
  1. 最后,利用聚乙烯颗粒分子模拟生物细胞分子进行测量。

    The polyethylene is used to simulate biological molecular .

  2. 电子在组织等效介质中的簇点能量分布及所致生物细胞分子损伤研究

    Research on cluster energy distribution of electrons in tissue equivalent material and its ' injury to organism cell molecules

  3. 在生物细胞分子的生长中,要通过信号传导通路来传导生长信号,而在这种信号传导中存在着一个复杂的传导网络,这使细胞生长受到各种外部因素和内部因素的影响。

    The control of cell growth is mediated by a complex network of signaling pathways responsive to external influences , such as growth factors , as well as internal controls and checks .

  4. 从分子水平来看,电离辐射对生物体的损伤主要是由于电离辐射引起了生物细胞内DNA分子的损伤。

    On a molecular level these effects to the organism are caused mainly by the damage induced by the ionizing radiation to the DNA of the living cell .

  5. 钙磷降解材料生物矿化的细胞分子生物学基础研究一株分解硅酸盐矿物芽孢杆菌的筛选及其生物学特性研究

    Molecular Cell Biological Study on the Mineralization of Biodegradable Calcium Phosphate Materials ; Isolation and Characterization of Silicate Mineral-Solubilizing Bacillus from Surfaces of Weathered Feldspar

  6. 另外普通单模光纤芯径约10微米,与很多生物细胞和大分子的尺度相当,使得光纤光镊仍然可以广泛应用于生命科学领域。

    In addition , a single mode fiber core diameter is about 10 microns , close to the scale of a lot of biological cells and macromolecules , it makes fiber optical tweezers can be widely used in the field of life sciences also .

  7. 应用生物素标记细胞膜分子、免疫沉淀及化学发光测定p140的Mr。

    Biotin labeling , immunoprecipitation and chemiluminescence were used for identification of Mr of this molecule .

  8. 它是当今生物领域中单细胞分子水平研究的热门工具。

    It is one of the hot tools on single cell - molecular level in biology field .

  9. 第1章综述了利用核磁共振方法来考察生物细胞内含磷小分子代谢物以及游离镁离子浓度的研究现状。

    Chapter one : The applications of NMR in studying free ions and phosphorous metabolism in biologic samples were reviewed .

  10. 光镊技术,又称光学捕获技术,它是利用光的辐射压力来捕获和操纵包括电介质颗粒、生物细胞及生物大分子在内的微小粒子的。

    Optical tweezers , also known as optical trapping . They are to utilize light radiation pressure to trap and manipulate micro-particles including dielectric spheres , cells and biological macro-molecules .

  11. 摘要代谢组学是对某一生物或细胞所有低分子量代谢产物进行定性和定量分析的一门新学科。

    Metabolomics is a new science and technology , which it refers to a holistic analytical approach to all the low molecular weight metabolites in an organism or a cell .

  12. 生物荧光成像是唯一能够获取生物活体组织细胞和分子水平信息的生物医学成像方法。

    Bioluminescence imaging is the only way to obtain biomedical imaging of biological tissues at cellular and molecular level .