
tián jiān ɡuán lǐ
  • field management
田间管理 [tián jiān guǎn lǐ]
  • [field management] 作物播种后到收获前在田里所进行的劳动,包括间苗、除草、松土、施肥、喷洒农药、浇水等

  1. 模型可以综合气象、土壤以及田间管理的影响。

    And model could integrate the weather , soil and field management .

  2. 加强田间管理,提高产品品质;

    Enhancing the field management to improve the product quality ;

  3. 结果表明,相同的气象条件和田间管理下,UV-B辐射增强处理对呼吸速率和N2O排放的季节变化模式无明显影响。

    Results indicated that the enhanced UV-B radiation did not change the seasonal pattern of respiration rate and N_2O emission .

  4. 由于受复杂的田间管理水平及内部小气候的影响,蔬菜保护地土壤CO2与N2O排放的季节变化规律均不如粮田土壤明显。

    Compared with the grain fields , the seasonal change extents were smaller for CO2 and N2O emission in the protected vegetables fields because of the complicated farmland management and inner microclimate .

  5. 通用土壤流失方程(USLE)中的植被覆盖与田间管理因子(C)是评价这种抑制作用的有效指标,并被广泛采用和深入研究。

    The vegetation cover and management factor ( C ) in the universal soil loss equation ( USLE ) is an index to evaluate this effect , which has been studied deeply and used widely .

  6. 基于当地土壤特性和田间管理的校正,DNDC模型为评价农田生态系统N2O的排放提供了强有力的工具。

    By modifying some parameters based on the local soil properties and management , the DNDC model could become a powerful tool for estimating N2O emission from agro-ecosystem .

  7. PS-2与PS-X水平间的平均产量差异较大,占总产量差(PS-1与PS-X水平之差)的81.4%,主要由田间管理差异造成;

    However the larger part of the yield gap between the bio-physical production potential and actual production ( 81.4 % ) exists between the PS-2 and PS-X levels and is largely caused by management factors .

  8. 田间管理措施对土壤硝态氮迁移影响研究进展

    Advances in Effects of Management Practices in Farmland on Nitrate-nitrogen Transport in Soil

  9. 6,田间管理方便。

    6 , The field managements were convenient .

  10. 不同田间管理方式对脱毒红薯产量的影响

    The Effect of Different Field Management Pattern on Yield of Sweet Potato with Virus-free

  11. 陇东紫花苜蓿现状调查及分析陇东紫花苜蓿的栽培与田间管理技术

    Longdong alfalfa Medicago sativa cultivation and management

  12. 田间管理水平也影响病害的发生和发展。

    The art of field management also influences the occurring and spreading of the disease .

  13. 这一点来自于精心挑选成熟度最完美的葡萄,和严格的田间管理。

    This was achieved by carefully selecting and managing the vineyards for perfect fruit ripening .

  14. 会议称,有关部门应加强田间管理和夏收夏种,强化技术服务。

    It says authorities should strengthen farmland management and summer harvest and sowing , technical services .

  15. 针对不同类型低温,提出了不同预报服务和田间管理措施。

    Aiming at different type of low temperature corresponded forecast-serve and field manage measures are raised .

  16. 精细农业是一种现代化农业理念,是指基于变量的一种田间管理手段。

    Precision agriculture is a concept of modern agriculture and a field management tool basic variation .

  17. 采用区域化和规范化棉花栽培技术,包括地膜覆盖和田间管理技术;

    Adopting regionalized and normalized culture techniques including the technique of polyethylene mulching and so forth ;

  18. 黄瓜的生长点是黄瓜田间管理中形态诊断的重要指标,由于该指标的模糊定义特点,一直没有相对准确的评价标准。

    The growth-point is an important index of conformation diagnostic for the cucumber management in the greenhouse .

  19. 无芒雀麦种子的繁殖分配在11.8%~15.8%,田间管理措施对繁殖分配没有显著的影响。

    Reproductive allocation of seeds of smooth bromegrass was 11.8-15.8 % . It was a constant usually .

  20. 田间管理对华北平原冬小麦产量土壤碳及温室气体排放的影响

    Field Managements Affect Yield , Soil Carbon , and Greenhouse Gases Emission of Winter Wheat in North China Plain

  21. 影响产量的主成分因子分别是土壤肥力、产量性状、田间管理,土壤酸碱,而且土壤肥力因子贡献率较大。

    The main factors influencing rice yield were soil fertility , yield characters , soil management and soil acidity .

  22. 从整地施肥、选种播种、田间管理、浇水、追肥、病虫害防治等方面介绍了出口山药的无公害标准化栽培技术。

    The outline and process of the standard cultivation technique of non-polluted yam were briefly introduced in this paper .

  23. 研究结果对根据气象条件加强田间管理、提高杂交稻制种质量有益。

    The results provided the references for enhancing quality of the hybrid rice seed production through strengthening the field management .

  24. 泽泻花苔培育与田间管理技术研究初报

    Original Report of Alisma Orientale ( Sam. ) Juzep . Flower Bolt Standardization Cultivating Technology and Field Planting Management Technology Research

  25. 栽培上应加强田间管理,促使其在生殖生长旺盛时期保持较高的现蕾、成铃强度,争取多现蕾、多结铃。

    Strengthen management to keep the power of boll setting in the bloom of growth , and try to set boll more .

  26. 提高苗木质量,培育大苗壮苗应加强这一关键时期的田间管理。

    The field management should strengthen in this key stage for improving the quality of seedling and cultivating big and robust seedling .

  27. 生产中应注意种薯的分级、种薯田的田间管理和收获贮藏、包装运输等过程。

    The seed potato gradation and field care of seed potato harvest , store and packing should be paid attention to production .

  28. 这样可以提高工作质量,节省人力资源,也便于进行田间管理。

    At the same time , it can improve the work quality , release the farmers needed and be convenient for farm managing .

  29. 结果:此种植方法、田间管理、病虫害防治、采收与加工方法等在青藏高原东部地区是可行的。

    Results : The standard cultivation techniques and the main prevention and control of plant diseases and elimination of pests were summed up .

  30. 若加强北移区小麦生长后期的田间管理,延长灌浆时间,提高粒重,产量可进一步提高。

    If management of growth later period was strengthened , extend grain filling period , raised kernel weight , yield may be raised again in Hexi .