
  • 【数】infinitesimal generator
  1. 这些区域中的每一个对应于一个生成元,而每个交叉点对应于一个关系子。

    To each of these domains there corresponds a generator and to each cross-over there corresponds a relator .

  2. Full环上正交群的生成元定理

    A theorem of generating elements of orthogonal groups over a full ring

  3. 举例说明C0半群的生成元不必是有界的;

    The generators of C_0-semigroups need not be bounded by an example ;

  4. C-半群的谱与其生成元谱之间的关系

    The relations between the spectrum of C-semigroups and the spectrum of its generator

  5. 给出任何C0半群的生成元的谱的构成;

    The constitution of the spectrum of the generator of any C_0-semigroup is obtained ;

  6. ~2B2(K)的生成元、关系式和覆盖(英文)

    Generators , Relations and Coverings of ~ 2B_2 ( K )

  7. 局部环R上一般线性群的生成元定理

    Generation theorem of general linear group over local ring R

  8. 倒向随机微分方程中生成元g的经济含义

    The Economic Meanings of Generators in Backward Stochastic Differential Equations

  9. 任意区间上的广义N范数与生成元

    Generalized N-Norm and N-Generator on Any Interval

  10. 一类半完全环的相对K2群的生成元

    Generators of relative K_2 groups of certain semiperfect rings

  11. φ-满射环上SPn(V,L~⊥)的生成元

    The Generators of SPn ( V , L1 ) over - surjective Rings

  12. 给出(特别是在自反空间时)一致有界C0半群的生成元是有界线性算子的充分条件;

    Some sufficient conditions are obtained under which the generators of unanimously bounded C_0-semigroups are bounded ( in particularly on reflexive spaces );

  13. 线性群GLn(V)的一个生成元定理的新证明

    A new proof of a generators theorem of linear group

  14. SU(N)群生成元的矩阵结构和群结构常数的计算

    The Matrix Structure of the Generators of SU ( N ) Group and Calculations of the Group Structure Constants

  15. 基于生成元方法的DSS模型库管理系统研究

    A Study of the Management System of Model Base on Generator in DSS

  16. 自旋规范理论中SU(3)群生成元的构成

    Construction of the generators of Su ( 3 ) group in the spin gauge field theory

  17. 关于Dirac约束理论中的规范生成元

    On the gauge generator in dirac 's theory of constrained system

  18. 非Lipschitz条件下的g-期望的生成元唯一性定理

    The uniqueness theorem of generators about g-expectation under non-Lipschitz condition

  19. 阿基米德COPULA生成元的复合构造研究

    Research on Composite Construction of Archimedean COPULA ' Generators

  20. 生成元为一般图形的线段障碍Voronoi图离散构造法

    On Voronoi diagram with limited linear barriers for general figures by discrete construction

  21. 动量表象下的Lorentz变换生成元

    The Generators of Lorentz Transformation in Momentum Space

  22. 本文首次给出了C-半群的预解集和谱的概念,得到了C-半群的谱与其生成元谱的一系列结果。

    In this paper , authors fist give the concepts of resolvent set and spectrum of C-semigroups , and obtain a series of results between the spectrum of C-semigroups and that of its generator .

  23. Markov积分算子半群的生成元稠定的充分必要条件是q-矩阵Q一致有界;

    We obtain that the generator of the Markov integrated semigroup is densely defined in l_ ∞ if and only if q-matrix Q is uniformly bounded .

  24. 利用Hilbert空间上C半群生成元的谱界,讨论了半群指数稳定性,得到一个充分条件。

    In this paper , the stability of a C-semigroup in Hilbert space is discussed with the spectrum of its generator , and a sufficient condition is obtained .

  25. 以群论的观点考察货郎担问题(TSP)的等价解.算子半群生成元的等价豫解特征

    In this paper the equivalent solutions of TSP was analyzed by using group theory . EQUIVALENT CHARACTERS OF GENERATORS OF OPERATOR SEMIGROUPS

  26. 主要讨论由容许比较函数所确定的整函数Hilbert空间E2(γ)的生成元,当α,β∈(?)

    In this paper , we study generators of the entire Hilbert spaces E2 (γ) which are determined by admissible comparison functions .

  27. 当R是满足一定条件的半完全环且I是R的给定分裂理想时,给出了K2(I)的生成元;

    If R is a semiperfect ring with certain conditions and I is a given split radical ideal of R , generators of K_2 ( I ) were given ;

  28. 讨论了极小非幂零群的正规Sylow子群P的换位子群P′,确定了换位子群P′的一个生成元集。

    The author discusses the commutator subgroup P ′ of the normal Sylow subgroup P of a minimal non-nilpotent group and determine a set of generate elements of the commutator subgroup P ′ .

  29. 本文通过对基础图论的研究给出平面内n个点关于它们之间的联线的若干组合结论,同时还给出对称群Sn关于它的生成元系的一个结论。

    Under the research of basic graph theories , the author concludes the numerous combinations of connective lines between n points in a plane , and makes a conclusion of the generation function of symmetric group Sn .

  30. 证明了C-半群生成元的强弱等价性及生成元有关的基本性质,并给出C-半群在抽象Cauchy问题中的应用。

    This paper proves the equivalence of strong and weak limits in definition of the generator of C-semigroups and some properties relative to the generator , and give their applications to abstract Cauchy problems .