
  • 网络Elegant Living;life home;Life
  1. 一个爱诗的生活家。来自宇宙,生于地球。曾获海内外多项诗奖。

    A lover of life and poetry , a citizen of the universe born on Earth , Yang Ping has won a number of prizes for poetry .

  2. 而对于我们这些凡夫俗子来说,最佳的人生境界也许不是别的,而是成为一个快乐的生活家。

    But for those of us ordinary people , an optimal state of life may not be the other , but to become a happy family life .

  3. 这样的人成不了生活家,但是他们的创造并非一般意义上的“工作”,那是发自内心的一种创作冲动。

    Such people can not live , but they create not a general sense of " work ", it is from the heart of a creative impulse .

  4. 如果让这样的人长期生活在家里,镇上的人会怎么想呢?

    What would people in town think of someone like that ?

  5. 小房子出乎意料地变成了一个更加适宜家庭生活的家。

    A smaller house unexpectedly turned out to be a more family-friendly house .

  6. 这里的生活和家里不一样。

    Life here is different from life at home .

  7. 让更多的欢笑声在我们共同生活的家中荡漾!

    Wish more laugh fill in our harmonious home !

  8. 郝伯特和詹姆斯兄弟二人一起生活,家中有一老母并养了一只猫叫埃德格。

    Two brothers , Herbert and James , lived with their mother and a cat named Edgar .

  9. 毕节市政府称大约五分之一的学龄儿童独自生活在家。

    The Bijie government said that about one-tenth of the city 's school-age children live in homes without parents .

  10. 菲沃玛美学生活实现家,让我们生活的更加舒适!

    As the implementor of Aesthetic life , we are devoted to building a more comfortable life for you .

  11. 孤独,是当你没有生活在家中的时候、当你在你的外在寻找成就的时候、当你失去了回家的方向、失去了走向你内心的方向的时候,所感受到的!

    Lonely you feel when you don 't live in your home * when you seek outside yourself fulfilment * when you loose the direction towards HOME , towards Your HEART !

  12. 2014年,与在自已家中和配偶或伴侣同住相比,18至34岁的成年人更有可能生活在父母家中,这是130多年来首次出现的情况。

    In 2014 , for the first time in more than 130 years , adults ages 18 to 34 were slightly more likely to be living in their parents ' home than they were to be living with a spouse or partner in their own household .

  13. 如今,她俩生活在我们家中的毫无保留的爱当中。

    Now they have both in the unconditional love of my family .

  14. 由文本到生活&论道家人生哲学在魏晋时期的实践和发展

    On the Practice and Development of Daoism on Life Philosophy in Wei-Jin Period

  15. 我们在一起幸福地生活,我们家有许多有趣的故事。

    We live together very haily and there are many interesting stories about my family .

  16. 在繁忙现代生活中在家中的花瓶放置鲜花,有着点缀平淡生活的用图,但花无百日鲜。

    Fresh flowers in a vase certainly help light up your dull and tasteless days .

  17. 《鼠鼠历险记》讲述洛迪鼠鼠生活在一家豪华的公寓里的故事经历。

    Flushed Away tells the story of Roddy , a rat living a luxurious life in a beautiful apartment .

  18. 普通百姓平常生活和在家附近则通常穿亮色调的服装。

    Lighter colored clothing was worn more frequently by the common people for everyday life and around the house use .

  19. 在世纪之交,数百万美国人一辈子都生活在自己家方圆50英里�

    Around the turn of the century , millions of Americans live their entire lives within 50 miles of their home .

  20. 那肯定是无数夫妻的故事,他们的生活方式有家一样的温馨。

    That must be the story of innumerable couples , and the pattern of life it offers has a homely grace .

  21. 他对同事毫无保留的、绝对的、完全的信任.如今,她俩生活在我们家中的毫无保留的爱当中。

    His total , absolute , complete reliance on his colleagues Now they have both in the unconditional love of my family .

  22. 她们很情绪化,不能将个人生活局限在家中,还过分热衷于在背后讨论她们的员工。

    They are hormonal , incapable of leaving their personal lives at home and only too happy to talk about their staff behind their backs .

  23. 在日益繁忙的生活里,家是一切的中心,生活美学也就相对的成为一位成功人士,对家的追求与品味。

    Home is the center of all in such a busy life where the aesthetics of living becomes the taste and pursuit for successful man everywhere .

  24. 在家不必支付租金,节省食物开支,这些开支包括生活用品、家里做的饭菜以及偶尔的外出消费。

    We don 't have to pay rent , and we save money on food , from groceries to home cooked meals to the occasional night out .

  25. 一些其他的记忆提供了一些他们开始分散我的思想证据,当我还是一个小孩,生活在一家孤儿院,小于3岁的时候。

    Some other reminiscences furnish some evidence that they began to dissociate my mind when I was a little child living in an orphanage being younger than three years old .

  26. 但有时,他告诫说,已成年子女继续生活在父母家里可能标志着,他们无法迈出成为真正的成年人所需的步伐。

    But in some cases , he cautioned , the grown children 's continued presence in the parental home can signal an inability to take the steps needed to become real adults .

  27. 她以她的才智和品德勤俭地维持着他们共同的家,过着富裕而没有浪费的生活。这个家的最轻微的回音不用说对她也都是音乐。

    Nor , how the lightest echo of their United home , directed by herself with such a wise and elegant thrift that it was more abundant than any waste , was music to her .

  28. 那是一首抗议歌曲,讲的是一个女人曾经富有而成功,但现在独自生活“不知家在何方,默默无闻,像一个滚石”。

    It is an angry song about a woman who was once rich and successful . But now she is , " with no direction home , like a complete unknown , like a rolling stone . "

  29. 结婚和组建家庭的时间都比前几代人晚的千禧一代,在2014年迎来了这个转折点。报告发现,当年32.1%的人生活在父母家里,相比之下只有31.6%的人和配偶或伴侣同住。

    Millennials , who have been slower than previous generations to marry and set up their own households , reached that milestone in 2014 , when 32.1 percent lived in a parent 's home , compared with 31.6 percent who lived with a spouse or a partner , the report found .

  30. 我们会过正常人的生活,我们一家。

    We 'll live a normal life , all of us .