
shēn ɡòu
  • subscribe;apply for purchasing
申购 [shēn gòu]
  • [ask to purchase] 申请购买

  1. 证券经营机构不得采用任何方式申购基金。

    The securities operating institutes shall not in any way subscribe the funds .

  2. 投资者可以申购固定价格的股票组合。

    Investors can apply for a package of shares at a set price

  3. putinanorderforsomething对…提出申购,putinfor是「申请」我已经订购了这件新娘礼服了。

    I 've already put in my order for the Wedding Dress .

  4. 对于IPO申购的平均收益,多因素模型可以解释35.3%的偏差。

    For IPO average return , the multifactor model can explain 35.3 % deviation at best .

  5. 在本文中,IPO申购的实际收益被定义为投资者扣除融资成本等成本后的净收益。

    IPO application real return is defined as the return of capital for investors net of cost .

  6. 他指出,每当有公司进行首次公开发行(IPO)时,申购新股的散户投资者数量平均仅为45万。

    He points out that the average number of retail investors subscribing to initial public offerings is only 450,000 .

  7. 总体而言,由于其较高的夏普比率以及与市场收益的低度相关性,IPO申购是一个很好的投资工具。

    In general , it is a good investment tool , for its high Sharp ratio and low correlation with market return .

  8. 场外代销机构直接将场外申购、赎回申报数据传送中国结算公司ta系统;

    Forthe curb selling Institute on a commission basis shall transmits all the subscription and redemption data to the CSDCC TA system directly ;

  9. 应通过降低交易费用,建立系统的ETF申购机制和统一的登记结算平台等途径,促进我国ETF的发展。

    Reduced transaction costs , builded mechanism system and unified register platform promote the development of ETF .

  10. 在此次IPO之前,市场已受到了冲击,由于投资者抛售了股票以参与中石油的申购,市场股价下跌。

    The stock market was already buffeted in the run-up to the IPO , with share prices falling as investors sold stock to enter the PetroChina lottery .

  11. 介绍了利用动态服务器网页(ASP)技术,建立基于网络的实验物资申购系统的技术和方法,以及系统的安全维护问题。

    This article introduced to the network system of applying and purchasing the experiment materials constructed by active server pages ( ASP ) technology and its security and maintenance .

  12. 对模型的分析表明,为规避IPO申购中的赢者诅咒问题和追求更高的期望抑价,机构投资者有隐藏真实需求的激励。

    Our analysis indicates that institutional investors have incentive to shade their demands in order to avoiding the " Winner 's Curse " and pursuing higher expected IPO underpricing .

  13. 通过回顾IPO方式变迁,分析了证券市场现行资金申购方式的利弊,提出了针对性的建议。

    Through reviewing the revolution of IPO mode , this paper analyzes the advantage and disadvantage of current fund subscription in securities market , and puts forward some corresponding suggestions .

  14. 央行多次上调存款准备金率,对中等规模银行的影响尤为明显。去年,由于储户取出存款,以参与大型首次公开发行(IPO)的申购,这些银行还遇到了储蓄流失的问题。

    The repeated increases to reserve requirements disproportionately affect mid-tier banks , which last year also suffered a cash drain as depositors withdrew money to subscribe to huge initial public offerings .

  15. 中远控股(CoscoHoldings)昨日在上海证交所首日交易中,股价上涨近一倍。此前,这家中国最大的船运集团规模20亿美元的首次公开发行(IPO)中,得到了创纪录的申购。

    Shares in Cosco Holdings nearly doubled on their first day of trading in Shanghai yesterday after China 's largest shipping group received record subscriptions for its $ 2bn offering .

  16. 上市价格被定在较低水平,这种操纵方式可以确保上市首日带来巨大刺激,使得一些在IPO之前申购中签的幸运投资者迅速成为大赢家。

    Listing prices were set low , a form of manipulation that ensured great excitement on an IPO 's opening day and made instant winners of investors lucky enough to have got shares in the pre-IPO ballot .

  17. 印度规模最大的首次公开发行(IPO)信实电力(ReliancePower)拟议中30亿美元的发行上周五扫清了最后一个法律障碍,预计此次IPO在本周开放申购时将引起投资者的巨大反响。

    India 's largest initial public offering , the planned $ 3bn listing of Reliance Power , is expected to receive a huge response from investors this week when it opens for subscription , with the IPO clearing its last legal hurdles on Friday .

  18. 首先,应用DEA方法计算各开放式基金年度投入、产出转化的相对效率得分,并考虑其对投资者净赎回、申购、赎回的影响。

    First , I applied DEA method and got conversion efficiency scores from annual inputs , outputs data of open-end funds , and considered the effects of relative performance of DEA on investors ' net redemption , purchase , redemption .

  19. 通过对现代物资申购作业的系统分析,在J2EE的B/S应用架构下,以Struts作为表现层框架、Hibernate作为数据持久层框架,设计了一个电子申购系统。

    Based on the system analysis of the process of applying and purchasing materials , an e-purchasing system is designed using Struts as the presentation layer framework and Hibernate as the data layer framework under J2EE B / S architecture .

  20. ETF是从上世纪九十年代迅速发展起来的一种指数基金。它可以在一级市场进行申购赎回,也可以在二级市场买卖。

    ETF is a kind of index fund that have been swiftly developing from the 1990s.It can be requested or redeemed in the primary market , also can be bought or sold in the secondary market .

  21. 结束这种爆炒,将把大部分散户投机者赶走:券商里昂证券(CLSA)的数据显示,首次公开发行的股票中,大约有一半(或者说散户申购到的70%)在上市第一天就被抛出。

    An end to such ramping will chase out most retail punters : roughly half of all IPO shares , or 70 per cent of those allotted to retail , are sold on day one , according to brokers CLSA .

  22. 应用门限面板模型考察基金FPR的非线性特征,发现基金净赎回与业绩凹形正相关,而申购、赎回与基金业绩凸性负相关。

    The nonlinear characteristics of the fund FPR were founded in the threshold panel model . The relationship between net redemption of the Fund and fund performance is convex and positive correlated , while the relationship between purchase or redemption and fund performance are concave and negatively correlated .

  23. 此次发行中,散户申购部分获得414倍的超额认购。

    The offering was 414 times subscribed in its retail portion .

  24. 你们有机会申购本公司的股票。

    You 'll have the opportunity to purchase shares in this company .

  25. 控制不住手痒,可以去申购新股啊!

    If you can 't , you may invest in new stocks .

  26. 中国开放式基金净申购率的实证研究

    Empirical Study on Net Purchase Rate of China Open-end Funds

  27. 开放式基金的申购和赎回给基金份额带来了不确定性。

    Open-end fund share purchase and redemption to the Fund has brought uncertainty .

  28. 我申购那家新公司的股票一千股。

    I subscribed for1000 shares in the new company .

  29. 基于网络的实验物资申购系统

    A Network System of Applying and Purchasing Experiment Materials

  30. 大额申购与赎回对指数基金跟踪误差产生明显影响。

    Big sum of purchase and redemption has obvious impact on the track error .