
  1. 在19981999年试验的基础上,20002002年在刺槐小片林和林网内对综合生物防治技术进行科技攻关和实践应用研究。试验结果表明,Bt制剂的防治效果达到80%以上;

    Based on the tests from 1998 to 1999 , The application of integrated biological techniques in the small black locust forests and forest nets against Clania variegata was studied from 2000 to 2002.The result showed that the control ( effect ) of Bt was over 80 % ;

  2. 寒地水稻病害生物防治技术研究

    Research about using biotechnology to cure rice disease in cold field

  3. 储粮害虫生物防治技术研究现状与应用思考

    The research and applications of biological control for stored-grain insects

  4. 档案库房白蚁的生态与生物防治技术

    The Zoology and Biological Control Technique for the Termite in Archive Storeroom

  5. 农业面源污染及环境生物防治技术研究

    Study on Agriculture Non-point Source Pollution and Environment Biocontrol Technology

  6. 展望了农作物病虫害生物防治技术的发展前景。

    The future of bio-control technology of crops diseases and insect pests was prospected .

  7. 柑桔以螨治螨生物防治技术研究

    Study on biological control of mites in Citrus

  8. 烟草害虫生物防治技术的研究与应用进展

    Recent Advances in Biological Control of Tobacco Pests

  9. 规模化猪场大肠杆菌病生物防治技术研究

    Studies of Biological Prevention and Cure on the E.colibacillosis for the Scale Pig Farms

  10. 提出开展绿色储粮工程,应推广储粮害虫生物防治技术。

    Advance developed green stored grain project , we must popularize biological controlling of stored grain insects .

  11. 生物防治技术;

    Biological control techniques ;

  12. 档案有害生物防治技术效率高且方法多样;

    The file harmful biology preventing and controlling technology efficiency high , but also the method is diverse ;

  13. 开展农药筛选试验,大力推广新农药和生物防治技术;

    The selecting test of pesticide should be developed , and new pesticide and bio-controlling should be extended widely .

  14. 协调应用性引诱剂与农业、生物防治技术控制水稻二化螟试验示范三种天然植物化学物的抗诱变性研究

    Experimental Demonstration of Efficacy of Coordinated Application of Sex-Attractant and Agricultural , Biological Control Technology to Control Rice Stem Borer , Chilo suppressalis

  15. 塔山水库富营养化污染主要是由无序的网箱养鱼造成的,采取生物防治技术取得了较好的治理效果。

    The process and cause of breaking out of blue green algae in Tashan reservoir of drinking water is briefly introduced in this paper .

  16. 分析了河北省农林科学院棉花黄萎病,以及草莓、茄果类蔬菜重茬病、地下害虫一金龟子类幼虫等主要害虫的生物防治技术的研究现状。

    This paper analyzed status of bio-control technology on cotton Verticillium wilt , diseases of strawberry , and eggplant , and subterranean pests such as dung beetles .

  17. 在当今世界大力倡导可持续发展的大环境下,可持续发展思想及环保意识提高了生物防治技术的重要性,受到了国际社会的极大关注。

    In the sustainable development circumstance of the world , awareness of sustainable development and environmental protection improved the important bio-technology , which got the focus of the international society .

  18. 因此,蝗虫的生物防治技术应运而生,并日益受到重视。

    Thus biocontrol technology emerges as the time require , and is increasingly regarded . A pathogen strain HR-3 was isolated from naturally dead grasshoppers , it corresponded to S. marcescens .

  19. 随着天然林保护工程的启动,保护森林生态系统,防止环境污染,采用生物防治技术显得特别重要。

    With the starting of Protecting Project of Natural Forest , it is of great significance to protect the forest ecological system , fend off environmental pollution and adopt biological-control technology .

  20. 鉴于该地区水稻害虫种类的相对单一,一旦筛选到本地的优势天敌种类,容易推广以虫治虫的生物防治技术,进而有效控制水稻二化螟的发生和危害。

    Considering the relative simple of insect pest species in local agro-ecology system , the bio-control technology using natural enemies to control this pest is easy to be adopted as soon as the dominant species of natural enemies are screened .

  21. 通过示范应用YW-3NB型纳米灯诱杀器,对大面积推广应用物理防治法控制甜菜夜蛾的危害以及完善有害生物综合防治技术进行了探讨。

    The application of YW-3NB nanometre lamp to trap and kill the beet armywoum were studied , and its future extension as one of physical control method in IPM were discussed .

  22. 天水市小麦有害生物综合防治技术体系

    Technical system of IPM on Wheat in Tianshui

  23. 储藏物害虫生物性防治技术研究现状和展望

    Biological control measures for insect pests of stored products : current status and perspectives

  24. 阴极电流法是一种新型的水环境中金属构筑物生物污损防治技术,它兼具保护金属免遭海水腐蚀和防止海生物污损的优点。

    The cathode current technology is a new kind of antifouling method , which is both used to protect the metal from sea water corrosion and to prevent biofouling .

  25. 根据过去20年的文献,特别是根据刚出版的第七届国际储藏物保护会议的有关论文,评述了储藏物害虫生物性防治技术的研究现状,展望了将来的发展。

    This article gives a comprehensive view on the current research status and future perspectives of biological control measures of stored product insects , mainly based on the researches in the past twenty years , especially those presented at the 7th International Working Conference on Stored Products Protection .

  26. 小麦露天储藏有害生物及综合防治技术研究

    Study of pests and integrated pest control for wheat in outdoor storage

  27. 有害生物的综合防治技术。

    And ( h ) The integrated technique for control .

  28. 在松树的抗(感)病机理、线虫在树体内的活动与增殖规律、线虫与天牛的关系、生物防治以及新技术在研究中的应用等方面取得较大进展。

    The research progress of pine wood nematode in aspects of disease-resistant mechanism , pattern of activities and proliferation of the nematode in tree ( trunk ), the relationship between nematode and longicorn , biological control and application of the new technologies in the research fields were discussed .

  29. V·B草原毛虫生物防治剂的应用技术研究

    Studies on Applied Technique for control Grassland Caterpillar by V. B Biological Pesticide

  30. 植物病害生物防治菌的改良技术及产业化

    Genetic modification and industrialization of biocontrol microbes for plant pathogens