
  • 网络Ecological Refugee
  1. 三江源生态难民是具有时代性、地域性的问题。

    Ecological refugee is a population problem in epoch and region .

  2. 本文从地理环境的角度综合分析了生态难民形成的原因。

    This paper focuses on ecological refugee , its development and formation causes which analyses all-round from the geographical environment angle .

  3. 世界第一批生态难民来自何方?

    Where do the first ecological refugees come from ?

  4. 生态难民,顾名思义可以简单描述为面对生态灾难,而被迫逃离的人。

    Ecological Refugees can be simply described as the ones who escape under duress since they encounter ecological disaster .

  5. 基于地理学对三江源生态难民形成机制的分析

    On the Formation Reasons of Eco-refugee from a Geography Perspective in the Source of Yellow River , Lancang River and Yangtze River

  6. 此外,对水资源统一管理严重缺位,流域内水资源分配不合理,导致下游的民勤绿洲严重缺水,荒漠化日益严重,部分地区出现大批的生态难民。

    In addition , the serious absence unified management of water resources and the irrational distribution of water resources in a certain watershed caused grave water shortage in the lower reaches of Minqin oasis .