
  1. HPLC梯度洗脱法检查甲睾酮喷雾剂中的有关物质

    Determination of related substances in Methyltestosterone spray by HPLC gradient elution

  2. 场放大进样加压毛细管电泳-电喷雾质谱检测普萘洛尔与甲睾酮

    Determination of Propranolol and Methyltestosterone by Capillary Electrophoresis-Electrospray Mass Spectrometry Using Field Amplified Sample Injection

  3. 动物组织中人工合成性激素&19-去甲睾酮残留的GC-MS测定方法的研究

    The Study of Method for the Determination of 19 - nortestosterone Residues in Tissue by GC - MS

  4. 目的:观察合成同化甾体激素19去甲睾酮(NT)对性腺发育不良(hpg)小鼠的前列腺、精囊腺(SV)、附睾生长发育的影响,为用药的安全性提供实验依据。

    Objectives : To evaluate the effects of 19 nortestosterone ( NT ) on the growth and development of the ventral prostate ( VP ), epididymis , and seminal vesicles ( SV ) in hypogonadal ( hpg ) mice .

  5. 本研究选择19-去甲睾酮(19-nortestosterone,19-NT)为研究对象,研制了用于检测19-NT残留的竞争性胶体金免疫层析试纸条。

    In this paper , a colloidal gold lateral flow strip assay was developed for detecting the 19-nortestosterone ( 19-NT ) .

  6. 我们设计了一条合成路线,以甲基睾酮为起始原料,经双氧水环氧化、浓盐酸氯代、DDQ在C-1位选择性脱氢三步反应,以36%的总收率合成了脱氢氯甲睾酮。

    Using methyltestosterone as starting material , the target compound was obtained through four steps including oxidation by hydrogen peroxide , chlorination by concentrated hydrochloric acid , dehydrogenation by DDQ . The total yield is 36 % .

  7. 19-去甲睾酮对性腺发育不良小鼠附性腺生长的影响

    Effects of 19-nortestosterone on Sex Accessory Gland Growth in Hypogonadal Mice

  8. 食品中残留19-去甲睾酮免疫原的合成与鉴定

    Synthesis and Identification of Immunogen 19 - nortestosterone Residues in Foods

  9. 气相色谱-质谱法测定尿中去氢甲睾酮及其代谢物

    Gas Chromatographic-Mass Spectrometric Method for Determination of Metandienone and Its Metabolites in Urine

  10. 结论所建方法专属性强、灵敏度高,可作为监督检查中成药中掺入甲睾酮的有效办法。

    Conclusion The methods are specific and sensitive , and can be used to detect the illegal addition of methyltestosterone .

  11. 建立毛细管电泳一紫外检测法测定甲睾酮片荆和复方八维甲睾酮胶囊中的甲基睾酮含量的方法。

    A method was developed for the determination of methyltestosterone in methyltestosterone tablets and compound oc-tavitamins and methyltestosterone capsules by capillary electrophoresis .

  12. 结论:薄荷油和月桂氮卓芯酮体积比为6%~4%(v/v)时比使用单一促渗剂时对甲睾酮的乙醇溶液具有更佳的促渗作用。

    CONCLUSION The volume ratio of the peppermint oil and azone at 6 % - 4 % is better than others for methyltestosterone ethanol solution .

  13. 结果:大多数厂家的甲睾酮片按药典法预处理样品后绘制光谱图与标准光谱图存在差异,改进预处理方法后可得到与标准光谱图一致的光谱图。

    Result : Spectra of the majority of products are different from the standard spectrum , but the improved method can get the spectra identical with the standard spectrum .