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  1. 车上的甲士一般配备有青铜剑用于防身,在战车毁坏或敌人跃上战车时作贴身战斗。

    Jiashi car equipped with bronze swords used for general self-defense , jumped in the car or enemy tanks destroyed , when for close combat .

  2. 美国人在退伍甲士节这一天聚在一路纪念那些成千上万的曾经或者正服役于美国武装力量的汉子们和女人们。

    At Veterans Day events across the country , people in the United States gathered today to honor the millions of men and women who have served or are serving in the nation 's armed forces .

  3. 我不懂是什么缘故,使良多甲士更轻易堕入情网,大概这正象他们嗜爱喝酒一样,是由于伤害的糊口更必要欢娱的补偿。

    I know not how , but martial men are given to love : I think , it is but as they are given to wine ; for perils commonly ask to be paid in pleasures .