
shēng fān
  • savage;uncivilized nation;savage tribe
生番 [shēng fān]
  • [uncivilized nation;savage tribe] 旧时对未开化民族的轻蔑称呼

生番[shēng fān]
  1. 与其跟个烂醉的基督教徒同睡,不如跟个神志清醒的生番共榻。

    Better sleep with a sober cannibal than a drunken Christian .

  2. 还有食人生番比它们更加凶恶;

    And savage men more murd'rous still than they ;

  3. 可是,别以为旅客们在这个名城里只能看到一些标枪手。生番和乡下佬。

    But think not that this famous town has only harpooneers , cannibals , and bumpkins to show her visitors .

  4. 喂!船长咆哮道,如果你敢再在这船上耍花样,我就要弄死你,你这生番;

    Look you , roared the Captain , I 'll kill-e you , you cannibal , if you try any more of your tricks aboard here ;

  5. 他的血统里有高尚的血液….贵胄的品质,然而,我怕他在他那未受教育的少年时代所养成的生番习性已大大损害了他这种品质。

    There was excellent blood in his veins-royal stuff ; though sadly vitiated , I fear , by the cannibal propensity he nourished in his untutored youth .

  6. 你一边看,一边不禁直打寒颤,不知道是什么怪异的食人生番和野人才会用这样一种劈斧似的。

    You shuddered as you gazed , and wondered what monstrous cannibal and savage could ever have gone a death-harvesting with such a hacking , horrifying implement .

  7. 那个生番又咆哮起来,他那只烟斗斧挥得吓死人,热的烟屑四溅,我还以为我的衬衫都要烧着了。

    again growled the cannibal , while his horrid flourishings of the tomahawk scattered the hot tobacco ashes about me till I thought my linen would get on fire .

  8. 可是,尽管如此,时间一久,我对食人生番的担心逐渐消失了,更何况我确信自己没有被他们发现的危险。

    Time however , and the satisfaction I had , that I was in no danger of being discover 'd by these people , began to wear off my uneasiness about them ;