
  1. 电厂净化站排出的泥水加入高分子聚丙烯酰胺(PAM)絮凝剂后,改变了泥沙颗粒的自然沉速。

    In order to increase the falling velocity of sediment particles in the muddy water discharged from a clarification station of a coal-fired power station , polyacrylamide ( PAM ) was added into the muddy water .

  2. 水(力发)电厂[站]火力发电厂水务管理现状及节水对策

    Present Situation of Water Management in Thermal Power Plants and Countermeasures of Water Saving

  3. 系统分为集团主站系统和电厂子站系统2部分。

    The system consists of two subsystems .

  4. 水(力发)电厂[站]抽水蓄能式水力发电厂

    Pumped-storage hydro-electric power station

  5. 水(力发)电厂[站]郁江西津水库泥沙淤积对南宁电厂取水口的影响研究

    Study on How Sediment Deposition of Xinjin Reservoir on the Yujiang River Affects Water Intake of Nanning Power Plant

  6. 神头二电厂500kV升压站线路断路器取消合闸电阻可行性论证分析

    Feasibility of 500 kV Voltage step-up Station Line Breaker Remove Switch-on Resistance

  7. 电厂污水处理站处理后清水的再利用研究

    Recycle Research on the Water from The Waste Water Disposal Station of Power Plant

  8. 武乡和信电厂取水泵站进水渠石方控制爆破设计施工

    Design and Construction of Excavating Stone Intake Canal by Controlled Blasting in Water Pumping Station of Hexin Power Station of Wuxiang County

  9. 在电厂、水泵站及钢铁工业中,风机、水泵类拖动系统每年要消耗大量电能。

    Drive systems for pumps and blowers consume huge amount of electric energy in power plant , pump station and steel industry as well .

  10. 大型电厂的升压站,在电力系统中的地位非常重要,直接影响系统的安全可靠运行。

    The substation of large power plants is very important in the power system . It directly affects the safety and reliability of system operation .

  11. 部署在各个电厂的子站系统主要完成市场信息和电厂运行信息以及电厂各机组的成本分析、竞价决策、交易管理和结算管理。

    The other is deployed at power plants , and its main functions include information collection of electricity market and power plant operation , cost analysis , bidding decision-making and settlement management .

  12. 双膜法在邯钢新区电厂脱盐水站的应用电渗析法连续脱除醇胺溶液中的热稳态盐

    The application of ultrafiltration and reverse osmosis on the desalination station of power plant , Handan Steel Group Co. , Ltd. Continuous Removal of Heat Stable Salts in Methyldiethanolamine Solution by Homogenous Membrane Electrodialysis

  13. 电力电缆在大中型电厂、变压站及使用大型电力设备的工矿企业中应用十分广泛,实现电缆的安全、可靠稳定运行对保证企业的安全性和经济性具有十分重要的意义。

    Power cables is widely used in electric power plant , transformer station and mining enterprises equipped with large electrical power . Realization of the cable safety and stable operation has vital significance to ensure the safety and economic of enterprise .

  14. 某电厂改造工程转运站墙体的缺陷分析及处理措施

    Analysis on Defects of Transfer Station Walls in a Power Plant Renovation Project and Their Treatment

  15. 燃机联合循环电厂天然气增压站的组成与功能分析

    The constitution and function of natural gas booster station in gas turbine combination cycle power plant