
  • 网络Lifestyle;style;life style
  1. 生活型态对旅游消费的影响&以大学生为个案研究

    The Influence of Undergraduate Lifestyle on Domestic Travel Behavior

  2. 再次覆述:那些造成美国人民早逝的疾病,远远超过能够藉由改变饮食和生活型态而预防的病症。

    That bears repeating : The disease that accounts for more premature deaths and costs Americans more than any other illness is almost completely preventable simply by changing diet and lifestyle .

  3. 美国的生活型态,对其他国家也影响深远。

    America has inspired other nations by its way of life .

  4. 总体来看,队员们坐式生活型态时间变得更长。

    Overall , the crew also became more sedentary with time .

  5. 这个制度支配着中国人的整个生活型态,宣染着中国人的整个生活型态。

    This system determine and colors the entire Chinese pattern of life .

  6. 不同生活型态细分市场在国内旅游消费行为上存在部份差异。

    There are some marked differences in domestic travel behavior depends on market segments .

  7. 消费者生活型态对通讯营运商服务行销策略的影响研究

    The Study of Consumer Life Style Condition to Communication System Merchant 's Service Market Strategy Influence

  8. 基督信仰不是一个宗教,也不是一种哲理;乃是一份关系,一种生活型态。

    Christianity is not a religion or a philosophy , but a relationship and a lifestyle .

  9. 用生态足迹测验可以算出您的生活型态每天所造成的影响。

    Use the " Ecological Footprint Quiz " to calculate the effects of your daily lifestyle .

  10. 如果您的生活型态已相当永续,请不要对所得结果感到沮丧。

    If you already live a sustainable lifestyle , do not be discouraged by your results .

  11. 停经后女性,应积极藉由生活型态的调整与适当的运动训练作为介入,促进心血管健康。

    Physical activity and exercise training are needed to improve the cardiovascular health in postmenopausal women .

  12. 不过,整体而言,各种不同的证据都指向同一个结论:男人与女人的饮食一样,生活型态也一样。

    But overall , various lines of evidence suggest similar diets and lifestyles for women and men .

  13. 这种生活型态的核心是像耶稣一样地为别人设想,而不是为自己着想。

    The core of that lifestyle is thinking of others , as Jesus did , instead of ourselves .

  14. 生活型态和风险认知对体育彩票消费者购彩决策的影响

    Life Style and Perceived Risk Influence to the Sport Lottery Consumer 's Purchase Decision in Sport Lottery Industry

  15. 来科博馆参观的观众,休闲生活型态大多为偏好吸收知识的「资讯导向者」的民众;

    The pattern of leisure lifestyle of the audience visiting the NMNS was mainly the " information-orientationists " .

  16. 小组人员登上浓雾深锁的秦岭,以便进一步了解大熊猫复杂的生活型态。

    The team goes high into the misty Qinling Mountains in order to understand more about the giant pandas'complex lives .

  17. 生活型态与电子杂志用户使用行为关联研究生活型态对旅游消费的影响&以大学生为个案研究

    The Research of Relationship between Life Style and Use of E-magazine The Influence of Undergraduate Lifestyle on Domestic Travel Behavior

  18. 此三群消费者在蔬果摄取量和健康促进生活型态的表现有显著不同。

    There are significant differences in fruit and vegetable consumption and the health promotion life style existing between the clustered groups .

  19. 社会学家将香港的高自杀率归罪于工作狂热和金钱导向的生活型态,以及家庭功能失调。

    Sociologists have blamed Hong Kong 's workaholic , money-oriented lifestyle and its dysfunctional families for the city 's high rate of suicide ;

  20. 无论如何,当这些人在食物及生活型态改变后仍然便秘者,医师可能建议使用缓泻剂或灌肠。

    However , for those who have made diet and lifestyle changes and are still constipation , a doctor may recommend laxatives or enemas .

  21. 科技发展对他们的交往方式、生活型态和生命意识都带来了很大的影响。

    The development of science and technology has all brought the very tremendous influence on theirs contact way , the life state and life consciousness .

  22. 同时,小星系消耗较少周遭物质,使它们直到今天仍得以保持较有节制的生活型态。

    Also , the small galaxies may have consumed less of their surrounding material , allowing them to continue their more modest lifestyles to the present day .

  23. 以生活型态来细分市场,能够帮助企业更清楚地认识消费者的真实面貌,进而瞄准有效的目标市场,制定营销战略。

    To analyze the market according to the life styles can help the enterprises to aim at the target market and in turn make effective marketing strategies .

  24. 高收入及成就感形塑了重物欲的生活型态及价值观,也与帮派的连结更加紧密。

    High income from illegal activities part-taking and the sense of accomplishment shape the young gangsters'materialist life style and value system which push them even closer to the adult gangs .

  25. 由实证结果分析显示,可分为三群不同類型之区隔,其不同度假生活型态区隔在选择农场评估、游憩体验、旅游满意度等休闲消费行为呈现显著差異;

    From its realistic experiments , it proves that there are three clusters of leisure life styles , which show variations according to farm evaluation , recreation experience , and travel satisfaction .

  26. 檀香山库亚基尼医学中心获得150万美元补助金,研究夏威夷日裔美国男子长寿背后的基因、饮食和生活型态等。

    Kuakini medical center of Honolulu has won a $ 1.5 million grant to study the genetic , diet , and lifestyle factors behind the longevity enjoyed by hawaii 's Japanese-American men .

  27. 我把腐败的生活型态和行为理想化,我憎恶亲切、仁慈、人性尊严和亲密,反而利用、贬低并剥削女人。

    I idealized a lifestyle and behavior that were corrupt , I abhorred kindness , mercy , human dignity , and intimacy . Instead , I used , degraded , and exploited women .

  28. 本研究通过因子分析和聚类分析,将消费者聚类成三类不同科技生活型态的消费者并得到一些重要的结论。

    With factor analysis and cluster analysis , this research categorizes consumers into three different technological lifestyles and , by making comparative studies on consumers of different categories , it draws some important conclusions .

  29. 互联网的出现对于人类的生活型态与消费习惯产生前所未有的影响,连带对世界经济的发展也产生重大的影响,各种新兴的网络应用为企业带来更多的商机。

    The existence of the Internet bought unprecedented impact to human lifestyle and consumption habits , in turn causing major changes to global economy . The newly developed Internet applications presented more opportunities for entrepreneurs .

  30. 总之让「行看热闹,内行看门道」主要为彰显台湾人民生活型态及艺术样貌,唤起被遗忘的文化,能推向国际舞台。

    In short , allow " the inexperienced to see the appearance , and the experienced appreciate to the contents ", in order to manifest Taiwan people 's style of life and the features of art , further arouse the forgotten culture to push toward international stage .