
  1. 加快铜仁地区生态茶产业发展的思考

    On Accelerating the Development of Tea Industry in Tongren Prefecture

  2. 构建闽北武夷生态茶产业经济圈

    Construction of Economic Rim of Wuyi Ecological Tea Industry in North FuJian

  3. 云南生态茶的化学成分

    Chemical constituents of ″ ecological tea ″ from Yunnan

  4. 与此同时进行产业集群的理论经济分析和现实基础分析论证,并对闽北武夷生态茶产业经济圈的结构、发展模式以及功能进行论述。

    Meanwhile , theoretical economic and realistic foundational analysis and reasoning of the industry cluster were conducted . The structure of Wuyi ecological tea industry rim in North Fujian , its development model and functions are elaborated in this paper .

  5. 临安生态旅游的茶文化开发研究

    Research on the development of tea culture in eco-tourism of Lin'an

  6. 其生态优越,茶生产、茶文化历史悠久,茶品质优异,是湖南产茶和旅游资源大县。

    For its advantageous enviroment , long history of tea production and tea culture , high-quality tea , it is the big county of tea production and tourism .

  7. 福建山地气候生态特征及其宜茶气候带的划分

    Hilly area 's climatic features and ecologically zoning for tea growing in Fujian Province

  8. 本文从旅游资源、发展模式、开发策略等方面讨论茶文化旅游中的生态观,探索茶文化旅游作为一种新的文化生态旅游的模式。

    Based on the tourism resources and the implemented models , the essay studies the new models that the tea culture tourism becomes an ecological one .

  9. 分析了蒙山茶业生态环境特征,指出目前传统茶区存在的弊病,提出在蒙山建立生态茶区的重要性及其具体措施。

    Based on the analysis of the characteristics of the ecological environment of the tea-planting in Meng mountains , the author points out the existing problems of the traditional tea areas and puts forward the importance of building the ecological tea areas and the countermeasures .

  10. 本文根据调查研究结果以及所查阅的文献资料,运用茶叶产业集群理论、生态经济、管理学等理论进行研究分析闽北武夷生态茶产业经济圈的构建。

    After investigation and referring to the documents , the information and figures were used in analysis with tea industry 's cluster theory and ecological economy theory , and the construction of Wuyi ecological tea industry economic rim in North Fujian was brought up .