
  • 网络The Ecological Marxism
  1. 非人类中心主义的困境与出路&来自生态学马克思主义的启示

    From the Perspectives of Ecological Marxism to Study the Plights of Non-anthropocentrism

  2. 当今研究需要理论的流派有许多,其中相当重要的一个是生态学马克思主义需要理论。

    The need theory of ecological Marxism is an important genre of the researches about need theories .

  3. 他的生态学马克思主义理论,具有重要的理论价值和现实意义。

    His ecology Marxism theory has the important theory value and the practical significance .

  4. 生态学马克思主义与我国的可持续发展

    Biology Marxism and Continuous Development of Our Country

  5. 生态学马克思主义是当代西方马克思主义理论的典型代表和主流思想。

    Ecological Marxism is the classic representative and mainstream of modern western Marxism theories .

  6. 生态学马克思主义视阈中的异化消费批判理论

    The critique theory of eco-Marxism from the visual threshold of " alien consumption "

  7. 生态学马克思主义流派自产生以来,一直把聚焦点对准资本主义的危机问题。

    Since its beginning , Eco-Marxism has focused on the issue of the capitalist crisis .

  8. 论生态学马克思主义的生态重建理论范式及其逻辑限度

    Probing into the theoretical frame of ecology reconstruction of ecological Marxism and its logic limitations

  9. 解读中国异化消费现状&西方生态学马克思主义理论的启示

    Interpretation of Alienation Consumption Situation in China & Inspiration from the Theory of Marxism of Ecology

  10. 安德瑞·高兹的“经济理性批判”理论是生态学马克思主义的重要内容。

    Andre Gorz 's theory of critique of economic reason is an important part of Eco-Marxism .

  11. 主要是从两个角度来展开的:一是对西方生态学马克思主义的影响。

    It deploys from two angles . The first is its influences on western ecology Marxism .

  12. 最后由对马克思主义生态伦理思想的初步形成,继承马克思主义经典作家衣钵的生态学马克思主义对马克思经典作家的生态伦理思想的推进和发展。

    The Marxist ecological ethics was preliminarily formed , and Marxist classical ecological ethics was promoted .

  13. 因此,生态学马克思主义在世界范围内产生了广泛的影响,越来越引起人们的关注。

    So the ecological Marxism has influenced widely , more and more people become to concern .

  14. 生态学马克思主义是当代西方马克思主义中最有影响的思潮之一。

    The Ecology of Marxism of contemporary Western Marxism in one of the most influential ideas .

  15. 对西方生态学马克思主义的剖析

    Analysis on West Ecological Marxism

  16. 生态学马克思主义的目的也是双重的,它要设计打破过度生产和过度消费控制的资本主义社会现状。

    It will design and broken excessive producing and socialism future when excessive consumption will be controlled .

  17. 生态学马克思主义是七十年代初以来形成的一个西方马克思主义的分支学派,他们力图从生态危机及由此而引发的生态革命中找到与马克思主义的结合点。

    Ecological Marxism , as a branch school of Western Marxism , has been become since 70 ' s.

  18. 马克思主义人学视野下消费问题研究生态学马克思主义异化消费论探要

    Marxist Perspective of Human Science Research on Consumer Issues Exploration on the Theory of Dissimilatory Consumption of Ecological Marxism

  19. 本文写作的立意是在生态伦理学的框架内阐释生态学马克思主义生态伦理观的主要内容。

    The aid of the article discusses Ecological ethics theory of Ecologial Marxism in the frame of Ecological ethics .

  20. 生态学马克思主义作为西方马克思主义的分支流派,它代表了西方马克思主义发展的新阶段。

    Ecological Marxism Western Marxism as a branch school , which represents Western Marxism a new stage of development .

  21. 《自然的理由》是美国当代社会生态学家詹姆斯·奥康纳研究生态学马克思主义的学术力作。

    " Reasons " in the United States of contemporary social ecologist James O'Connor ecology study of Marxist academic works .

  22. 西方生态学马克思主义者在批判资本主义制度,发展马克思主义的过程中,为我们提供了宝贵建议。

    Western Ecology Marxist critique of capitalism system , the process of development of Marxism provides us with valuable suggestions .

  23. 同时他也对生态学马克思主义的制度理想&生态学社会主义产生的可能性进行了深入的研究,并提出了自己的理论学说。

    He also studied the possibility of an ideal system of ecological Marxism-the ecology of socialism and proposed his own theories .

  24. 其理论不仅对后来的法兰克福学派而且对生态学马克思主义的创立产生了重要的影响。

    His theory created a significant impact on not only the Frankfurt School of Ecology but also the creation of Marxism .

  25. 在这众声喧哗的现代性批判大合唱中,生态学马克思主义的批判独树一帜。

    Among the great chorus with various voices of Modernity criticism , the criticism of Ecological Marxism has a unique style .

  26. 生态学马克思主义理论是西方马克思主义对当代全球问题和人类发展困境的哲学思索。

    The ecology Marxism theory is the philosophy soul in the field of contemporary global question and the human development predicament .

  27. 生态学马克思主义消费观体系由生态学马克思主义的适度消费理念、循环消费思想和均衡消费理想三个有机部分构成。

    It is including the Marxist view of consumption concept of moderate consumption , recycling consumer spending ideas and equilibrium consumption ideas .

  28. 然而,生态学马克思主义的一些观点对我们认识当代资本主义及构建社会主义和谐社会具有一定的借鉴意义。

    Anyway , some viewpoint of Marxism ecology have significance on our cognition of contemporary capitalism and building harmonious society of socialism .

  29. 由于他对未来生态社会主义提出了许多天才大胆的设想,所以他的生态学马克思主义具有浓厚的乌托邦色彩。

    Because he put forward many genius and bold proposals of the future ecological socialism , his ecology Marxism had strong Utopia color .

  30. 高兹的生态学马克思主义对资本主义生态危机的批判,最为激进、深刻、系统和全面。

    The criticism which Gorz ' ecology Marxism was directed against the capitalist eco-crisis was the most radical , deep , systematic and overall .