
  • 网络eco environmental investigation
  1. 遥感及GIS技术在城市生态环境调查中的应用

    Application of Remote Sensing and GIS Technology in Urban Eco-environment Investigation

  2. 户县秦岭山前冲积平原区生态环境调查

    Investigation for Ecological Condition in Alluvial Plain Area of Huxian County

  3. 天津港海域海洋生态环境调查初步研究

    Initial Investigation and Study on Marine Ecological Environment Around Tianjin Harbour

  4. 大田县自然生态环境调查与保护措施

    Investigation of Natural Ecological Environment and Its Protection Countermeasures in Datian Country

  5. 天津港南部海区海洋生态环境调查初步研究

    Investigation on Marine Ecological Environment of South Sea Area of Tianjin Harbour

  6. 江苏农田土壤生态环境调查与评价

    On investigation and appraisal of ecological environment of farmland soil in Jiangsu

  7. 高分辨率卫星影像在生态环境调查及生态功能区划分中的应用研究

    Application of High Resolution Satellite Image in Ecological Environment Investigation and Ecological Regionalization

  8. 汕头港生态环境调查和污染现状评价

    Ecological Environmental Survey and Assessment of the Present State of Pollution in Shantou Harbor

  9. 遥感数据在生态环境调查应用研究中的选用。

    The selection of the RS data sources in different scales ecosystem environment investigations .

  10. 长江口地区湿地生态环境调查与保护对策

    Wetland Bioecology Environment Research and Strategy

  11. 生态环境调查及动态变化分析,是进行生态环境评价、研究生态环境演变与科学调控、管理的基础。

    Eco-environmental investigation and dynamic analysis are the bases of eco-environmental ( evaluation ) and optimum control and scientific management .

  12. 本文着重报导利用遥感和环境信息技术对内蒙古伊盟地区进行首次生态环境调查,并取得了调查成果。

    In this paper , the first time ecological investigation of YiKeZao league in Inner Mongolia is introduced , and the final result is reported .

  13. 本文介绍了1996年冬季首次辽东湾生态环境调查中的海冰背景条件。

    This paper deals with the background conditions of the sea ice in the first ecological investigation in the winter of 1995 1996 in Liaodong Bay .

  14. 本文以2005年10月连云港近岸海域生态环境调查为基础,重点研究了近岸海洋工程所在海域的环境现状及多个近岸海洋工程对生态环境的影响。

    Based on a marine eco-environment investigation in Lianyungang coastal area on October , 2005 , this thesis mainly discusses the environment status quo and the effect of coastal multi-engineering on ecologic environment .

  15. 地质&生态环境调查除完成传统的基础地质调查任务外,还必须评价生态环境,应用当代高精度、数字化、深层次的观察手段,确保填图质量。

    Besides completing conventional fundamental geological investigation , the task of geological ecological mapping also includes the evaluation of ecological environment . It is necessary to use the current high precision , digitized and deep level observation means for ensuring mapping quality .

  16. 基于3S的吉林省西部生态环境的调查与研究

    Investigation and Research of the Ecological Environment Based on 3S in West Jilin Province

  17. 山东省地表水生态环境现状调查与评价

    Investigation and assessment of surface water eco-environment situation in Shandong Province

  18. 对伊春市政企合一体制下金融生态环境的调查报告

    The Investigation on the Financial Ecology Environment in Yichun City

  19. 生态环境地质调查在我国尚处于起步阶段。

    Geologic-ecologic environment surveying is in starting stage in China .

  20. 渔业生产与渔业生态环境的调查与分析

    Investigation and Analysis On Relationship between Fisheries Production and Fisheries Ecological Environment

  21. 滩涂养殖牡蛎死亡及生态环境效应调查研究

    Study on the mortality of beach culture oyster and the ecological environment effect

  22. 呼伦贝尔生态环境遥感调查和驱动力分析

    The Remote Sensing Investigation and Driving Force Analysis of Eco-environment in Hulun Buir

  23. 提前进行海洋生态环境现状调查有关问题探讨

    Discussion on a marine ecological status investigation in advance

  24. 生态环境地质调查进展与展望

    Eco-environmental geological survey : progress and prospects

  25. 生态环境样方调查主要是测算生态系统参数,掌握生态特征;

    Simple investigation of ecology environment calculates parameters of ecology system and gain ecology characteristics .

  26. 分布状态成层次性的区域。西部地区生态环境现状调查

    Stratified areas of the distribution . Investigation on the State of Eco-Environment in the West

  27. 松茸不同生态环境的调查液体发酵法培养松茸菌丝体的研究

    Study on method of liquid ferment to culture pine mushroom ( Tricholoma matsutake ) mycelium

  28. 对南方岩溶石山地区地下水资源及生态环境地质调查的一些意见

    Aspects on the new round land and resources survey in Karst rock desertification areas of South China

  29. 生态环境地质调查及其相应的生态地质环境评价是一个目前还处在不断探索之中的工程和科学问题。

    The eco-environmental and geological surveying and its relative assessment is also a engineering and science problem .

  30. 吉林省南部地区生态环境地质调查中土壤环境地球化学研究

    A Study of Soil Environment Geochemistry in Geological Investigation of Ecological Environment in the South Jilin Province