
diàn jī
  • electric shock;lightning stroke;telegraphic transfer;remit by telegram
电击 [diàn jī]
  • [electric shock;telegraphic transfer;remit by telegram] 触电被击

  • 遭电击身亡

电击[diàn jī]
  1. 当被电击者还连着电时,千万不要把水弄到电击伤口上。

    Never apply water to a burn from an electric shock while the casualty is still in contact with the electric current .

  2. 现在,电击训练和医疗正在帮助营救这些大鸟。

    Now , electric shock training and medical treatment are helping to rescue these big birds .

  3. 他像受到1000伏的电击似的猛跳起来。

    He jumped like a man who 'd been zapped with 1 000 volts .

  4. 公爵的女儿玛丽安娜在遭受了一次电击后失声了。

    Marianna , the duke 's daughter , became mute after a shock .

  5. 引进这种训练之前,放生的秃鹰中有66%死于电击。

    Before the training was introduced , 66 % of set-freed condors died of electrocution .

  6. 还有两个人跑去叫学校的护士,护士带来了一个除颤器,它是一种可以电击心脏的电子设备。

    Two more ran to get the school nurse , who brought a defibrillator , an electronic devices that can shock the heart back into work .

  7. 放置在大型训练区域的高大的电线杆能通过痛苦但不致命的电击教鸟儿远离电线。

    Tall poles , placed in large training areas , teach the birds to stay clear of electrical lines by giving them a painful but undeadly electric shock .

  8. 一名男学生在遭受2.5万伏的电击后奇迹般地活了下来。

    A schoolboy miraculously survived a 25 000-volt electric shock .

  9. 针刺的,也许。动物的咬伤。某种电击

    SCULLY : Needle punctures , maybe . An animal bite . Electrocution of some kind .

  10. 他的嘴和身体被用胶带捆起来,最后被电击才消停了。

    He was wrapped with tape around his mouth and body and was eventually charged with battery .

  11. 空间电荷对PE薄膜电击穿的影响

    The Effect of Space Charge on the Electrical Breakdown in PE Films

  12. 结果:脑智通胶囊可减少穿梭箱实验大鼠电击次数、电击时间,同时提高脑组织SOD的活力。

    Results of shuttle test and the activities of SOD in the cerebral issues were studied .

  13. SF6/N2-高分子薄膜复合绝缘电击穿特性的试验研究

    Experimental Study on Electric Breakdown Behaviour of SF 6 / N 2-Polymer Film Composite Insulation

  14. 接受电击的大鼠肝脏MT含量显著增加(P<0.01),补锌后增加更明显。

    The contents of MT in liver were markedly increased when given shock stimulation ( P < 0.01 ) and were further increased after zinc supplementation .

  15. 运用电镜,对一次性电击引起大鼠脑内GrayⅠ型突触界面某些结构的变化进行了定量观察。

    The changes of some parameters of Gray ⅰ type synaptic interface in the brain of rats treated with one trial electric shock have been quantitatively analyzed with electronic microscopy .

  16. 电击除颤是最有效的治疗室颤(VF)的方法。

    Electrical defibrillation is the most effective method to treat the ventricular fibrillation ( VF ) .

  17. 用交流电经右心室心内膜电击诱导大鼠和小鼠发生室颤是目前建立CA动物模型的主要方法。

    Ventricular fibrillation is induced by alternating current delivered to right ventricular endocardium , which is the primary technique of establishment of animal model of CA in rat and in mouse currently .

  18. PSZ对超细晶铁电陶瓷电击穿的影响

    Influence of PSZ on Electric Breakdown of Ultrafine Ferroelectric Ceramics

  19. 应用免疫细胞化学PAP漂浮法研究了电击足底、寒冷和烫伤条件下大鼠下丘脑强啡肽B(DynorphinB,DynB)神经元的变化。

    With the immunocytochemical PAP-floating method we studied the effects of foot-shock , cold and scalding on Dynorphin B ( Dyn B ) neurons in the rat hypothalamus .

  20. 实验结果显示,对照组和假CPB组大鼠仅分别实验3.25次和3.72次,电击回避反应即达到学会标准。

    The results showed : contrast group and sham CPB group were only tested for 3.25 times and 3.72 times respectively to learn avoiding electric shocks ;

  21. 测试了样品的I-V特性、电击穿特性、电容特性和光照下电流的变化。最后,对薄膜磁性能进行了测量,得到了较好的结果。

    Its characteristics are measured . At last , the magnetic properties of the films were measured , with the result being satisfactory .

  22. 本文研究中间退火处理对薄SiO2膜电击穿特性和高频电容-电压特性的影响。

    In this paper the effects of intermediate annealing process on electrical breakdown properties and hight frequency capacitance - voltage characteristics of thin oxide films are studied .

  23. 阻断后5分钟内,有4只猫发生自发性心室纤颤(VF),需电击除颤。

    Within 5 minutes after LAD occulsion , spontaneous ventricular fibrillation ( VF ) developed and electric shock was needed in 4 cats .

  24. 同时,发现电击后的细胞必需在高渗培养基中才能存活,电击后2~3h的复苏表达期和用亚抑制抗生素浓度选择转化子,这些对电转化成功以及提高转化效率都是十分关键的。

    A post pulse recovery time of 2 ~ 3h and the use of sub inhibitory concentrations of antibiotics in the selective plates were very critical for electrotransformation .

  25. 采用足底电击结合噪音制做大鼠应激模型,以免疫组织化学ABC法研究了大鼠脑内c-fos癌基因蛋白(FOS)在慢性应激过程中的表达情况。

    The experiments were performed on animal model of stress with repetitive eletric foot shock . The expressions of FOS in brain of rats were tested with ABC method of immunohistochemistry .

  26. Keithley产品的操作者必须防止电击危险。

    Operators of Keithley products must be protected from electric shock at all times .

  27. 当警察赶到时,警告Weston马上趴在地上,不然就电击制伏。

    When the police arrived , they told Weston that if he didn 't get on ground they would tase him .

  28. 他不会对我进行电击治疗或是lobotomy吧?

    He 's not gonna perform shock therapy or a lobotomy , is he ?

  29. 长期电击使大鼠肝微粒体混合机能氧化酶(MFO)活力明显下降(1.03±0.10μg甲醛/mg蛋白/20min,(?)

    Activity of mixed functional oxidases in liver microsomes was significantly inhibited by long-term electric shock ( 1.03 + 0.10 μ g formaldehyde / mg protein / 20 min , (?)

  30. 结果针刺VD大鼠的百会大椎穴,可明显减少VD大鼠在穿梭箱实验中的电击次数和电击时间,脑内GSH-PX及CAT活力增强。

    Results Needling points Baihui and Dazhui markedly decreased the number and time of electric shock to a VD rat in a running box experiment and increased the activity of GSH PX and CAT .