money into productive investment , he says .

  13. 教育投资是开发人力资源的投资,是生产性投资,是比物质生产投资更具效益的投资。

    Education investment is an investment to develop the human resource and is more beneficial than material produce investment .

  14. 加强金融调控和监督可将激励机制从短期赌场资本主义转变为长期生产性投资,也会对此有所助益。

    Enhanced financial regulation and supervision that shift incentives from short-term casino capitalism to long-term productive investment will help .

  15. 需求推动中国必须保障能源供应,而向生物燃料的多元化发展则是一种生产性投资。

    However China is driven by its need to secure energy resources , and diversification into biofuels could be a productive investment .

  16. 以及公众对股票投资与实际投资收益预期的非一致性造成股票投资对生产性投资的“挤出效应”等。

    There is different expectation towards stock investment and real investment profit that causes the " press effect " of stock investment .

  17. 银行在国内的最重要职能是,引导储户的资金流向企业,用于投资,而只有生产性投资才能推动增长。

    Banks ' most important domestic function is to channel savers ' money to businesses for investment . Only productive investment generates growth .

  18. 多边投资担保机构成立于1988年,主要通过承保政治风险和其它投资促进业务鼓励在会员国之间,特别是向发展中国家进行生产性投资。

    MIGA was formed in 1988 , it insure overseas investment and promote overseas direct investment , especially for those investment in developing countries .

  19. 第二,银行通过将储蓄引导到生产性投资领域,在有效配置有限的金融资源方面起着关键的作用。

    Second , by cha eling savings to productive investments , banks play a key role in facilitating efficient allocation of scarce financial resources .

  20. 外资风险投资基金是外国投资者在我国投资设立的风险投资基金。与间接投资和一般的生产性投资不同,这种引进外资的方式还必须考虑风险投资的特殊性。

    Different from the indirect investment and general manufacturing investment , specialty of the venture capital should be taking into consideration for this form .

  21. 从20世纪80年代开始,与银行资产负债表的增长规模相比,吸收存款并发放贷款用于生产性投资的核心活动相形见绌。

    From the 1980s , banks grew their balance sheets to a size that dwarfed their core activities of deposit taking and lending for productive investment .

  22. 银行必须把很大一部分存款以15%的利率贷给生产性投资项目;这里可没有循循善诱的劝说。

    Banks are required to lend a substantial proportion of their deposit base at 15 per cent for productive investment : no pussy-footing about with persuasion here .

  23. 银行系统稳定性较高时,银行通过提供流动性保险增加了生产性投资和人力资本积累,从而促进了经济增长;

    If the level of BS stability is high , bank can increase investment and human capital accumulation and than accelerate economic growth by providing liquidity insurance .

  24. 破除国有企业在电信、石油、航空和其它受保护行业的寡头垄断将给民营资本提供生产性投资的新渠道。

    A breakup of the state oligopolies in telecommunications , petroleum , aviation and other protected sectors would provide private capital with new channels for productive investment .

  25. 基本上不受限制的银行业体系曾一度被视为将资金导向创造就业和繁荣的生产性投资领域的最有效方式。

    At one time a largely unfettered banking system was seen as providing the most efficient way to channel funds to productive investments that create jobs and prosperity .

  26. 银行必须把很大一部分存款以15%的利率贷给“生产性投资”项目;这里可没有循循善诱的劝说。

    Banks are required to lend a substantial proportion of their deposit base at 15 per cent for " productive investment " : no pussy-footing about with persuasion here .

  27. 格利和肖①(1955)强调金融因素在经济发展中的重要性,认为金融对经济的作用表现为将居民的储蓄转化为投资,从而有效地提升整个社会的生产性投资水平。

    Gayle and Shaw ( 1955 ) emphasized financial factors in the economic development , and thought that the role of finance was to transform the citizens ' savings into investment , thus effectively improved productive investment level of the whole society .

  28. 在对我国农户生产性投资与金融支持做出实证分析的基础上,讨论了我国农业机械化金融支持的制约因素,并总结了我国现行金融支持模式,最后得出相关结论和政策建议。

    After making the empirical analysis about the relationship between household productiveness investment and the financial support , discussing the factors of financial support restriction , and summarizing the pattern in our country , the research finally drew conclusions and gave the policy suggestions .

  29. 农业上市公司作为我国现阶段先进农业生产力的企业组织代表,具有扶持、帮助农户进行农业生产性投资、实现农业科技进步的巨大推动作用。

    Representing the advanced agricultural productivity in china , the listed Agricultural companies give a great drive not only to the support and help to the peasant household on carrying on agricultural productive investment , but to the realization of the agricultural scientific and technological progress .

  30. 教育投资是一种生产性投资,通过开发人力资源,来增加产品的科技含量、文化含量乃至于艺术含量,增加物质资本的边际生产率,直接引起国民生产总值的增长。

    Investment in education is a productive investment , through the development of human resources , to increase scientific and technological content of products , cultural content and even artistic content , increasing the marginal productivity of physical capital , a direct result of the gross national product growth .