
  • 网络user space;user-space;userspace;userland
  1. 一种Linux用户空间下的快速伪随机数生成算法

    Fast algorithm for pseudo random number generation in Linux user space

  2. copytouser函数将数据块从内核复制到用户空间。

    The copy_to_user function copies a block of data from the kernel into user space .

  3. 您可以使用accessok宏来验证给定操作的用户空间指针。

    You use the access_ok macro to validate a user-space pointer for a given operation .

  4. copyfromuser函数将数据块从用户空间复制到内核缓冲区。

    The copy_from_user function copies a block of data from user space into a kernel buffer .

  5. 您也可以通过调用accessok来测试用户空间指针是否有效。

    You can also test whether a user-space pointer is valid through a call to access_ok .

  6. Linux中用户空间与内核空间的通信实现

    Realization of Communication of User Space Data with Kernel Space Data in Linux

  7. 由于从用户空间复制,该函数首先使用accessok检查缓冲区是否可读。

    As a copy from user space , this function first checks that the buffer is readable via access_ok .

  8. Linux系统调用接口提供了用户空间应用程序调用内核功能的方法。

    The Linux system call interface provides the means for user-space applications to invoke kernel functionality .

  9. Linux提供了一组API来在用户空间和内核空间之间移动数据。

    Linux provides a set of APIs to move data between user space and kernel space .

  10. 要在内核和用户空间移动一些简单类型(例如int或long类型),可以使用getuser和putuser轻松地实现。

    Moving simple types between the kernel and user-space ( such as ints or longs ) is accomplished easily with get_user and put_user .

  11. 然后,通过copyfromuser函数将ELF模块从用户空间读入到临时内存。

    The ELF module is then read from user space into the temporary memory using copy_from_user .

  12. 从这篇简短的文章,您可以看到用户空间中模拟Linux调度器的价值。

    From this short article , you can see the value in simulating the Linux scheduler in user space .

  13. 这个调用执行了很多个操作,所有操作都可以在用户空间执行,但是只有一个操作可以被非root用户执行。

    This single call implements a variety of actions that can all be performed from user space but only one action for non-root users .

  14. Linux内核提供了几个函数,可以用来将系统调用参数移动到用户空间中,或从中移出。

    The Linux kernel provides several functions that you can use to move system call arguments to and from user-space .

  15. 我们通过截获系统调用的方式,在用户空间完成了上述通信状态保存与恢复,实现了socket迁移。

    Socket migration in user space was realized by intercepting and revising corresponding system calls .

  16. 葡萄酒执行的WindowsAPI完全在用户空间,而不是作为一个内核模块在编写报告时。

    Wine implements the Windows API entirely in user-space , rather than as a kernel module at the time of writing .

  17. TAP驱动程序是一个到主机操作系统所管理的以太网设备的用户空间连接。

    The TAP driver is a user-space tap onto the Ethernet device managed by the host operating system .

  18. 剩下的所有内存(亦称用户空间)是由应用程序(包括DB2)使用的。

    Only whatever is left ( also called user space ) is free for application usage ( including DB2 ) .

  19. Linux内核提供了一个轻量级进程框架来创建线程;实际的线程在用户空间中实现。

    The Linux kernel provides a lightweight process framework for creating threads ; the actual thread implementation is in the user space .

  20. putuser函数将结果值放入presult所指定的用户空间位置。

    The put_user function places the result value into user-space at the location that presult specifies .

  21. 一种用户空间的VPN方案

    VPN Scheme of User Space

  22. 正如我们所知道的,该Linux分发版(distribution)的标准安装中包含了iptables用户空间工具。

    As we already know , the iptables userspace tool is available with the standard install of this Linux distribution .

  23. 还通过跟踪相应的代码路径和讨论相关的用户空间工具,了解到不同的无线设备如何在Linux中工作。

    You 've also learned how different wireless devices work with Linux by tracing corresponding code paths and discussing relevant user space tools .

  24. 这个脚本可以用来修改用户空间的参数,或根据CPU的变化来调用不同的应用程序。

    The script can be used to modify user space parameters or to invoke different applications based on the CPU change .

  25. 它隔离Linux调度器子系统并围绕它构建足够的内核环境,从而可以在用户空间内执行该模拟器。

    It isolates the Linux scheduler subsystem and builds enough of the kernel environment around it that it can be executed within user space .

  26. Linux还提供一些其他的方法,用于在内核和用户空间中移动数据。

    Linux provides a number of other methods that you can use for data movement , both in the kernel and in user space .

  27. Linux及其相关用户空间程序配有大量可以在各种环境下控制PC功耗所需的工具。

    Linux and its associated user space programs have many of the tools necessary to master your PC power consumption in a variety of contexts .

  28. 在配置DB2内存的使用时应记住,所有内存池应该能够纳入可寻址用户空间。

    When configuring DB2 memory usage , keep in mind that all the memory pools need to fit into the addressable user space .

  29. 本文提出并且实现了一种在用户空间为应用程序分配超级页面的方法,作为Linux操作系统中内存管理策略的补充。

    A super page allocating mechanics for user programs is implemented in this dissertation , as a supplement of the memory management subsystem in Linux OS .

  30. 在用户空间,通常使用进程这个术语,不过Linux实现并没有区分这两个概念(进程和线程)。

    In user space , the term process is typically used , though the Linux implementation does not separate the two concepts ( processes and threads ) .