
  • 网络Electric motorcycle;electric scooter;e-scooter;E-SCUTTER
  1. 印度企业马欣德拉(Mahindra&Mahindra)并没有利用亚洲工厂里的低成本劳动力组装其新产品——GenZe电动摩托车——并出口到美国,而是选择打造一款“全美国产品”。

    Instead of assembling the product - the new GenZe electric scooter - with low-cost factory labour in Asia and exporting it to the US , India 's Mahindra & Mahindra has opted for what it calls an " all-American product . "

  2. 所以,打个比方,我们会在加州孵化我们的电动摩托车。

    So , for example , we incubated our electric scooter in California .

  3. 基于DSP电动摩托车用三相变压变频转换器

    Research on three-phase variable voltage variable frequency converter based on DSP for electrical motorcycle

  4. 他们正开发一切产品,从最新的电动摩托车、到价格适中的3D打印机、再到可穿戴健康监测设备。

    Between them they are developing everything from the latest electrically powered scooter to moderately priced 3D printers and wearable health monitors .

  5. 采用PWM复合控制的电动摩托车电动控制策略的研究与实践

    The Research and Practice of control tactics of the electric operation of electric motorcycle based on Switch Reluctance Driver which adopted the complex PWM control

  6. 旧金山特派团汽车推出基于这一下巴下降,面临着融化电动摩托车昨天在2009年TED会议。

    San Francisco based Mission Motors unveiled this jaw dropping , face melting Electric Motorcycle yesterday at the2009 TED conference .

  7. 易维特(EVT)电动摩托车在德获比赛冠军

    EVT Electric Motorcycle Winning the Champion in a Contest in Germany

  8. 性能优异的EVT电动摩托车及市场

    The EVT Electric Motorcycle with Excellent Performance and Its Market

  9. SRD电动摩托车再生制动控制策略的研究与实践

    The Research and Practice of the Regenerating Brake Control Tactics of System of Electric Motorcycle Based on SRD

  10. 本文对电动摩托车的总体设计进行了研究,并针对电动摩托车的特点提出了一种开关磁阻电机驱动系统(SRD)方案。

    This study is aimed at developing the general design of electric motorcycle ( EM ) . A novel drive system for electric motorcycle in switching reluctance motor is presented .

  11. 以实践为基础,提出了一套适用于采用开关磁阻电动机(SRD)的电动摩托车电动运行的控制策略,同时对在电动运行中,控制系数对系统的影响进行了仿真分析和优化。

    Based on practice , this paper presents the tactics of electric operation of the electric motorcycle based on SRD . Besides , the effects of control parameters on the operation of electric systems is analyzed by simulation and optimization .

  12. 电动摩托车车身造型设计与有限元分析摩托车前后轮联动制动系统的设计计算

    The Electric Motorcycle Body Style Design and Finite Element Analysis

  13. 电动摩托车用开关磁阻电机控制策略研究

    Study of Control Strategy Switched Reluctance Motor Used in Motorcycle

  14. 电动摩托车动力性与经济性计算(2)

    Calculation of Dynamic Property and Economy of Electric Motorcycle ( 2 )

  15. 建立电动摩托车标准体系的设想

    A Plan of Establishing the Electric Motorcycle Standard System

  16. 三角波驱动的电动摩托车控制系统

    Triangle - wave - driving Motorcycle Controlling System

  17. 电动摩托车控制系统的研究

    Research on the Control System of Electrical Motorcycle

  18. 我们过去在印度的电动摩托车的经验还是很有用的。

    Our past experience with Electric scooters in India leaves much to be desired .

  19. 电动摩托车设计及实验研究

    Design and experiment research of electric motorcycle

  20. 电动摩托车的一种控制系统

    A Control System of Electrically Driven Motorcycle

  21. 电动摩托车功率匹配的研究

    Research of Electric Motorcycle Power Matching

  22. 电动摩托车的发展趋势

    Development Trend of Electric Motorcycle

  23. 随着电动摩托车产业的快速发展,对高性能驱动电机的需求越来越迫切。

    With the development of electric motorcycle industry , the demand for high-performance drive motor is growing .

  24. 很快,新日公司也开始建造一个年生产量可达500万辆的电动摩托车和电动自行车的工业园区。

    Shortly before that , Xinri started building an industrial park capable of producing five million electric scooters and bicycles per year .

  25. 代驾们在大城市里骑着迷你自行车和电动摩托车,为那些喝了酒,需要他们开车回家的人提供服务。

    Designated drivers for hire ride mini-bikes and electric scooters around big cities to people who drink and need them to drive their car home .

  26. 永磁无刷电机能量回馈制动是电动摩托车用永磁无刷电机的核心技术之一。

    Regenerative braking technology of permanent magnet brushless DC motor is one of the core technology of electric motorcycles whose drive system use brushless DC motor .

  27. 实验表明,本控制系统动态性能好,能够完全满足电动摩托车的性能要求。

    Experiments show that the control system has a good dynamic performance , and that the controller can completely meet the performance requirements of electric motorcycles .

  28. 通过对电动摩托车行驶时各种阻力的分析,确定了其核心部件&电动机匹配的参数,并验证了其可行性。

    Through the analysis of various resistance of electric motorcycle when driving , its key part-the matching parameter of motor , is confirmed and its feasibility is verified .

  29. 邢福山(音)在北京郊区销售电动摩托车,他对高级金融所知不多,但对中国购买深陷危机的欧洲国家的国债很有意见。

    Xing Fushan sells electric scooters in the suburbs of Beijing and understands little about high finance but has strong opinions about Chinese purchases of bonds issued by crisis-hit European countries .

  30. 造型设计的车身壳体美观大方,增加了驾驶电动摩托车的安全性和舒适性,为今后的电动摩托车车身造型设计提供理论基础和参考。

    The body shell was designed aethetic and elegant , increasing the safety and comfort of driving the electric motorcycle , and provide the theoretical basis and reference of body model design of the electric motorcycle in the future .