
The polyethylene is used to simulate biological molecular .
Research on cluster energy distribution of electrons in tissue equivalent material and its ' injury to organism cell molecules
The control of cell growth is mediated by a complex network of signaling pathways responsive to external influences , such as growth factors , as well as internal controls and checks .
On a molecular level these effects to the organism are caused mainly by the damage induced by the ionizing radiation to the DNA of the living cell .
Molecular Cell Biological Study on the Mineralization of Biodegradable Calcium Phosphate Materials ; Isolation and Characterization of Silicate Mineral-Solubilizing Bacillus from Surfaces of Weathered Feldspar
In addition , a single mode fiber core diameter is about 10 microns , close to the scale of a lot of biological cells and macromolecules , it makes fiber optical tweezers can be widely used in the field of life sciences also .
Biotin labeling , immunoprecipitation and chemiluminescence were used for identification of Mr of this molecule .
It is one of the hot tools on single cell - molecular level in biology field .
Chapter one : The applications of NMR in studying free ions and phosphorous metabolism in biologic samples were reviewed .
Optical tweezers , also known as optical trapping . They are to utilize light radiation pressure to trap and manipulate micro-particles including dielectric spheres , cells and biological macro-molecules .
Metabolomics is a new science and technology , which it refers to a holistic analytical approach to all the low molecular weight metabolites in an organism or a cell .
Bioluminescence imaging is the only way to obtain biomedical imaging of biological tissues at cellular and molecular level .